The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 903: Escort (1)

Gu Feng saw that Long Xueyao ignored him, and his face was a little difficult.

The main player of Blizzard City, Long Fei, has only one daughter, Long Xueyao. Long Fei is in charge of the Blizzard Mercenary and Blizzard City. In the position of Kamikaze Alliance, already surpasses the other four commanders. Without a son, his wife has passed away. Long Fei has a good relationship with his wife and has never remarried for many years.

All things that Long Fei has in the future will surely be inherited by his daughter Long Xueyao. Although Long Xueyao does not look like a country, he is also handsome and cute, plus everything she has, the four big servants The leader of the Corps has long been already.

Gu Feng also intends to get close to Long Xueyao. Their father’s relationship has always been good. Gu Feng is also near the water tower to get the moon.

Long Fei was seriously ill this time, and he sent Fang Qiu’s mercenary group to ask him to soak up the grass. Long Xueyao followed him with filial piety, and Gu Lan stuffed his son without saying a word. Come in for more opportunities for the two to get in touch.

But who thought that this seemingly easy task, but encountered such a danger, Gu Feng originally wanted to show his demeanor and thoughtfulness along the way, but when he only faced two higher demons, his performance …

Gu Feng secretly gritted his teeth, he was just an intermediate archer, where would be the opponent of two higher demons.

Long Xueyao was just too daring. She actually wanted to do something with the two higher demons.

What makes Gu Feng vomit blood is that in such a crisis, a stinky kid pops up and steals countless popularity.

Looking at Long Xueyao’s eyes from time to time, she drifted towards Shen Yanxiao, and Gu Feng was furious.

The simplicity of Shen Yanxiao and the appearance after Yi Rong are not outstanding. Compared with the respected and respected Gu Feng, he is like a shabby poor boy.

However, even such a poor boy who would not look at Gu Feng on a weekdays’ day, actually showed up in front of Long Xueyao. Even if Gu Feng was a fool, he could see something wrong in Long Xueyao’s eyes.

Long Xueyao doesn’t like to talk to him, Gu Feng’s heart is not right. The more he looks at the stink boy who meditates in situ, the more unpleasant.

Pretend to be high and strong, but with a little strength, I started to pretend here. It is not a poor trash, otherwise they will not be sent for reward. Blizzard City.

To put it plainly, it’s just a poor man without money!

“Hey!” In order to find his face, Gu Feng strode to Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao is practicing her qi, and suddenly heard someone say something, she opened her eyes and frowned slightly at Gu Feng who was standing in front of her.

“You’re Shen Yun?” Gu Feng looked at Shen Yanxiao with a self-righteous tone, and was very polite.

Shen Yan Xiao looked at him coldly, without a word of silence.

“Your strength looks pretty good. My father is Gu Lan, the head of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment. If you are willing to be my guard, my father will give you a lot of rewards.” Gu Feng said quite proudly. He still knew a little about Shen Yanxiao’s strength and was not stupid enough to directly provoke her, but judging from the matter that she promised Fang Qiu’s request.

This one is called Shen Yan, and there is definitely no money.

Don’t Long Xueyao like this kid? Then he let her know that such a person who likes to act like a pretender is just to earn more money, and he has a strong ability to use a fart, and he is not in a humble position in front of gold coins.

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