The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2689: Procrastination (1)

On the other end of the battlefield, Qi Xia ’s staff is constantly flashing devastating light, waves of magic light falling from the sky, and smashing toward the ghost without stopping.

In Shen Yanxiao ’s adjustment to the twelve magic generals, she simply ranked the strength of the twelve magic generals.

The first is Yan Emperor, followed by the combination of Tian Jue Ji Ying, and then the ghost general.

The power of Yan Emperor cannot even be dealt with by the superior gods, so Shen Yanxiao will give Yan Xi the task of dealing with Yan Emperor. With the help of Doudou, Yang Xi is in the Twelve Alliances. In the army’s ranks, the strength was second to none, and only he was able to deal with Yan Emperor’s attack.

The knight’s defense can effectively resist Yan Emperor’s killing moves. Coupled with the maneuverability and lethality of the eight-winged golden dragon, he can definitely delay the Lord Emperor for a certain period of time.

Tang Nazhi and Li Xiaowei are the combination that Shen Yanxiao arranged to deal with the extreme shadow, but now, Li Xiaowei already is gone, and Shen Yanxiao cannot fill this vacancy again.

Shen Yanxiao’s original plan was to deal with ghost generals, who ranks third among the twelve magic generals. It is a very difficult opponent, but things have changed, but this plan has been disrupted. Could not help Qi Xia top.

Among the phantoms, Qi Xia is the only one who can stand up to Shen Yanxiao if it is a single player.

Shen Yanxiao can rest assured that he will deal with the ghost generals.

In fact, on the entire battlefield, the most powerful are Shen Siyu and Dragon God.

Theoretically, the two of them should confront Yandi and Guijiang, but Shen Yanxiao did not do so.

Xiu once said that the strength of Emperor Yan is second only to Satan in the Demon Realm. Even if Shen Siyu and Dragon God return to the top of the higher god, they may not be Yan Emperor’s opponents. In the battle of gods and demons ten thousand years ago, Yan Emperor demonstrated that in addition to the terrible fighting power, nearly ten superior gods died in the hands of Yan Emperor. If Shen Siyu or the Dragon God battle Yan Emperor, then the best result is both sides. Stalemate.

However, Shen Yanxiao did not intend to have Yan Emperor drag the most powerful Shen Siyu and Dragon God among them. What Shen Yanxiao wanted was to drag Yan Emperor, Guijiang, and Heaven Extreme Shadow. So that they cannot create large-scale damage in a short time, and this time is the best time for Shen Siyu and Dragon God to shoot.

Using the strength of Shen Siyu and Dragon God, it is not too much pressure for existence to deal with other demons. If nothing else, they may be able to kill other demons who fight with them, so that they can Reduce the number of twelve magic generals in the shortest time. As long as Shen Siyu and Dragon God remove one or two magic generals, they can quickly support other companions and cooperate with them to kill more magic generals.

So, the main combat power against the Twelve Demon Generals is Shen Siyu and Dragon God.

What Qi Xia has to do now is to delay the battle with the ghost generals as much as possible.

Instant magic has almost no pause, one magic attack after another hits the ghost like rain.

Qi Xia is not in a hurry. His casting is methodical. He is waiting, waiting for a good time, to take revenge for Li Xiaowei.

Blood debt and blood compensation, don’t even try to escape the twelve demons!

However, the ghost who played against Qi Xia was almost not depressed by the human teenager in front of him!

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