The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 508: The Devil’s Snake

The hellfire on the Balrog has no effect on the Demon Snake. The two energy bodies will only cancel each other out when attacking. In the end, nothing is born. The Demon Snake ignores the Balrog who is about to rush up , the eight heads of the devil snake were aimed at Duan Fei who was still on the ground at the same time, and the impact air wave generated after the Qi Cry knocked up the dust and gravel on the ground, but it could not cause any damage to Duan Fei. ??≠≠

** Even if Duan Fei’s strength has reached a perverted level, even if he does not apply his abilities, ordinary people can’t deal with it. The ** of the horse, Duan Fei can directly beat a person into a **** with one punch.

For Duan Fei, who was wearing the Force Armor, this shocking air wave from the Demon Snake was nothing but a slightly stronger wind.

The magic snake that has become energy state no longer has the aura of ice and the aura of storm, but has a more perverted ability than these two – the flame of impact, a temperature and burning surface and Hellfire is the same perverted fire attack.

At this time, the Balrog had reached the top of one of the snakes, raised the blade of the force stained with Duan Fei’s blood, and slashed down.


Slashed down with one slash and landed on the energy shield of the demon snake. The inextinguishable energy that had dissipated several centimeters due to the sword energy instantly gathered. The **** flames on his body did not overflow and burn, and nothing was born, just a mediocre slash.

For the Indestructible Demon Snake whose volume is hundreds of times that of the Balrog, this blow can be said to be incapable of even a tickle level. Since they are both energy bodies, the only ones that have changed are the Balrog and the Demon Snake. The contact surface of the two has produced the phenomenon of mutual repulsion of energy. The energy of two different forces and different organizational forms are flooding each other with each other, but neither can completely exclude the other.

Bang bang bang!

The Balrog, who continues to chop down, is like a puppet that has been casted with spells, doing repeated actions. The snake who thought that the Balrog would cause large-scale energy damage can be said to be disappointed and despised at the same time. .

The ant human who was babbling wildly just now turned into such a weak chicken clone to attack himself, and he still used this weak attack. Isn’t this a joke? The Indestructible Demon Snake, which completely ignored the Balrog, twitched the energy from its body to form a shocking flame.

Boom boom boom! Open the blood mouth and shoot dozens of consecutive shots towards Duan Fei’s position. Large-scale attacks often fail to achieve the best accuracy. However, the snake does not care about this at all. The energy accumulated in the body is enough for it to use. Hundreds of millions of times of shocking flames, even if it can’t be hit, it is enough to completely consume the stamina of this ant human.

As long as Duan Fei has no physical strength, his life will become the possession of the devil snake.

The impact of the flames burned countless pits on the ground, and the entire battlefield was instantly beaten into a honeycomb by the inextinguishable devil snake. Duan Fei, who was beaten by the impact flames, retreated again and again while avoiding the devouring gas. bomb.

The gas-devouring gas bomb quickly sneaked into the Immortal Realm who hit the Demon Snake, as if it had disappeared and never appeared again. The Immortal Demon Snake that still felt like it was tickling never thought it had entered. In Duan Fei’s plan.

“An ant, if you have any other tricks, just use it!” Seeing that Duan Fei had been running away except for the inconspicuous attack, the Demon Snake began to sneer at the beginning of his impatience.

The Balrog, which is controlled by the brain, increases the strength of each blow before the slash, so that the boiled frog-like attack method numbs the tip of the snake.

As the flame demon’s slashing power increased, Duan Fei thought to himself, “The opportunity is here!”

Devouring Power! Variety!

Duan Fei, holding his hands high, poured out all the devouring power from his body, and a huge black figure more than 100 meters tall appeared behind him.

Shadow of the Demon God, the terrifying Demon God who once absorbed the vitality of two Demon Snake Heads in a very short period of time reappeared. Due to the previous failure, the Indestructible Demon Snake had a profound lesson, and then rashly rushed Going up to deal with Duan Fei will only get yourself into the point of being sucked clean.

The inextinguishable snake, which was as far away from the shadow of the demon as possible, changed the target of its attack to the behemoth in front of it.

“Shadow of the Demon God! The attack is synchronized!” Deliberately amplifying the voice, Duan Fei controlled the huge Shadow of the Demon and launched a close attack on the Demon Snake. It can absorb a part of the energy of the magic snake, and the eight-headed snake that has been hit several times in a row continues to attack from a distance.

Roar! Roar! Roar! The uninterrupted rushing flames hit the ground through the Demon God. Under the combo of highly flaming rushing flames, Duan Fei slowed down his attack, making the entire Demon God’s shadow seem to be affected.


On the other side, after the 500th slash of the Balrog on the snake, the snake’s body finally changed, and the tough energy shield was cut through a tiny crack, but I was busy dealing with it. Duan Fei’s devil snake doesn’t care about this little bit of damage, as long as Duan Fei is killed, the flame demon clone transformed by the supernatural power is no problem.

“Shadow of the Demon God, catch them for me!” At the risk of being hit by the rushing flames, Duan Fei controlled the Demon God and reached out to the heads of the three Demon Snakes. , which severely limits it in action.

The giant palms are like the sky, and when they stretch out, they grab three snake heads, two in the left hand and one in the right.

“The ants die!” After being caught, the demon snake head not only did not resist or struggle, but instead increased the distance between it and the demon god, and the remaining five snake heads flew out towards the segment controlled by the ground. Massive rushing fire combo.

Duan Fei, who was instantly released from the synchronization state, turned into a devouring shield with both hands, which absorbed energy while resisting the rushing flames.


The crack that was originally only the size of a thumb turned into an arm-like length under the mad slash of the Balrog, but the snake was still frantically attacking Duan Fei on the ground. Far.

The Balrog’s hands clenched the hilt of the blade of force, raised it high and stabbed it down. The body of the snake that lost the protection of the energy shield was instantly pierced by the blade. The blade was inserted under the full force of the Balrog.


At this moment, the Balrog standing on the snake’s body turned into a **** flame and entered its body along the blade of the force. The two incompatible energies flooded even more strongly at this moment.

I already felt the inextinguishable Demon Snake appearing on my body, shaking its body, as if to shake the Balrog, but I don’t know that the Balrog formed by the fire of **** has been fused into the body.

The obviously inferior Hellfire can only linger in a small corner of the Demon God’s body, but this is enough for Duan Fei.

“In one minute, I will solve you!” Duan Fei, who was still on the ground under the attack of the flames, suddenly said.

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