The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 1709: Sorrow (1)

Su Feihuan gave Shen Yanxiao a big gift. Shen Yanxiao didn’t accept it for no reason.

During this time, Shen Yanxiao began to teach the stealing technique of the silver hand. This world is still very different from modern society. Apart from the technology, a large part of the thieves here rely on themselves. Magic and vindictive support.

Shen Yan Xiao was all about stealing skills at that time.

Shen Yanxiao’s teaching is very simple. It is not allowed to use vindictiveness or magic.

This is the silver hand door that already is used to.

But due to Shen Yanxiao’s repression, he can only bite his head.

Day by day, Dragon Clan‘s injury gradually recovered.

As Lan Fengli left on the ninth day, Asabuchi came to the city’s main house where the sun never set.

“We are planning to leave tomorrow.” Asakuchi looked at Shen Yanxiao. During this time, they were well taken care of. If Shen Yanxiao’s arrangements were not in place, their injuries would not heal so quickly.

“It’s so fast?” Shen Yan and Xiao slightly froze, and Qian Yuan’s recovery time was five full days earlier than she expected.

Asaki nodded and said, “Thank you for your constant care. If you want to go to the Dragon Clan mainland, I will take you there, but the Dragon Clan mainland is not friendly to human race. We can only take two people back at this time. No matter how much, in case something happens, I’m afraid we can’t take care of you. “

Shen Yanxiao already and Qian Yuan talked about wanting to go to Dragon Clan mainland. During this time, Qian Yuan was hesitant, and was finally moved by Shen Yan Xiao, and this was agreed.

Just before Dragon Clan lived in seclusion, a lot of contradictions occurred with humans. All the dragons on the Dragon Clan continent do not wait for humans. The elves are good to humans and they can maintain surface trade. However, if Dragon Clan finds humans on the Dragon Clan continent, Their first thought was to drive them out, and even worse, they would directly kill humans.

So Asahi didn’t dare to take too many people.

“The prayer will stay in the sun and never fall. Together with the cold night, only three of us will return this time.” The prayer in Asakuchiguchi is a double-winged dragon, and the only Dragon Clan who signed a contract with the dragon knight. After signing the contract, Dragon Clan will stay with Dragon Knight.

“Tomorrow?” Shen Yan Xiao pressed his lips, and Lan Fengli hasn’t returned yet.

“Yes, we have to bring back the news of our King’s death to our people. We already have stayed in the bright continent for too long.” Qian Yuan spoke sadly.

“Why did you come to the Bright Continent?” Shen Yanxiao wondered a bit. Asabuchi previously said that they and their king came to the Bright Continent two thousand years ago. At that time, the distance from the battle of the gods and demons was already After thousands of years, Dragon Clan retreated as early as already, why did they return to the bright continent?

Asakuchi said: “My king’s wife was seriously injured by the demons during the battle between the gods and demons, and her body was very weak. Two thousand years ago, my king’s wife gave birth to my king’s blood. It is very likely that it is impossible to lay the dragon eggs, and even her own life is hard to protect. My king heard that there is an elixir for curing his wife in the bright continent, so he took some of us to the bright continent to seek the elixir. But who ever thought that all of this was the trap set by Ouyang Huanyu, there is no elixir here. He just led my king and killed it.

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