The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 581: God’s Relic

Before Feng Ya entered the strange building, a strange force suddenly pulled him from the door of the building to the center of the building. 』』『Tian Lai Novel was surrounded by strangeness, as if his whole body had been drained of strength, coupled with the strange power that formed the restraint ring, Feng Ya was already unable to move at this time. In this strange situation, he discovered that a wonderful slate appeared in front of him, a slate suspended in mid-air and kept spinning, and the light above the slate was shining straight to the top, look at the color and color of the beam of light. Lustrous, Feng Ya soon realized that it was the light that he had seen before rushing towards the sky.

Can a slate produce such intense light? It felt really incredible, Feng Ya wanted to walk over to take a look, but he still couldn’t move his limbs. No matter how much he twisted his body, it was still the same.

Introducing a strange symbol directly into Duan Fei’s brain, Feng Ya looked at the fighting scene outside and suddenly asked, “This symbol, you should know what it is!”

It was a huge and strange sign engraved on the tall stone wall inside the building, as if it was a totem, or it was like the text of a civilization. At that time, Feng Ya was the first time to see these things. When I always thought that the awakened, zombies and mutant beasts were the masters of this world, due to staring directly at the floating slate, a beam of light shone directly from the slate, shone on Feng Ya’s eyebrows, and a sudden appeared in him. The hallucination in front of him shocked Feng Ya’s entire body.

It was a beauty like a paradise, a huge stone suspended in the air, countless chains connected the stones together, and there were lush plants growing on the stones, like a mountain forest, a wonderful waterfall from Some boulders fell, causing people to be half-dazed by clouds and smoke flowing between the stones, which made people feel relaxed and happy, but just when Feng Ya was attracted by this beautiful scenery, a huge golden humanoid creature half a stone high came out of the camera. The outer space jumped in, stepped on a boulder, and suddenly received an impact from above. The floating boulder sank obviously, but it quickly floated back to its original height.

Jumping from one stone to another, then jumping from another to a third, the huge golden humanoid that kept jumping seemed to be escaping something, and did not forget to look back while escaping , Before the golden giant jumped to the fifth stone, a black cloud of smoke also flew in from outside the camera, chasing the golden giant in a large group like a swarm of bees! The golden giants and black clouds who were busy escaping and chasing quickly disappeared from the camera.

Feng Ya, who thought it should be over, never thought that at this time, he actually saw an incredible thing, a phenomenon that had already exceeded his imagination – a huge eye!

The size of the eye has exceeded the total area of ​​the pumice stone group, and a huge stone is just a small dust in that huge eye! And it’s just one eye, no mouth, no ears, no nose, and no body. Just one eye can be so exaggerated. If the whole body appeared, what would it look like?

Suddenly, at this moment, the sight of the eyes suddenly disappeared, and a battlefield filled with fireworks appeared instead. Both sides of the battle were a group of monsters similar to natural disaster mutants. However, these monsters were more shaped than mutants. It looks a lot better. Seven or eight hands, the upper body of a human being, the lower body of a cow, a flying three-winged bird, etc. Looking at Feng Ya, he began to wonder if this was the battlefield that he knew. The phenomenon of monster fighting is very common nowadays. , the mutant army of the natural disaster and the mutant beast zombies fight, something that happens almost every month, but what really makes Feng Ya feel strange is that there are many monsters in their hands that have never appeared before. Weapons, each attack, can instantly paralyze or die a strong monster.

At this stage of this powerful weapon, let alone the human base has not yet been developed, even the Skynet organization before the technological level has only understood some high-power and large-scale killing weapons, such as those in the hands of these monsters. The weapon he is holding can only be described as a class weapon.

Soon, the cognition of monsters was out of Feng Ya’s thinking again. A half-breathed tauren-human monster lay panting on the ground, waiting for the complete exhaustion of its vitality and its own death. At this moment, a ray of light from the sky shone on him, and some strange symbols quickly spread all over the body of the tauren monster. The tauren monster, as if it had gained new power, stood up abruptly, letting the light continue to shine. On the body, with the increase in the number of strange symbols, the Minotaur’s complexion also recovered badly, but what was even more shocking was the changes in the Minotaur’s body.

The strange bronze color slowly spread from the soles of the feet to the whole body, as if the Minotaur monster had no strange reaction, but clenched his fists and waited for something to come. Hearing a roar, a bronze bull-headed giant more than 20 meters high appeared on the battlefield. He kicked more than a dozen enemy monsters hundreds of meters away with one kick, and he punched the earth. Trembling, a defensive-shaped enemy monster was also beaten into meat sauce.

He looked like he was about to die just a moment ago, but after being irradiated by the light, he got such a powerful power, which made Feng Ya as a ‘viewer’ feel extremely surprised. What kind of light is this, it can make Human strength increased tenfold or even dozens of times? Just as he was thinking, beams of light had already shone in from the sky and shot directly on the half of the battlefield on his side. The already exhausted monsters seemed to be full of stimulants, and some directly As their bodies grow, they become giants to fight, and the number of energy **** outside their bodies increases by dozens of times, smashing into the enemy field frantically.

The battle situation that was still stalemate a while ago was changed in an instant. The party whose strength was increased by the influence of the light was like a huge army in anger. The monster was instantly trampled into meat sauce by the group of augmented monsters.

The excited Feng Ya seemed to be participating in this battle himself, but just as the army had just overwhelmed the opponent’s line of defense, a familiar shadow appeared in front of him.

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