The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2208: Fudge (3)

Ge Gelu can’t listen anymore, Mo Moxiao can’t be generous with the dwarves of the Pharmacist Guild, the Pharmacist Guild is rich in oil, and they want members of the Alchemist Guild to send things?

This is decisive!

“Buy it! Little guy, how much do you say!” Kakachi also lost his temper. He didn’t find the pharmacist he was looking for, and met Ge Gelu’s toughness. Fire.

“I sold five hundred gold coins.” Shen Yanxiao thought about it.

“Okay! I’ll give you five hundred bottles per bottle!” Kakachi was so arrogant.

Ge Gelu’s secretly hateful itching, watching Kakachi so arrogant, he got angry, so what pharmacist’s treatment is so good! !!

“Who told you that five hundred gold coins sold you! One thousand gold coins and one bottle! Love or not!” Ge Gelu was more competitive than Kakachi.

“Ge Gelu, don’t bully you too much!”

“How did I bully you? Your pharmacist’s guild even ran to find a member of our alchemist’s guild to buy potions. Isn’t that saying to laugh at others’ big teeth! My king puts you so much money every year It ’s not for you to pretend to be Grandpa here! If you ca n’t make a good potion yourself, you still have to buy it outside! Do you guys say you are the Pharmacist Guild! ”Ge Gelu growled.

The same is the guild, their alchemist guild dare to pat their **** to ensure that the alchemist in their guild will never be inferior to any alchemist, the best alchemy product is definitely their alchemy Produced by the Guild, but what about the Pharmacist Guild?

With a lot of money, enjoying the best treatment, but can’t do anything.


“You!” Kakachi was speechless by Ge Gelu. The pharmacist’s pharmacy development progress was slow, which has always been a heartache of Kakachi.

“Do you want love! If you don’t buy it, we keep it for ourselves!” Ge Gelu hummed with his hands around his chest.

“Who says I don’t buy it! I buy it! One thousand gold coins is one thousand gold coins, just like when I assist you in the Alchemist Guild!”

“I’m just ashamed to say assistance! I am!”

Looking at the presidents of the two guilds, he was going to fight on the street. Shen Yanxiao immediately took a step forward, quickly took five bottles of medicine from Najie, and stuffed them into Kakachi.

“This is the remaining potion, a total of five thousand.” Let these two continue to go head-to-head, not sure how much more will happen.

As soon as Kakachi saw the potion, he immediately lost his temper. He took the potion carefully and turned it over to the pharmacist standing next to him. Then he immediately took out the money bag and threw it to Ge Gelu.

“Take five thousand gold coins!”

Ge Gelu’s mouth twitched slightly, and Kakachi, the five thousand gold coin, flung it out so lightly, and then looked at himself. For the guild, I could not wait for a word to become two flowers.

It is also the president of the guild. Why is the gap so big!

“Mo Mo Xiao, collect the money, let’s go back!” Ge Gelu shoved the money bag to Shen Yanxiao, turned away, and didn’t want to see Kakachi show off his wealth here!

Are you rich?

There are people in their Alchemist Guild!

Shen Yan Xiao helplessly sighed, holding a heavy money bag, nodded to Kakachi, and returned to the guild with other partners of the Alchemist Guild.

Kakachi and the pharmacist, with complex thoughts, returned with five bottles of medicament.

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