The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 405: Sister

This is a huge and barren desert. The round sun above the head releases raging fire and scorches the earth. The air is twisted due to the high temperature. Hills in golden coats. ({{

The wind also rolled over with heat waves, and small sandstorms rolled up on the ground, and then slowly dissipated due to lack of strength and fell back to the ground.

On the ground covered with golden particles, the young man in tattered clothes lay quietly on it, breathing evenly. At this time, his whole body was buckled upside down on the sand surface in a large shape. The hot wind blew slowly, blowing the exposed corners of the clothes.

Suddenly, his fingers moved slightly and inserted into the smooth sand. Duan Fei raised his head with narrowed eyes, “Where is this?”

He got up with some difficulty and sat on the ground, but when he just wanted to look at this place, there was a different degree of heat from under him, and the fiery heat rushed to his brain instantly .

“Fuck, why is it so hot?!”

On the endless desert with no one in it, a small black shadow suddenly jumped up from the ground, like a cat whose tail was tapped, and the painful sound was instantly annihilated in the wind.

Duan Fei turned around slowly, with confusion and helplessness in his eyes, “Where the **** is this? Didn’t I jump into the seal?”

The sand rolled up in front of him, Duan Fei shook his head helplessly, he raised his head and looked up at the huge sun in the sky, no one could answer him at this time, all the answers had to be found by himself.

But that’s what he said…he stepped out, intending to take a look…but…

“Ah, ah, it’s hot!”

Duan Fei suddenly jumped around like a monkey with jumping feet, scolding from time to time, and then he realized that he had no shoes at all when he was underwater…

He looked around at the endless golden yellow and the dust in the sky, and his heart gradually sank, didn’t he…wasn’t it a long time since I was on it…this is coming… ··

However, we still have to go. Duan Fei tore two pieces of fabric of similar size from his clothes that were already damaged beyond recognition and tied them to the soles of his feet.

He lowered his head and slowly tied a bow, then stood up and clapped his hands. He first raised his right foot to test on the ground in front of him, Duan Fei nodded slightly, um, okay, at least not so hot… ··

As a result, Duan Fei, with many big holes in his clothes and cloth strips tied to the soles of his feet, set off on the road with a helpless and distressed expression.

But it didn’t take long for him to walk, and something strange happened. From his line of sight, it was impossible to have an oasis within two kilometers, but he only walked less than a thousand meters. Lush green forests appeared faintly, like a small boat floating on the water.

Duan Fei didn’t think so much. After walking for so long, his mouth was already thirsty. Although he had been soaking in the water for so long before… He accelerated his pace, and the oasis in front of him was also close at hand and wide. The leaves are shaded, and the silver phosphorescent water is slowly rippling, and it looks like a peerless beauty dancing a wonderful dance among a group of rough men. The strong man of color was laughing all over the place.

Duan Fei reconfirmed that this is really a small oasis. He stood under the green leaves, leaned lightly on the trunk, and looked at the pool of clear water below, with doubts in his eyes.

He only walked one kilometer. In this kilometer, he was only accompanied by the dust and wind in the sky, and the huge blazing sun above his head. Apart from that, there was no fourth thing that appeared. At this time, an oasis did appear shortly after he left, which is really weird.

Moving to the clear water, this small pool is not completely transparent, and part of it is occupied by the tall wormwood, so you can’t see it. But the coolness and clarity can’t be imitated at all, Duan Fei really can’t think of what danger will be at the moment, after all, the big environment he is in is the biggest danger.

Duan Fei shook his head slightly, but in the end he couldn’t resist the longing in his heart. He took off his shirt and dived into the water pool with a cheer: “Whatever, this kind of ghost place, inside the seal, shouldn’t have any problems. “

The cool touch filled his body, Duan Fei closed his eyes comfortably, but at this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the wormwood over there, he suddenly opened his eyes, his muscles were tense, his eyes Dangerous and serious.

Duan Fei has long been accustomed to this transition between comfort and tension.

He stood up slowly, the water rushing down from his body, stirring up a circle of ripples, and the movement in the wormwood was getting bigger and bigger.

Duan Fei approached the wormwood, put his palm on the wormwood, and then slowly pushed it away, he looked behind him, his eyes full of surprise!

However, there is nothing behind the wormwood. It’s just that the wind is blowing on the water surface, and then the wormwood is blown up. Because there are no trees to cover it, the wind is free to move here. Wandering between.

The feeling of unease still hasn’t disappeared. Duan Fei stood there. He has developed a habit of perception of danger. Since he still has that feeling, it means that danger is still around. He slowly turned around. , looked behind him, but froze in place.

The girl is wearing a pale pink dress, standing gracefully by the water. At this moment, she is standing there so quietly, but like a peerless lotus, the embroidered skirt is undulating, and the girl’s smile is shining in the sun Under the bright and charming, so lovable is sighing.

Duan Fei’s body trembled uncontrollably. He nervously looked at the girl who was blooming like a flower on the opposite side, his hands were shaking, something in his eyes had already been filled, and the crystal liquid was shaking in his eye sockets, “Sister, Is that you?”

The girl seemed a little displeased, a faint atmosphere appeared on her pretty face, her small brows furrowed, and her clear eyes glared at Duan Fei, her hands pinched her waist: “Hey, you idiot, you even I don’t even know each other?”

puff puff puff…

The soles of his feet were inserted into the water, and Duan Fei came down to the water’s edge three times. He looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief.

Duan Xinyue smiled slightly, her youthful smile seemed to dissipate even the scorching heat. Looking at her brother who was staring at her, she reluctantly patted her forehead and muttered, “Hey, I said, have you seen enough? Young Master Duan, you wouldn’t want to rob your sister, would you?”

“Ah, how could it be, how could it be.” Duan Fei was stunned for a moment, and he laughed foolishly, but he suddenly hugged Duan Xinyue and wrapped his palms tightly around her, as if he was afraid of her. Run away again.

“Fuck me, brother, you don’t really want to have a forbidden brother-sister relationship, do you? Are you burnt out? Also, although I’m your sister, you’re still half naked!” Duan Xinyue Startled by Duan Fei’s sudden hug, he rolled his eyes and picked up Duan Fei’s torn clothes with his little hands, disgusting.

Duan Fei suddenly realized his excitement. He separated from Duan Xinyue like an electric shock. After that, he cheered and thought about the place where the clothes had been left. He picked up the clothes and simply put them on: “I said, why are you here? Where have you been before?”


What Duan Fei answered was the rustling sound of a gust of wind blowing through the leaves. Duan Fei turned his head with a smile on his face. He thought his sister was joking with him, but his smile was frozen on his face. The place where Duan Xinyue was standing had long since disappeared, and the area was empty, as if nothing had existed just now.

Duan Fei looked surprised, he walked slowly, the soles of his feet touched the sand, making a rustling sound, a series of footprints were printed on the ground, he slowly knelt down and looked down, he knew that this series of footprints There was only his own in it, and there were no footprints at all where Duan Xinyue stood before.

In other words, Duan Xinyue never existed…

He stared at his hands in a daze, the touch that was so appropriate just now still remained on his fingertips, but in a blink of an eye the familiar but vague figure disappeared again, Duan Fei painfully rested his head on the hot sand, his hands clenched tightly. Clenching into a fist, he slammed into the sand suddenly, and the slightest sweat dripped from the pores and flowed to the ground.

“Sister…Sister…Where are you?”

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