The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2374: Freedom (1)

After a while, Tang Nazhi finally saw Shen Yanxiao and they never returned.

“How is it?” Donald greeted him and asked.

Shen Yanxiao’s expression is not very good, Long Shen and their looks are even more.

“Are you awake? How does your body feel?” Shen Yanxiao looked at Mo Yuxun aside and asked.

The magic rain seeks out: “Much better, thank you for saving me.”

Shen Yanxiao shrugged, “You don’t need to thank me. If it wasn’t for your mercy, your death would be me.”

“That’s different.” Mo Yuxun frowned slightly, Shen Yan Xiao Youen and him, he was right to not kill her.

“Nothing is different. Everyone’s life is only once.” Shen Yan Xiao didn’t think that Mo Yu owed her anything, even if this body had saved him, that was what Shen Yan Xiao did before, and now She has nothing to do with it.

“Anyway, since you saved me, my life is yours.” Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao with firm eyes.

Shen Yan Xiao was a little surprised, she seemed to understand the character of Mo Yuxun a little.

Just like Tang Nazhi ’s judgment on Mo Yuxun, Mo Yuxun is a tendon. He thinks that Shen Yanxiao saved his life. Of course, his destiny belongs to Shen Yanxiao, just like under Ouyang Huanyu. Similarly, because Ouyang Huanyu wanted him to be useful, he saved his life.

This strange thinking mode really makes Shen Yanxiao very helpless.

“You said your life was mine?” Shen Yanxiao looked at Mo Yu and sought.


“Well, do you obey my orders?” Shen Yanxiao asked with his hands around his chest.

Shen Yanxiao ’s question is a little confusing to Donald, aside, is n’t this little Nizi really going to enslave the magic rain? The birth of Mo Yuxun is similar to Lan Fengli, but one is a younger brother, and the other is a slave? This treatment gap is too great.

“Yes.” Moyu Xun answered without hesitation.

Shen Yan Xiao smiled slightly: “Then the first command I gave you is, from now on, you do n’t need to listen to anyone’s order. Your fate is in your own hands. You already died. Once, no matter to me or to Ouyang Huanyu, already has paid off all kindness. From now on, you have to live the life you want and never listen to any orders. “

“What!” Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao in surprise, he did not expect that Shen Yanxiao would say so.

“Why? Aren’t you saying you want to listen to me? You’re free now.” Shen Yan Xiao Xiaozhuan looked at Mo Yuxun, she really didn’t need an obedient slave, and her side never existence, who is not a slave, only her companions are around her.

Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao, opened his mouth, and ended up not saying anything.


Mo Yuxun never thought that the word would appear to him. Starting from his understanding, his words and deeds were in accordance with Ouyang Huanyu’s requirements. His own thinking and his own opinions were not allowed. Yes, all the magic rain hunting has long been used to it. The only thing he has ever struggled with to Ouyang Huanyu is in the matter of Shen Yanxiao. Even if the already numb soul meets Shen Yanxiao, there are still some Sober recovery, he did not want to harm his life-saving benefactor.

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