The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2159: Market (2)

Metals, ores, weapons, mechanical puppets …

These combat items that humans dream of are not welcome in the dwarf’s market. The stalls selling these items in large quantities are deserted. Those dwarves who set up the stalls are not in a hurry. Punching the weapon on your hand is inspecting the various parts of the mechanical cymbal.

However, there are many kinds of dwarfs in front of several types of goods.

“Boss! Five hemostatic bandages!”

“Three bottles of sober potion!”

A bunch of dwarves crowded in front of a small booth, one by one shouting the items they needed.

Shen Yanxiao managed to squeeze past, and saw on the floor, there were all kinds of medicine bottles, a little dwarf who was squatting behind the floor and was busy messing up with the guests.着 Goods.

Dwarves often cause bumps in their lives due to their personality. Hemostatic bandages and hemostatic agents are the most commonly used things. However, among dwarves, pharmacists are extremely rare. Occupation.

Dwarves are naturally fond of alchemy. If they want to give up alchemy and study pharmacy instead, they might as well kill them.

Only a few dwarves with poor skills in alchemy have to switch to pharmacy, but the pharmacist who catches the ducks on the shelves cannot even catch up with the most common pharmacy apprentices in the bright continent.

The potions they can make are only the most basic ones, which are slightly more complicated, and they are helpless.

Shen Yanxiao, like these medicaments from the dwarf, can make them just three days after he came into contact with pharmacy, and the purity of the medicaments is definitely much better than these muddy medicaments.

However, in the eyes of Shen Yanxiao, it is not a finished product. At the market of dwarves, it is unexpectedly popular!

The dwarves who don’t care about precious ores, when they see these potions, they really start to spend money without blinking their eyes.

It didn’t take long for all the potions on the dwarf’s booth to be wiped out. The dwarves who did not grab them all cried, one by one, and continued to look for other places to sell potions.

Shen Yanxiao already was thundered by this scene.

She is very skeptical, can those medicines mixed with herbal residues really work?

Don’t you really drink to death?

Shen Yanxiao remembered that there were still many low-level medicaments she used in her appetite. These potions already were put in her appetite for a long time. After Ye Qing arrived in the barren land and started training pharmacists, The lower-level already in Shen Yanxiao’s hands has been reduced to ordinary drinking water. No one in the barren land will use lower-level or lower-level medicaments.

Shen Yan Xiao Ping usually uses these low-level medicines as snacks for Tao Tie .

Shen Yanxiao looked at the inferior medicines, and looked at the pure lower medicines in his ring.

She simply stepped forward and walked to the little man who sold out potions.

“I’m sorry, it’s all sold out, come back someday.” The little dwarf with a lot of money in his pockets thought he was a guest again, and explained quickly.

“I don’t buy potions.” Shen Yanxiao said, “I just want to borrow this place for you.”

“Ah?” The dwarf froze noticeably, and then he looked up at the other side, but only saw a weird guy who was all wrapped in his cloak and only showed big eyes.

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