The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 351: The God King’s Plan

“In the lower districts, you want to take away your life is just a matter of hands. But don’t forget, we are a cooperative relationship. The human beings today are not the era in which you lived. The strength of our human beings , compared to the time when your Excellency was at the time, it is not one or two points worse.” Although he was already lying on the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner, the other party’s tone was not at all humble.

“An ant, do you think those ants will become enemies with this king because you are an ant?” Even so, the king of God will eventually reduce the pressure on the man lying on the ground. .

“It depends on why His Excellency the King of God killed me.” The pressure on his body weakened, and the person who came to him immediately resumed his kneeling posture. Even in the face of the highest commander of the organization, he knelt down on one knee. Kneeling down on both knees is an extremely humble gesture. As an important member of the natural disaster, his dignity does not allow him to do so. In particular, the opponent is nothing but a monster defeated by humans in ancient times!

“Yi, your courage is not bad, please sign up.” The King of God sneered.

“The mere name is not worth mentioning.” The person who came here didn’t buy it at all.

“Very good, ants, join my command, this king will double your strength within a month!” The king of gods threw out his bait, and human beings have greed in their hearts. At the beginning, he took advantage of this point of human beings, and successfully used a group of humans as his precursors to wield weapons against his fellow human beings.

Unfortunately, although power is tempting, it cannot resist the temptation of power. Under the temptation of power, some human beings who were considered by the **** king to have completely given up their human identities turned their backs on their subordinates when they were at their weakest.

And now, the God-King will never make that mistake again. No matter how loyal his subordinates are, even if they are monsters, the King of God will never fully trust them.

After all, in the beginning, in addition to humans, there were also my brothers who wielded weapons against me!

Unfortunately, through the gap in the seal, the God King knew that the brother who betrayed him, after his failure, had not had time to enjoy the treatment of the God King, and was quickly cleaned up by humans.

And now, that guy has also recovered through a similar method. However, he only dared to hide in the Yellow River in the north, and did not dare to come down south to see himself.

The God-King had sent messengers to approach it, but it did not agree. Countless years have passed, but the guilt in its heart has not weakened at all.

So although he is very friendly to the messenger, the Dragon King, the brother of the God King, did not agree to go south to meet the God King after all.

It’s just that it has expressed goodwill to the King of God, and as long as the King of God needs it, it will fully support it.

Although I haven’t been able to see my brother, as long as I get this promise, it’s enough.

Looking down at the white man kneeling in front of him, a killing intent flashed in the eyes of the God King.

The people who joined forces to seal themselves, I heard, have been divided into three factions. And this so-called natural disaster is the guy who wants to use the power of his own family.

Compared to the other two forces that are very secretive about their power, the natural disaster is really cute! As long as this kind of power is used well, it must be a good combat power.

“An ant, this king agrees to give you this king’s source blood as a material for your natural disaster research, as long as you can help this king catch a person.” As the king waved his arms, a curtain of water was invisible. Motivated by the power, he soon appeared in front of the white people.

The water curtain surged, and a human face appeared in an instant. In addition to having no color, the shape of this face is actually Anya!

“Excuse me, Your Excellency, God King, this person is…” The person who came here did not dare to agree without authorization. Although the leader of the natural disaster has promised him great rights, this right only seems to be relatively large.

If you don’t have a good grasp of the degree, although the leader will definitely fulfill this contract in the future, he will definitely use it as feed for the monsters that the natural disaster is said to have raised for an unknown time!

“She killed many of my subordinates, and I want to eat her to relieve my anger.” Naturally, the king of God would not tell the secrets of Anya. Anya is equivalent to his own daughter, but the birth of this daughter is just a sin There is between the wrong and the wrong. For Anya, the King of God has no feelings at all.

Furthermore, even if he does find a wife, the biological daughter that his wife gave birth to for him, as long as his strength can be fully restored, the king of gods can still devour her mercilessly!

“In this case, I don’t know whether the king of the gods wants to be dead or alive?” the visitor asked respectfully, but there was an inexplicable look in his eyes on his lowered face.

“It doesn’t matter whether I live or die, but I don’t like eating cold food.” The King of God is old and sophisticated, and this question is just a test.

If the king of gods said it was alive, the importance of Anya would definitely be guessed. The natural disaster is not such an honest guy. In pursuit of power, he is not afraid to cooperate with the culprit who has turned the world into the current situation. This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can do.

“That’s good.” The person nodded, but a clear look flashed in his eyes. Killed a lot of subordinates, so you want to eat Xie Hate?

If it is said that the organization that kills the most monsters, it is not other, but natural disasters!

After all, in order to study monsters, we must first capture monsters.

As for the monsters as experimental subjects, in the natural disaster laboratory, the number of monsters that were killed or died because of the failure of the experiment was more than a million?

But the King of God has used such a simple excuse. It seems that this so-called sinner must be hiding a secret today!

Just grab it from her and study it. Perhaps, some other secrets are likely to be discovered.

“Okay, let’s step back, this king is going to have a good rest.” The king of God waved his hand at the person who came, signaling him to leave.

“That’s goodbye.” The scales on the visitor’s body turned, and his feet gradually turned into tail fins. The tail fin swayed, and the figure suddenly disappeared at the bottom of the Yangtze River.

“God King, human beings are hypocritical and cannot be trusted.” When the man left, one of his subordinates immediately admonished the God King.

“The nature of human beings, this king is naturally clear.” The king of gods looked coldly at the person who had disappeared, and then suddenly smiled: “Humans like to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so we will use interests as an inducement. The bait for them to move forward is to sweep away the human beings who want to resist. Then, concentrate on cleaning up these human beings completely. In this way, human beings can completely disappear from this world!”

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