The Golden Age Chapter 528: Former residence

After Qiuniang went out of the palace, she lived with Gu Baiyi, and her siblings depended on each other.

Gu Baiyi is a low-key person, but he is a seven-rank clerical man, a seven-rank clerk. In a place like Kyoto, he is like an ant, without power and power, and even the economy is very tight. Qiu Niang can only do his best to take care of it. Brother’s life.

When she went out of the palace, she was well past the age of marriage. She was already an old girl in her twenties, and most of the women’s children at this age were not young.

In the dead of night, Qiuniang didn’t think about her future destination, but when she thought that Gu Baiyi had not yet been married, she also dispelled this idea.

Although she is not young, she has a beautiful appearance, virtuous and diligent, and there is no shortage of matchmakers in the market, but she was rejected by Qiuniang. In the final analysis, she was to take care of Gu Baiyi, but she did not. The man in the picture.

She and Qin Xiao met by the Luoshui River. The first time Qin Xiao had a grudge with Qingyitang for her, this beautiful lady naturally had a trace of gratitude to Qin Xiao from the bottom of her heart.

After that, Qin Xiao took care of her everywhere. After all, Qiuniang was not an ignorant little girl who was ignorant and ignorant. She had the sharp insight of a woman. She faintly discovered that Qin Xiao seemed to have thoughts about herself, but she was not sure, after all, the age of the two The difference is not small. In any case, I never thought that this young man would meet a woman who had already passed the age of marriage. When Qin Xiao later seemed to have ambiguous words and deeds, he was even caught off guard in the house in Kushui Lane that time. After giving herself a kiss, Qiuniang had already determined that Qin Xiao had a heart for herself.

Although she is like a ripe fruit, she has never picked it for anyone. Except for her younger brother, she has never even had close contact with other men. This young man suddenly appeared, and the offensive is fierce, but Mei Jiaojiao, who had never experienced love affairs, was panicked.

She even thought that Qin Xiao was impulsive just because she was young and energetic.

But Qin Xiao broke into Tsing Yi Tang alone, in order to save her from Tsing Yi Tang, he did not care about his life. After the incident, although Qiuniang didn’t say anything, she was still the young man in her heart day and night. Lang’s shadow, not only expects to see him every day, but is also afraid that he will really appear in front of him.

Sometimes even in my sleep, I can dream about the scene of infinite love and affection with Qin Xiaorou. Qin Xiao is gentle and infinite, and in my dream, I also try my best to cater to Qin Xiao, wake up and face When the ears are red, there is also a deep sense of loss.

But such a thing, you can’t mention it to anyone, you can only hide it in your own heart.

Qin Xiao has risen step by step, and soon after coming to Beijing, he has already become famous.

Qiu Niang’s heart is extremely complicated.

She has never cared about her destiny for many years, and she has never had contact with people and men, and it is precisely that. Once Qin Xiao provoked her love, the feeling in her heart is much stronger than that of ordinary people. The shadow of the young man lingered in his mind, but he couldn’t show the slightest.

No one knew that the anxiety in her heart had been well concealed by her recently.

She knows that there is a gap between her and Qin Xiao in terms of age and status, and there is absolutely no possibility to go together, so she wants to drive him out of her mind, but the more she thinks about this, the more he is in her mind. The shadow of the night, the more lingering with him in the dream at night.

Qin Xiao suddenly confessed to her frankly today, and even has already decided to marry her to get started, which makes Qiuniang only find it incredible

While thinking, but deep in my heart is full of joy.

At this moment, being held by Qin Xiao in her arms, Qiuniang even felt that it was just a dream, just like she dreamed of being with Qin Xiao several nights. I only hope that the dream will be longer and don’t wake up too soon. .

“Dali Temple is being purge, Brother Gu also promised to come to Dali Temple to help me.” Qin Xiao put his arms around Qiuniang’s waist, let Qiuniang lean in his arms, and smelled the faint scent of her body. He whispered softly: “When Dali Temple is reorganized, I will propose to Brother Gu. If you are in your position, you can do something good for the people. If you can’t stay in Dali Temple one day, we will leave Kyoto. Find a place to live. But there is one thing I don’t want to hide from you. I have to tell you first. One day the court really wants to send troops to regain Xiling. I will definitely fight back with the army. Except for this, I will stay with you all the time. Around.”

Qiu Niang is sweet in her heart. She has naturally known Qin Xiao’s origins, and she said softly: “You want to go back to Xiling to avenge General Heiyu, I can’t stop you naturally.”

She was considerate, Qin Xiao raised one hand, supported Qiuniang’s chin, lifted it gently, looking at the beautiful face in her arms, and her eyes were so watery and clear that they were clear and transparent. With a fascination, my heart swayed, I couldn’t help but stick it up, and kissed Qiuniang’s lips again.

Qiu Niang closed her eyes and hooked Qin Xiao’s neck with an arm. Qin Xiao felt that this beautiful girl’s lips and teeth were fragrant, and her body was soft and fragrant, as if she was about to melt, her heart was moved, she was actually forbearing. Unable to turn over, she put Qiuniang down on the bed, her body pressed down.

When Qiuniang was lying on the bed, her face was flushed like a peach blossom, her eyes were blurred, she was obviously still immersed in tenderness and honey, and when Qin Xiao pressed her body, she even pressed her hand on her chest and was shocked to wake up. , Slammed Qin Xiao away, sat up, his breath was short, the cloud was scattered, and he shook his head and said, “No…no, but…not yet…!”

