The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 245: Partner (1)

This romantic ghost has a perverse personality, a bad-tempered temperament, and a terrible talent in pharmacy, but it is undeniable that he has always maintained her full strength for no reason.

Shen Yanxiao’s nose is a little sour. She didn’t take Tang Nazhi too seriously. The reason why she maintained a good relationship with him was that it was troublesome, and because of Tang Nazhi’s identity.

However, in return for my casual attitude, I have treated him with such sincerity.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart is not iron, how can she not be touched?

Qi Xia looked at Tang Nazhi who was dedicated to maintaining Shen Yanxiao, chuckled, and looked up at the bright moon hanging in the night sky. The voice was less lazy than before, and a little sharper.

“Do you think I’m doing this because I’m worried about her identity?”

Donald ’s did n’t say a word. Many times, even his young boy could n’t figure out what Qi Xia was thinking.

“Why do you think Ouyang Huanyu appeared at the door of the Warlock Branch tonight? If it didn’t happen to us tonight, I’m afraid you won’t see your roommate tomorrow morning!”

“What do you mean?” Donald hesitated.

Qi Xia half squinted and looked at Shen Yanxiao, without a smile under his eyes.

“How terrible the suppression of warlocks in the bright continent is, we all know that although Saint Laurent College has always retained the warlock branch, have you ever seen a student successfully enter? Why did he spare no effort to find that name Warlock? Why do you have to wait for a rabbit at the entrance of Warlock branch? Najib, you think about things too simple! I want to be frank, not because I am curious, but because I have to determine what she is going to face, I do n’t want to When she encounters something unexpected, we people are still in the dark, even if we are willing to help, we ca n’t start! “

Qi Xia’s voice is with a touch of coldness. At this moment, he seems to be from the lazy fox incarnation to become the Kirin Aristocratic Family three young people who are scared by many businessmen. Every word of him is full of oppression, Sentences stabbed people.

Dan Nazhi was speechless by Qi Xia. He had no idea that Shen Yanxiao’s identity would involve so many things.

But even more shocked was Shen Yanxiao. She always felt that Qi Xia was an unfathomable guy. Although she was young, the city government was extremely deep. Even when she was in contact with Qi Xia on weekdays, she was more or less Jing’s sincere words and actions, but she did not expect that this guy will consider these things in private for himself.

He wanted to know her identity for no other reason, just thinking she knew how to help her when she needed it.

Shen Yan Xiao was shocked. She looked at Yan Yu and Yang Xi, who had been silent. From the eyes of the two of them, she saw the same worry as Qi Xia.

This flock of beasts has been worried for themselves?

But …


Shen Yanxiao doesn’t understand. They have high weight and they have nothing to use for them. Why should they be so good to her little person?

“Thinking so much for me? Is it worth it?” Shen Yanxiao’s voice was a little dumb. She knew that Qi Xia didn’t need to lie to herself. Every word he said was true.

Qi Xia raised an eyebrow and said, “Are you an idiot?”


“Do n’t you forget that we are a team? Caring for your team’s partners, isn’t this a legitimate thing?”

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