The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 398: Awesome

Longmen Mountain, Covenant.

The long conference table runs through the empty conference hall. The sharp long sword hangs on the wall. The white metal texture spreads over the entire hall. The precious works are attached to the wall one by one, showing a lot of value .

At this moment, there are people sitting on both sides of the long table. Chen Jiahao sat in the second place, looking down at the document in his hand. On the other side were familiar Star Alliance executives such as Mo Yue, Lin Ming, Luo Haisheng, etc. Since the meeting had not yet officially started, the entire meeting hall rang out from time to time with low-pitched discussions.

After many days of rectification, the Covenant finally slowly walked out of that grand battle. The injured Awakened gradually improved one by one, and those with milder injuries could already do some simple tasks and activities. Those who are almost dying have special personnel to take care of them. Chen Jiahao said that if these people can’t live, let them spend the rest of their days happily and smoothly, and comfort their relatives who are still alive.

And the news of the recovery of the wounded continued to be heard from the top management. Xiao Lin Ming relied on his young vitality to endure the most difficult period. After some adjustments, he finally stood up again, but because An Yashang still Sleeping on the hospital bed made him feel unhappy all day long, and he would go to Anya’s ward from time to time, and the concern in his eyes was beyond words.

Li Feng, who was the most seriously injured, finally woke up slowly under the anxious eyes of everyone, and the news of his serious injury could not be concealed from Tranquility, who felt that something was wrong. forward.

Li Feng, whose face was still pale, opened his white lips slightly, and said in a weak voice, “Jing’er, it’s good to see you alive again.”

Ning Jing was already full of tears, she wept and said: “You idiot, if you make a mistake, what will I do with the child.”

Although Li Feng’s heart was full of guilt and distress at that moment, everyone could see the sincere joy and emotion in his eyes, the sacred thing called love.

Although Chen Jiahao was appointed by Duan Fei as the acting leader of the Star Alliance, he didn’t even have much management skills himself. Duan Fei’s handing over this position to him was just a last-ditch entrustment. Many times he had looked into the distant direction, where the dragon of the Yangtze roared, and where his brother fell, where all blood was poured out.

A month passed in a blink of an eye, but Duan Fei didn’t have any news, and the little fire of hope in everyone’s heart was gradually extinguished, although all major human bases recognized Duan Fei’s “hero” title , but the Covenant is still immersed in the huge blow of the collapse of the missing pillar of the leader.

Chen Jiahao was keenly aware that since these days, the Star Alliance had no control and guidance from the core leaders, and seemed to be a little restless.

Chen Jiahao looked down at the watch in his hand, picked up the documents on the table and tapped lightly on the table: “Everyone, be quiet.”

The originally noisy conference hall fell silent in an instant. Everyone is a very high-quality person. If it is not stated that everyone can discuss freely, they will not say a word before the meeting.

Glancing at the gazes below, Chen Jiahao turned a blind eye. After a battle on the Yangtze River, his xinxing has been fully exercised. If it was in the past, in such a quiet situation, he must have his hands trembling.

“Everyone is a discerning person, so I won’t say anything secret. I believe you all know what we’ve been through in the past month and a half.” Chen Jiahao said slowly.

“But a very painful thing happened to us. At present, there is no news from the leader of Duan Fei.” Speaking of this, all the high-level executives looked at each other. Although they are also high-level executives, they are different from Chen Jiahao and Li Feng Compared with other people, it is still a lot worse, and this kind of thing is naturally out of reach.

“I know that the leader of the alliance has not been returned, and everyone is worried, but recently I found out that some bad things happened in the base.” Chen Jiahao said in a deep voice that he did not mention the matter of acting as the leader of the alliance. At this time, he was just acting as a The identity of a Star Alliance affairs manager is holding a meeting, and the top management below seems to be mentally prepared.

Because once there is a dispute over rights, there will inevitably be blood. This is a simple truth that has been obtained since ancient times, even in the age of Dharma-ending.

“Zhang Hetian.”

“Here.” The big man with a butcher’s expression swayed to his feet. He pulled himself up and stared boredly at Chen Jiahao sitting in front of the conference table.

Seeing Zhang Hetian’s lazy state, Chen Jiahao frowned slightly. He read the document in his hand: “A few days ago, there was a collective provocation in the East District of the outer city under your jurisdiction. Do you know this?”

Hearing this, Zhang Hetian’s eyes rolled around, he scratched his head, and his rough voice echoed in the conference hall: “Oh, that, what did I think? Those guys in the southeast district bullied us in the east district. Personally, some of my guys didn’t know the truth, so I took someone over to see it and almost got into a fight. Later, I even approved those guys for this matter.”

“Oh?” After the conversation turned, Chen Jiahao looked at Zhang Hetian, even the gentle and elegant Chen Jiahao looked a little terrifying and majestic at this time, “Then some big girls in the northern district came to me to complain that the former A few days ago, they went to your eastern district to find some sisters, but they were molested by a few unscrupulous boys, and then they escaped with the help of a few big men. According to my investigation, these people are also your subordinates. “

Zhang Hetian was stunned for a moment, and he secretly greeted the ancestors of those brothers, he hesitantly said: “This…Sometimes…I am also busy and I didn’t notice it. The following things.”

He stood at attention suddenly, “I must discipline my brothers!”

“If the leader doesn’t come back, don’t think that you can do bad things because you have a lot of people in your hands. Although I usually show people calm, but don’t forget, I am a C-rank Awakener. In this era , strength is everything, strength makes rules, you understand?”

Zhang Hetian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

“It’s none of your business, sit down and have more snacks in the future. Don’t take me for anything. As Duan Fei’s brother, now I’m just his spokesperson, no matter where he is now. So the following If there are some people who are not honest, then please be honest, the Star Alliance is not a place for scumbags.” Chen Jiahao finally said coldly.

“The meeting is over.”

The high-ranking members of the Star Alliance quickly evacuated, for fear of being caught by this Awakened who suddenly became fierce overnight.

Chen Jiahao was patted on the shoulder, “I can see that, you are still very nervous.” Mo Yue said with a silent expression.

His face blushed quickly, and Chen Jiahao smiled embarrassedly: “It’s not that you don’t know me, but you have to shock these people. I said, the people we sent out before still didn’t detect Duan Fei. news?”

“No.” Moyue shook her head, she was the person in charge of the investigation team.

Chen Jiahao sighed, Luo Haisheng slowly approached beside him, and handed him a document, “Look at the document just sent from the federal base.”

Chen Jiahao took over the document and read it slowly, but his face quickly filled with surprise: “Damn, these people are really capable…”

“What’s the matter?” A few people gathered around…

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