The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 91: Admission test (3)

More than twenty teenagers immediately followed.

The venue of the Trial Hall is not small. A Trial Hall can hold more than one hundred people at a time. There were also five groups of students who entered with Shen Yanxiao. They were taken to several already-divided venues for testing.

Shen Yanxiao was taken to a row of tables with various utensils.

“Now, I will demonstrate the method of sober medicament, you must be confident to see clearly.” Said the facial paralysis teacher, immediately began to operate the refining tool in front of him, crystal clear crystal bottle at his fingertips. Waste, a strain of medicinal herbs was quickly refined into a half-green bottle of green potion, which was processed step by step. More than 20 freshmen stared at the teacher’s every move, fearing to miss a little bit.

A few minutes later, a perfect sober potion appeared in their eyes.

“Now you have 30 minutes to operate. After 30 minutes, qualified people stay and unqualified people leave Saint Laurent College immediately.” The tutor’s deep voice sounded.

More than twenty freshmen were shocked immediately.

It’s just a joke to let their group of people make their own sober potions in one drill. Although the sober medicament is the easiest of all medicaments, for these new students who are not even pharmacist apprentices, it is simply suffering.

But everyone knows that the assessment of Saint Laurent College has always been abnormal, and they dare not have any rebuttal. They can only try their luck with memory.

The mentor’s voice just dropped, and more than twenty freshmen immediately stood up before a pile of refining appliances.

The already of a strain of medicinal herbs is set aside, and they only need to follow the instructions of the instructor.

The ideal is full and the reality is skinny.

A demonstration is not enough for them to remember every detail. Most people make huge mistakes in successive operations. But in order to enter the pharmacist branch, they can only do it bit by bit. Anyway, everyone’s level is similar. No matter what is wrong, just continue to complete it according to the mentor’s words, even if you do not succeed, but others are not so good, as long as you do better than others, they do not believe They can kick out more than 20 of them at once.

Rhode stood aside, watching a group of freshmen toss and toss, and his frowns frowned even deeper. already Efforts to see clearly the operation of other people, but actually do not look terrible.

Suddenly, Rhodes found an interesting situation.

While all the freshmen were busy playing with the instruments in their hands, one person stood motionless in front of them.

That’s a very ordinary little guy. His thin figure is inconspicuous among the crowd. He has been standing in front of the table, and his big eyes are smart, but he doesn’t move. .

Road raised an eyebrow and said nothing, but looked up at the time.

Thirty minutes are fleeting. Most of the more than 20 teenagers have completed all the operations, but the results are unbearable.

The lucid potion made by Rhodes is pure turquoise, without any trace of impurities. Even the simplest lucid potion is enough to reflect the superior technology of his pharmaceuticals.

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