The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 409: Negotiation

“Haha, of course it’s for cooperation. You must know that the leaders of our organization are very concerned about the Star Alliance. They have to name me to greet me in person, for fear of not taking good care of them and causing us to lose money. A powerful ally.? Huo Ranwen???????.?ranen`” Wu Hao didn’t talk nonsense, he paused for a while, and then said to Chen Jiahao and Moyue opposite.

“Well, Representative Wu, we have read all the documents in the morning, and we agree with Skynet’s willingness to cooperate, but because there is no one in the position of the leader at this time, we still need to go back and talk to everyone about this important matter. It was agreed together that the few of us came here just to walk through the process and listen to the content of the meeting.” Chen Jiahao pouted and rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

“Perhaps Brother Chen doesn’t know something. According to the size of the base, our Skynet cooperation level is different.” Wu Hao said mysteriously, “For example, a super base like the Federal Base will definitely be in the organization. Sending the best personnel and the best equipment and weapons is not the same as those small bases.”

“And Brother Chen’s Star Alliance is not a high-ranking human alliance now, so it must be the object of our Skynet’s key support, and I will also inform the leadership, which will make all of us Isn’t it beneficial?” Wu Hao said in a flamboyant manner, Chen Jiahao was about to die of boredom there.

Chen Jiahao smiled lightly and was about to start, but Moyue took his arm and told him not to speak, then she looked at the two of them and said coldly: “Thank you for your kindness on behalf of Wu, our Star Alliance has nothing to do with it. It means that the Star Alliance is just a small base that has just been established, and it is not comparable to the old-fashioned forces like the Federation Yanhuang, and the Star Alliance does not want it, nor does it want to.”

“This girl, you just said that you can’t represent the public opinion of the Star Alliance. Why did you decide this on your own without considering the people in the Star Alliance?” Sun Bingtian said lightly, he held his chest and bowed his head, completely condescending. gesture.

“You two, aren’t you here to discuss cooperation?” Chen Jiahao lowered his head and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, Wu Hao quickly stretched out his hand to accompany him with a smile: “Everyone is a smart person, and they all know that the interests here are complicated, so don’t hurt the peace. Let’s talk about business.”

“Business?” Chen Jiahao and Moyue looked at Wu Hao, their brows furrowed slightly.

“Dare to ask Brother Chen, how is the development of the Star Alliance now?” Wu Hao paused slightly.

“Oh, very good, thank you Brother Wu for your hard work.” Chen Jiahao said lightly.

“Brother Chen has always been acting as the leader of the alliance, right? Brother Chen, do you think it’s okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a little busier than before, but the Covenant has entered the late stage of construction, and it doesn’t require many orders.”

“Really, my attitude with Bingtian was a bit wrong before. I’ll make an apology for the two of you first.” After speaking, Wu Hao stood up, bowed slightly in the direction of Chen Jiahao, and then turned to the devil. Yue, also bowed slightly, and then went back.

Chen Jiahao sneered in his heart, everyone is an adult, so naturally he understands the truth, but even if Wu Hao did this, would Chen Jiahao think he was well-intentioned?

Moyue’s face was indifferent and expressionless.

“The organization did ask me to come to the representative of the Star Alliance, mainly because of the sacrifice of the Alliance Leader Duan, and now there are no dragons, and there is no way to take more responsibility for the time being, so that we Skynet will not have Ways to ensure the cooperation with the Star Alliance.” Wu Hao said.

“What does Brother Wu mean?” Chen Jiahao asked.

“Hehe, Bingtian is an A-level awakener in the organization. He has extremely rare A-level abilities, and he is also an A-level official in the organization. He is good at all aspects of management and military. This is one. Second, we Skynet and the Star Alliance do have a deep meaning of cooperation, and the leaders of the organization have high expectations for the future cooperation between the two major forces, so today I want to bring Bingtian to get to know Brother Chen, and in the future, we want to become friends Yes.” Wu Hao smiled, but this kind of coping smile really became the most sinister smile in Chen Jiahao’s eyes.

“The organization praised the Star Alliance, and even praised the leader of the Duan Alliance. In this way, we came here to meet the two of you.” Wu Hao crossed his hands, and an unconscious confidence and demeanor were silent. The ground spreads out, although Chen Jiahao is not happy with Wu Hao’s stern appearance, but I have to say that this Wu Hao is terrifying in dealing with the situation, and his words are extremely mellow.

And Sun Bingtian, who was also beside him, kept a faint smile from beginning to end, and did not move or bear the provocation of himself and Moyue at all, which made Chen Jiahao keep an eye on it, at least the two in front of him. Individuals are not the kind of people that you can fully trust with sincerity.

Chen Jiahao raised his wrist to look at his watch, looked up and said, “You two, it’s getting late, please go back, we still have to rest. As for your suggestion, we will go back and have a meeting to discuss. As for Representative Sun, more One friend has many ways, and we in the Covenant welcome any friend, except monsters, of course, hahaha.”

The smile on Wu Hao’s face froze instantly. He stared at Chen Jiahao in a daze, feeling a little overwhelmed. Originally, he planned to say more, but he didn’t expect the other party to send off the guest so directly?

Wu Hao and Sun Bingtian looked at each other, obviously seeing the helplessness and surprise in each other’s eyes, but they already had the intention of seeing off guests, so it would be bad for them to stay here. The two stood up immediately, Wu Hao said : “In that case, let’s go back first, don’t disturb the two of you, you two have a good rest.”

After speaking, Wu Hao gave Sun Bingtian a look, and then the two smiled at Chen Jiahao and Moyue, and strode out of the room.

“Okay Chen Jiahao, this trick is even worse.” Moyue couldn’t help laughing when she saw Skynet and the two go out.

“No way, of course it’s the truth. The representative surnamed Wu, I said that at the end just to be polite to him, but the person surnamed Sun is just so mad, and that expression is just unbelievable. Skynet is not If you want to transfer him, our Star Alliance will definitely not welcome him, isn’t this a monster, hahaha.” Chen Jiahao scratched his head and smiled.

“Why are you so confident that the Covenant is xenophobic?” Moyue asked.

“That’s easy, the unity of our Star Alliance is the first for all human beings. Even if Skynet is powerful, he can’t put anyone in!” Chen Jiahao pouted, but his face became solemn, “In the end, , this Sun Bingtian is really dangerous, not only is he an A-level Awakener, but his temperament is so old-fashioned, this is simply a monster.”

The magic moon is leaning against the bed, her head raised to reveal her graceful neck, her beautiful eyes staring at a distant place, the moonlight pours down, and it is a hazy dark night – that is the location of the Yangtze River. The room where the Federation arranged accommodation for them was on the top of the building, so they looked down.

Chen Jiahao also came over. He also looked at the location of the Yangtze River and sighed slightly: “I hope that Duan Fei is still alive, don’t let us wait for him in vain.”

Moyue’s chin lightly tapped, and there was a strange look in her eyes.


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