The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 433: Compromise

“We are the Covenant, always united as one!” Someone suddenly shouted.

This sound caused waves as if a stone was thrown into the water. Most of the people at the scene were quickly aroused. Everyone realized their fault, and they all understood the meaning of what Chen Jiahao said. The monstrous sound seemed to rush into the sky.

“We are the Covenant, always united! We are the Covenant, always united! We are the Covenant…” A deafening voice resounded throughout the Covenant, from all directions The influx of people also quietly joined the quietly gathered troops.

Chen Jiahao looked at the people in front of him with a smile on his face, and a smile appeared in his heart. He knew that he was worthy of Duan Fei.

The rest of the Star Alliance executives also gave Chen Jiahao a look of approval. Obviously, everyone highly recognized Chen Jiahao’s approach. Not only did he subtly resolve the false rumor incident, but he also used this incident to spread the stars. Allies are tightly bound together.

Chen Jiahao nodded heavily and said: “Here, I have something I have to tell you. Maybe you don’t know, the entire human alliance has threatened us. If we don’t cooperate with Skynet, then the entire human The Alliance may tear itself apart from our Covenant.”

“And the Covenant is indeed headless at the moment. I’m not saying this to get everyone to accept the people of Skynet, what I want to say is that since we can be united, we can stick together, no matter who comes with us We will not be afraid of cooperation, no matter what tricks he has, in the face of solid cohesion, he is completely vulnerable.”

“We are now besieged on all sides, and the only thing we can do is to temporarily swallow our breath and agree to Skynet’s request. I would like to ask everyone to consider the family and friends around them, and our senior management is not just for honor and a sense of justice. Consider that our number one priority is simply to keep everyone safe.”

“I hope everyone can understand what we’re going to do next. After my discussions with a kind of Covenant high-level, it was decided to open the door and greet the leaders of Skynet and let them take over the Covenant. However, all the people It’s all ours, only the leader is theirs, I think everyone should understand how to do it.”

Originally, Chen Jiahao thought that when he said the previous paragraph, someone would be angry, but what surprised him was that none of the people in the field made a random voice again, and everyone watched silently. With Chen Jiahao, they are all thinking and thinking.

“We follow the leader’s instructions!” Someone suddenly shouted again.

The atmosphere at the scene became heated again. Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and screamed desperately, as if to drive out all the grievances and complaints in their hearts from their bodies.

Chen Jiahao turned around and walked into the liaison hall. The whole process was seamless and domineering, and the top leaders of the Star Alliance quickly followed into the liaison hall.

The people gathered at the periphery of the liaison hall also dissipated with Chen Jiahao’s departure. Everyone walked together and discussed something. Obviously, after Chen Jiahao’s speech, they all felt deeply, and this is also the purpose of Chen Jiahao.

Chen Jiahao turned around and looked at the people with bitter and helpless smiles on their faces, “There is no way, we have to think about the people. We are not saints, it is not easy for everyone to survive in troubled times, we can no longer do it because of our I think that even if Duan Fei is here, he will not allow such a thing to happen.”

Luo Haisheng nodded, he stepped forward and patted Chen Jiahao’s shoulder and said with a smile: “It’s alright, let’s all stare at the pressure together, so you will feel better, let’s see, what kind of ability those guys from Skynet have? What can we do in our Star Alliance.”

Immediately, there was a wry smile on Chen Jiahao’s face. He knew that Luo Haisheng was just comforting him, but there is really no more safe and effective way than this. Sooner or later, everyone will be unable to bear the pressure from all directions. , what they can do now is to do their best and obey the destiny.

“Send a message to Skynet that the Star Alliance is willing to form an alliance with Skynet to reach a partnership.”



“Brother Liu, you’re here.” Zhang Feng pushed open the door of the bar box and saw Liu Ran sitting on the sofa. He looked around and closed the door softly. Zhang Feng secretly glanced at Liu Ran, who was in a comfortable posture, and a lot of doubts passed through his heart. If the last time he sneaked into the Star Alliance was accidental, how should he explain his entry this time? Zhang Feng is unknown, but it is precisely because of this confusion about the unknown that deepens the fear of Liu Ran in his heart.

“Well, sit down.” Liu Ran held the red wine glass leisurely. The bright red wine swayed in the wine glass, as rosy and attractive as blood. Down.

Zhang Feng pulled the nervous-looking old horse and sat down opposite Liu Ran quite nervously. Zhang Feng seemed to suddenly remember something, he said: “Oh, look, I forgot, come on, Brother Liu, let me introduce you, this is my partner, old horse. He also has some credit for spreading the news this time.”

Liu Ran took out two wine glasses without hesitation and placed them on the table in front of them. Then he listened to what Zhang Feng said, and lifted the wine bottle into the wine glass with a smile on his face. The wine was poured, and the bright red wine rushed into the wine glass without a trace of spillage.

He put the wine bottle down gently, then looked at the two people who were worried, and smiled: “Don’t be nervous, you are doing very well, and Brother Ma’s reward will not be small, both of you have done everything. Okay, so the organization will reward you well. Come on, you’re welcome, drink some wine and celebrate.”

During the whole process, Liu Ran’s tone was soft and calm, not gloomy or excited, only calm and strange like ancient waves. Of course, this strangeness, the two brothers sitting opposite were completely unaware of it. The old horse picked up the wine glass in the eyes of Zhang Feng, who had a bad face, and then drank it. Zhang Feng did not hide it when he saw it. He picked up the glass and drank it.

Looking at the two of them like this, Liu Ran laughed and shook his head, and then he suddenly asked softly, “Do you know what you have achieved this time?”

Seeing Liu Ran’s question, Zhang Feng scratched his head embarrassedly and grinned: “It’s nothing, I just walked around with Ma and everyone wanted to rebel, and everyone knew that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance were at that time. They are all in the liaison hall, and they all rushed there, it seems that the number of people will not be small.”

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