The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 147: Warlock (3)

“I’m sure!” Naken nodded firmly.

The older mentor frowned immediately, he said to the nervous Lin Ke: “This classmate, you go back first.”

Lin Ke nodded nervously, and left stiffly from the tent.

He does n’t know why Instructor Naken said that he is abnormal. What worries him even more is that Instructor Naken just said that his nerves had erosive magic power fragments. He would n’t have any strange disease. !!

Lin Ke decided to go to the medical clinic first. He doesn’t want to die young! He hasn’t done anything shy with his female classmates yet, he doesn’t die!

After Lin Ke left, the older mentor immediately said to Naken: “The situation you are talking about is not exceptional. Just now Constance came to tell us that the team under his responsibility also had Fragments of magic power remain in the bodies of students. “

“What?” Naken froze. Could he say that the warlock he guessed, already really started to fight other students?

“Cons, you speak.”

Cons watched nervous Naken, and said cautiously: “The strength of the team I am in charge is one of the strongest of all the teams this time, but they lost all of them last night The badge was a bit strange to me before. Although Cao Xu of the Swordsman Branch was impulsively arrogant, Meng Yiheng of the Archer Branch and Shang Guan Xiao of the Pharmacist Branch were very cautious students, but they were The first team to fail in the quiz. “

Nakken opened his mouth. He didn’t really know about it. As early as when the group was divided and the test had not yet begun, their mentors had evaluated each group on already. This test Among the strongest two groups, one was a team consisting of Qixia, the first division of the magician, Yan Yu, the first pastor, Yang Xi, the first knight, and two freshmen from the pharmacist. One was The team consisting of Cao Xu, Swordsman Branch, Meng Yiheng, Archer Branch, Shang Guan Xiao, Pharmacist Branch, Qian Shanni, 2nd Pastor Branch, and Li Xiang, among the top ten in the Magician Branch .

In terms of strength, these two teams are comparable. Naken himself is a mentor in the Magician Branch. Naturally, he knows how terrible Qi Xia ’s talent is. The talent is enough to shake off the second place.

But Qi Xia’s team brought two tow bottles. The two pharmacist freshmen were really useless.

The team with Shangguan Xiao has a better chance of winning. After all, the title of the first place of the pharmacist branch is not a bad name. Even the pharmacy branch ’s mentors are very sure that Shangguan Xiao will be the first. Students who formulated antidote.

So, compared to the two teams, Cao Xu is even stronger.

However, such a strongest detachment recognized by everyone is the first in the entire test to be eliminated, which is incredible.

“Although I was a little surprised why they lost so quickly, but according to the rules, I went back to the street and they came back. But when I went, I felt something was wrong.” Constance thought about bringing Cao himself. When Xu’s team returned, the other four members of the team almost accused Cao Xu of the loss, and said that all their badges were lost because of Cao Xu.

Cao Xu himself has repeatedly refuted the accusations of four people.

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