The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 558: Siege?

As the capital of the Huaxia Alliance, Yanhuang City is not only the most populous city in the Huaxia Alliance, but also the city with the highest concentration of culture and military. Hundreds of thousands of Awakened warriors are stationed in and around the city. There are also museums, history museums, cultural centers and other precious cultural venues in the city that collect precious objects, cultural relics, and books before the apocalypse. In addition, Yanhuang City is one of the few in the Huaxia Alliance. It owns a source weapon production factory, a production base for genetic medicines and power enhancers, a Skynet cooperative biological and chemical weapons research base, and a Skynet cooperative power user training base… a series of selected industries and training bases. These resources make Yanhuang Dacheng lead the entire Huaxia Alliance in all aspects.

In the center of Yanhuang Great City, a Hubbard-style oval marble building stands out. This is the military and political command center of Yanhuang Great City and even the entire Huaxia Alliance—the residence of the leader of the Luoyang Alliance.

At this moment, Luo Yang is sitting in front of the dark red jujube wood table, burying his head in checking the military report.

“Well, not bad! The improved species of domesticated monsters are getting better and better, especially daring to conduct targeted experiments on high-level, high-damage supernatural awakening monsters, which shows that this kid Sun Quan has already With one’s own opinion, there is a future thinking! According to the current situation, the evolution of human beings is far from monsters and zombies, and the future will definitely be a situation in which artificial monsters and even artificial robots fight against zombies! Very good, Sun Quan has mastered it. The right direction of future technology!” At this moment, Luo Yang couldn’t help but praise his subordinates for reporting Sun Quan’s work.

Sun Quan was one of the top ten fighters in the former federal base, and his awakening ability was light. Although he was not the strongest in combat, this young man had a very good mind, young and powerful, and in Luo Yang’s hands he valued him very much. , let him specialize in the domestication of supernatural monsters and the transgenic improvement project. And Sun Quan did not disappoint Luo Yang, and in less than a year, he has achieved great results!

“It’s a pity that the girl named Anya is not here. If she is here, I can help train monsters faster and better by borrowing her abilities! It is necessary to set up an army of monsters with abilities to fight instead of humans. It’s not a difficult task anymore!” Luo Yang thoughtfully opened the next work report. The twilight sunlight through the window shone on him, and his head was full of white light. He has already reached the age of retirement, but he still sticks to the most important post for the survival and reproduction of the people!

“Report—” Suddenly a long shout interrupted Luo Yang’s thinking.

Luo Yang raised his head and saw a soldier stumbled all the way from the courtyard to his study.

Through the soldier’s uniform and badge, Luo Yang concluded that he was a soldier patrolling the city’s periphery, and a faint bad feeling came to his mind.

“Report – Alliance Leader! Report! Emergency military situation!” The soldier fell to the ground as soon as he entered because of overwork, gasping for breath.

“Don’t be in a hurry, speak slowly, and be more detailed! Where are you a patrol soldier?” The leader of Luo Yang put down the report document in his hand, walked up personally, and helped the tired soldier.

At this time, Guangniao, Zhao Xin and others also appeared in the study. They had been hiding in the dark before, and they were specially responsible for protecting the safety of the Luoyang Alliance Leader. Knowing that the patrolling soldiers were only reporting the military situation, they stood far away and did not approach.

“Report to the leader! I am Wu Guangguang, the leader of the patrol team of Zhengbei Road Group C. Our team is responsible for the investigation and reporting of the enemy’s situation within 30 kilometers from the o-15 degree field of view of the true north! Around noon today, our team is now responsible for There are a large number of zombies approaching within 30 miles of the area. The number is endless, and it is thousands of miles wide. It is estimated that there are at least more than 100,000! When we saw them, they had been heading towards Yanhuang City, and it was estimated that they had arrived at this time. The area is within 30 kilometers! Please the leader of the alliance, please send troops to support the fire!” The patrol soldier Wu Guang was panting, and even started to stutter at the end, and kept repeating the words “please send troops to the fire of the alliance”.

“There are more than 100,000 zombies?” The leader of the Luo Yang alliance supported Wu Guangguang on the chair next to him and frowned slightly. Obviously, more than 100,000 zombies were not enough to make him overly nervous.

A metropolis built after the destruction of Yanhuang Great City, with a large area and a large population, can easily become a place where zombies and monsters scramble to snatch. However, the guards outside Yanhuang Great City are extremely strict, and there are Awakened troops that can be dispatched at any time in the city, and are equipped with extremely advanced source weapons. Therefore, ordinary zombies and monsters are basically attacked and killed by the troops as soon as they enter the 30-mile cordon! And a zombie swarm of hundreds of thousands can be a disaster for other small bases, but for today’s Yanhuang City, it can be said to be a commonplace experience every month!