Qin Xiao was pushed aside, really caught off guard, seeing a red glow on Qiuniang’s face, but her expression was serious, she calmed down for a while, and hurriedly said: “Sister Qiuniang is not good for me, don’t be angry. …..!”

Quniang lowered her head, tidyed up her clothes, turned her head and glanced at Qin Xiao. Seeing Qin Xiao’s embarrassment, she bit her lip, got up and walked in front of Qin Xiao, and suddenly hugged Qin Xiao lightly. , Whispered: “I didn’t blame you, just…but I don’t want you to think that I am a lowly woman. Wait until…After I get married, I will naturally… I will leave it to you…!” At this point, there was another flush of cheeks.

Qin Xiao was only in love for a while, and was really worried that Qiuniang was annoyed. Hearing Qiuniang say this, he felt wide-hearted, and was about to hug Qiuniang. Suddenly, a voice came from outside: “Master, someone begs to see you!” /

As soon as the sound rang, Qiuniang hurriedly let go, stepped back two steps, distanced herself from Qin Xiao, her pretty face was panicked.

Qin Xiao frowned, there was even a hint of irritation between his eyebrows. He walked out of the hall and saw that the janitor was standing not far away. He respectfully reported: “Master, there is a master from Dali Temple, please see me!”

“People from Dali Temple?” Qin Xiao was surprised, and said: “Did he say his name?”

“He said he had something important to report to the lord. He saw the lord’s horse outside the house and knew that the lord was in the house, so I begged to see him.” The janitor said: “But I didn’t say the name.”

Qin Xiao thought for a while and said: “Let him wait in the lobby.”

When the janitor stepped back, Qin Xiao returned to the house. Seeing Qiuniang a little embarrassed, he stepped forward softly

said: “Sister Qiu Niang, you first look around in the mansion, this will be our residence in the future, if you think there is anything that needs to be changed, or something to be added, just tell me “Looking at the beautiful sister who was ashamed, she couldn’t help but stepped forward and kissed her on the forehead, and then went to the lobby with satisfaction.

The main entrance of the mansion was the lobby. The front yard was empty. When Qin Xiao arrived in the lobby, someone immediately greeted him and said, “Master Qin, excuse me.” But it was Yunlu Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

Qin Xiao was a little surprised. He hadn’t had much friendship with Yun Lu not long after he arrived at Dali Temple, but Yun Lu was also Shaoqing at Dali Temple, and he was on the same level as himself.

It’s just that the saint decreed that he would clean up the Dali Temple. Although they are both Shaoqing, the power in the hands of the two is different now.

Qin Xiao knew very well in his heart that Yunlu’s visit must be for the purpose of purging Dali Temple. Like Fei Xin, Yunlu must be worried about being kicked out of Dali Temple.

“It turned out to be Yun Shaoqing.” Qin Xiao handed over his hands and said with a smile: “Why Master Yun is here? I haven’t moved in here yet. Today I just took the time to come and have a look.”

Yun Lu smiled and said: “I was very happy to learn that the adult’s house is in Taipingfang. My house is also in Taipingfang, and it is only one street away from Mr. Qin. I know Mr. Qin has not moved yet. When I came over, I was worried that someone would take the opportunity to sneak into the mansion, so I sent someone to watch it outside. Only then did I report that I saw the adult return to the mansion, so I came here to see if Master Qin lacked anything.”

“Master Yun didn’t go to Dali Temple today?” Qin Xiao asked Yun Lu to sit down, and then asked with a smile.

Yun Lu was a little embarrassed, and said, “I didn’t feel well last night, so today I won’t be over.” Looking around, he raised his hand and stroked his beard and said: “Given by the saint, it is really a blessed place, the feng shui of this house. Very good, Master Qin was originally a lucky person, and a blessed land, and it will be even more peaceful in the future.”

“Master Yun, who lived in this house before?” Qin Xiao asked, “Maybe no one has lived before me?”

Yun Lu smiled and said: “Before Master Qin, there were also great people living here. The current leader of Longlinwei Dantai Xuanye, before moving away, lived in this mansion in Taipingfang. After the commander moved into this house, his official career went smoothly and his career progressed smoothly.”

Qin Xiao was stunned, feeling astonished. He really didn’t expect this to be the former residence of Tantai Xuanye.

Dantai Xuanye is the brother of General Black Feather, but it is not a small age difference from General Black Feather. According to Qin Xiao’s knowledge, Dantai Xuanye is only in his early thirties this year, and he is considered year-long with General Black Feather. Cross, but at a young age, he is already famous, controlling the most powerful Dragonscale Guard in the Forbidden Palace.

When Qin Xiao first arrived in Kyoto, Han Yunong and Du Hongsheng were detained separately. Qin Xiao was unfamiliar with the land and did not know what to do, but thought of the friendship between Tantai Xuanye and General Heiyu, and ran to Tianhefang to hope Dan Tai Xuan Ye came to help, who knew that not only did he not see Tan Tai Xuan Ye, but he had a closed door.

Qin Xiao knew very well that at the time when Xiling was falling, the palace was furious, and Tantai Xuanye feared being drawn into the vortex, avoiding it far.

Qin Xiao has no liking for Tantai Xuanye. I heard that this house had lived in Tantai Xuanye before, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

“Master Yun, what is the origin of the leader of Tantai University?” Qin Xiao thought for a while, and finally asked with a smile: “I don’t know much about him, please enlighten me!”

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