The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 396: Repair

Duan Fei lay quietly on the breakthrough. He hasn’t rested for a long time. His life has always been in battle and tension, and there is almost never a pause, like a high-speed machine in super The operation of the load, but it has not been scrapped for a long time, and has been breaking through the limit.

The evolutionary tree and new abilities give him great motivation, and these are also the biggest barriers to his rebirth, so he will keep moving forward.

And this time he was thrown into the Yangtze River, and he was finally able to have a chance to take a good rest, to feel the feeling of comfort and tranquility again, and let the laziness and comfort run through his whole body.

And after that, he is going to throw himself into the endless battle again. He has a hunch that Skynet will gradually return to the world, and natural disasters will slowly emerge. There must be some shocking secret behind all of this. , but with his current ability, he can’t touch it.

What he needs to do now is to recuperate from his injuries and let that heart settle down completely.

Because after that, he would have to pick up his weapon again and cut through obstacles along the way, making any obstacles in front of him a stepping stone.

“Xiao Feifei,” the voice of the evolutionary tree suddenly sounded in my mind, “Next, I will reassemble your internal organs, the process will be a little painful, you have to endure it.”

“Reorganization? Can the organs of the human body also be reorganized?” Duan Fei was surprised. With the medical knowledge he was exposed to, he couldn’t understand what the evolutionary tree said.

“That’s right, our evolutionary tree was known as the tree of life in ancient times. Organ reorganization or something is not a problem at all.” The evolutionary tree proudly said.

“Damn it, then you didn’t tell me earlier, why didn’t I know you had this function before.”

“Hey, do you think we use this skill casually?” The evolutionary tree pouted, “Really, if it wasn’t for the supply of such a huge amount of energy around me, I wouldn’t have recovered to this state, but I also At most, I can regroup for you once.”

“Alright alright, auntie, hurry up and restructure it for me. If my body is swallowed by some big fish, both of us won’t want to live.”

The evolutionary tree snorted softly, and the crystal green on Duan Fei’s chest suddenly filled up, as if a higher voltage had been injected into the electric light.

Duan Fei’s body slowly sat up in the water. He slowly opened his eyes and asked, “What should I do?”

“Hold your mind and make sure it is not overwhelmed by the pain that follows, and you will succeed if you get through it.” The evolutionary tree rarely became serious and said softly.

“Then if we can’t keep us… Haha, well, I’ll try my best.” Duan Fei cried and laughed, only to feel that life is really full of surprises. hindered.

“You know… that’s good!”

In an instant, a faint green light floated up in front of Duan Fei’s chest, and gradually surrounded his entire body. At the bottom of the river where the light was weak, this kind of light was like a light bulb suddenly turned on in a dark room. Illuminate things around you.

The little bit of energy began to slowly revolve around Duan Fei with a small breath of life, forming a small green vortex, and the monsters not far away gradually began to tremble, and a touch of wafting from them The small green light clusters all converged in Duan Fei’s direction.

At this moment, with Duan Fei’s body as the center, a green halo with a radius of one meter revolves around him, like a firefly floating in the night sea.

Duan Fei was sitting on the bump. Fortunately, the bump protruding from the cross-section of the soil was large enough. Otherwise, with his current physical condition, if he fell into the seal at the bottom of the Yangtze River, he would definitely die.

He felt the energy lingering around him, which seemed to be mixed with huge vitality. At this moment, he was like someone who had been walking in the desert for a few days and suddenly saw a sweet and cold spring in front of him. The vast vitality is filled with the feeling of longing.

“Xiao Feifei, it’s time to start!”

The voice of the evolutionary tree exploded in his heart, Duan Fei lifted his spirits, and saw that the green energy swirling around him slowly changed direction at this moment, drifting towards Duan Fei’s mouth, an invisible vortex surged in the water, A large amount of energy full of vitality and vitality was poured into Duan Fei’s body.

Those are the most quintessential energies that the evolutionary tree has been refining and purifying for a month, and they are accompanied by the life breath of the evolutionary tree itself.

The energy like sea waves poured into Duan Fei’s body. In an instant, these still somewhat irritable and restless energies rushed into his body wantonly, but their role at this time was not to destroy, but to repair.

A fine stream of green light separated from the large stream of energy and swam towards the blood vessels of Duan Fei’s body. The flashing green light stream immediately rushed to Duan Fei’s damaged wound as soon as it came into contact with it. Fill it up.

“Ah!” But at this time, Duan Fei couldn’t help screaming with the piercing pain. Of course, he was in the water now, so naturally there was almost no sound.

At the same time, countless tiny streams of light seemed to have found their targets. In an instant, they all rushed towards the damaged parts of Duan Fei’s blood vessels and internal organs. The low growl kept ringing.

Duan Fei’s cheeks were flushed, his neck became thicker due to his roar, and the blue-green veins burst out in the water, releasing Duan Fei’s indescribable extreme pain from the depths of his body.

“Hahaha…” The evolutionary tree rolled around laughing in the space of consciousness. She clutched her stomach and couldn’t help laughing.

“Hey…you…you…even…you can laugh….I… Now…it’s all this…like… son…you still…smile!” Duan Fei’s face was flushed, and his heart almost ached. To fly, that kind of pain somewhere but you have no way to stop it is really painful, and this kind of pain is still appearing all over the body, if the evolutionary tree told him to keep his mind, His body twitched and he passed out.

“Of course, you idiot, have you forgotten your powers? You are like a young girl waiting to be possessed by a wishful groom, but you will always be afraid if you wait so quietly. Do you change your way and take the initiative to cater to it?” The evolutionary tree showed a sly smile.

“Hey…what is this…breaking metaphor…” Duan Fei said intermittently, although his mouth was still bickering, but his consciousness has already taken action, and that’s a lot. The devouring ability that Ri did not take the initiative to use was launched, and he took the initiative to absorb the green energy that was constantly “invading” his body. In this way, because he became the active party, his pain was relatively reduced a lot.

One after another energy flow rushes and swims in Duan Fei’s blood vessels, constantly repairing Duan Fei’s broken body. The attack launched by the God King on Duan Fei is almost fatal. With Duan Fei’s body at this time Go hard regret, can imagine. His body was shattered by the attack of the God King’s wind blade. In this way, even if the evolutionary tree was full of vitality energy, repairing his broken wound was a huge task.

He is also gradually getting used to slowly calming down, his eyes are slightly closed, and he allows the energy in his body to wander around.

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