“Guang Niao, inform Blood Rose and Zhong Wan, and have them lead two elite Awakened squads to the scene by helicopter fire to provide support. Be sure to wipe out all the zombies before it gets dark! When it gets dark, there are zombies infiltrating the city wall. It’s not good to mess up inside and out!” Luo Yang’s leader ordered.

“Right, Alliance Leader! I see that the zombies are endless. The length of the team may have exceeded our line of sight. How many people are there in two teams, is it really okay to send only two teams?” Wu Guang gasped for a while, and then he regained his senses. He didn’t know how powerful the top combat power in the city was now, but when he heard the order of the Luoyang Alliance, he was indeed a little worried. After all, the brothers in the patrol team who share his life and death are all waiting for him to ask for help. If the rescue is not good, the consequences will be disastrous!

“Don’t worry, Brother Wu, with Blood Rose and Zhong Wan to rescue, and with those advanced source weapons supported by Skynet, let alone hundreds of thousands, even 100,000 zombies will be enough to deal with!” Hiroki comforted. He is also a person who goes to the battlefield. He understands what the soldiers in front of him are worried about, but at the same time, he also understands and trusts Blood Rose and Zhong Wan, among his teammates, the top ten soldiers!

“However, I’m really worried that there are also zombie groups in the patrol area that other teams are responsible for outside our field of vision, but we just didn’t see it! If only two teams passed by, would it…” Wu Guang persisted. He didn’t doubt the power of the top ten fighters, but when he left, he saw an endless group of zombies, at least hundreds of thousands, but there may be many blocked by the mountains, maybe he didn’t see it!

“It shouldn’t be a lot! Let’s send two teams of them as advance troops! Let them report the results of the battle in half an hour. If there is any abnormality, we will deploy more people!” Luo Yang instructed. He knew very well in his heart that just after the battle of the Yangtze River, the human vitality was severely damaged, and the zombie group also lost the most powerful leader in the vicinity. The number and scale of wars that can be waged must be much lower than before, so there should not be dozens of them. , Millions of zombies focus on purposeful siege behavior.

“As ordered, I’ll do it right away!” Guangniao accepted the order and arranged for the patrolling soldier Wu Guangguang to take a rest, and went out to personally inform Xuemei, Zhong Wan and others.

But before Guangniao walked out of the door, a long shout came hurriedly!


A soldier who looked like a patrolling soldier dressed almost like Wu Guang suddenly rushed in. Because he was overworked, he fell on the marble floor in the yard before reaching the study, foaming at the mouth.

“Report, report… hurry up and report to the leader… there are zombies! Southwest and southwest 15-25 degrees, 3o miles away, there are…” The crowd gathered around, only to hear him report the enemy’s situation intermittently, but not yet. After reporting, I was exhausted.

The leader of the Luoyang Alliance was careful, and when he saw the fainted soldier put his hand in his clothes bag, he was asked to take a look. On it was a document reporting the military situation. Li Hui, the leader of the patrol team, at noon, our team is responsible for a large number of zombies approaching within 30 miles of the area. What a crowd! It is expected to arrive outside the city gate before dark, and the military situation is urgent, please send troops to support!

“It’s a zombie again, there are actually 500,000 people?” After reading the document, Luo Yang’s heart sank, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. Fortunately, there are Hiroto by the side to help.

“It was due north just now, and now it’s southwest, what a coincidence! Hurry, hurry up and inform all the captains of the combat troops, divide into two teams to face due north, and fire support to the southwest. Be sure to intercept the zombies in 3o of the city gate. Outside! In addition, notify other soldiers patrolling outside to pay close attention to the enemy’s situation within their patrol range, and report immediately if there is any news. If there is any delay, military law will deal with it!” Luo Yang felt a little uneasy, because the north and southwest did not match at all. By the way, how come a large number of zombies suddenly appeared at the same time? Are all other locations safe at the moment? Or…

Things often go in the worst direction people don’t want to see. About a quarter of an hour later, the gate guard who was responsible for guarding the gate to the east of Yanhuang Great City came to report that a patrolling soldier on a war horse was lying at the gate of the city. An urgent paperwork was found on him.

Luo Yang opened the document and was speechless. It says that there are zombies at o-15 degrees in the east. The number cannot be estimated, but it is confirmed to be more than 300,000. Please support!

However, this is not the end…

After a few minutes, a total of 30 patrol teams in eight directions, including northeast, southeast, due south, due west, and northwest, have been constantly returning patrol soldiers to report that there is a huge group of zombies, and they are asking for fire support!

Luo Yang was biting, trembling and dangerous, and said to Chao Guangniao: “Go, go and invite Skynet’s special team! Let them also participate in the battle! No, no, but also tell them, as soon as possible. Inform them to organize the upper management and send more support here!”

“There are also Guangming Base, Star Alliance, Tianshan Base, Xingyue Base… So there are members of the Huaxia Alliance, send a notice and ask for support!”

“The Great Yanhuang City is actually under siege?! This is God’s death to my Huaxia Alliance! God wants me to kill my human beings!”

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