The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 880: Subtle night (4)

Now you can make corrections in time. If you come to Japan to battle and you are found to be vulnerable, wouldn’t you be killed for no reason?

Thinking of this, Shen Yan Xiao also had a few minutes in mind, Xiu really wanted to teach her.

“I see.” Shen Yan Xiao concealed the smile on his face, and added more caution in his eyes.

Xiu knows that Shen Yanxiao’s perception is very high, so he doesn’t say much, stand up and wait for her to attack again.

This time, Shen Yan and Xiao Xue are smart. Instead of attacking Xiu immediately, she turned away from the cover of condensing crystals and merged herself into the dark night.

She is a peerless thief. She is best at hiding her Aura and her footsteps, but she has relied too much on fighting spirit and magic since she was reborn. Instead, she ignores her own advantages. After repairing the points, she immediately understood the strengths and avoided weaknesses. .

In the dark mountain forest, only a little light can be seen. In front of the cave surrounded by condensing crystals, Xiu stood quietly, and only the sound of wind passed by his ears.

If the thin lip evokes an almost imperceptible radian, a little guy learns very quickly. If he only searches with the strength of the second turn, he ca n’t be so silent. Find her figure in the night.

The silent mountain forest is silent, Shen Yanxiao is like an agile cheetah, fully immersed himself in the protection of the night.

Half-squint eyes stared at Xiu in the light, she converged on Aura in her body, suppressing the fighting spirit and the surge of magic in her body.

The shot is only for an instant. When she pulls the bowstring, the hidden Aura will spread. Before that, she must find a perfect angle, seize the best opportunity, and strive for Hit.

The archer hidden in the darkness, like the sniper of modern society, hides in the unknown, waiting for the target to reveal a flaw, killing in one shot!

All preparations are made for the moment.

Shen Yanxiao slowed her breathing, squinting her eyes, and a flash of decisiveness flashed in her eyes.

In less than a second, she took out the arrow, quickly printed it with one hand, and completed the release of the spell by setting the arrow on the bow string already. The next moment, the arrow off the string broke away!

Lightning arrows pierce through the night and shoot a silver light toward Xiu’s brows!

“Although there is progress, it is still insufficient.” At the moment when the arrow was released, Xiu immediately noticed the fighting spirit and magic that burst into the darkness, and swiped with one finger, and the arrows that flew in were thrown away. For a second, his already flew towards the source of Aura.

In the dark, he reached out his hand, but his fingertips did not touch the expected warmth, but cold and stiff.

Through the night, Xiu saw an arrow nailed to the trunk, and the arrow was sending out a steady stream of magical power.


The sound of the feather arrow bursting into the air made Xiu slightly hesitant. He shook it backwards, holding the arrow from the back in his palm.

Just when he inquired Shen Yanxiao’s Aura, he found that suddenly there were more than a dozen magic Auras appearing in the dark surrounding.

In the night, the corner of Xiu’s mouth evoked a rare smile.

“It’s finally starting to work.”

The messy Aura must be a trap, the little guy really started to move.

Disturb your opponent’s judgment to be unprepared.

It’s fast!

Qi Xia and others didn’t know Xiu’s existence. When they arrived at Suzaku Aristocratic Family, Xiu had long since disappeared.

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