The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 333: Bright base for help

When the monster receded, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief. After all, although the strength of the monsters this time is not very drop, after all, it is better than the large number.

“This attack is very strange.”

“What’s so weird? Didn’t we win?” People like to imagine things going in their favor. After all, no one wants to admit that, in fact, this victory was only because of the monster’s release of water, not because they were too powerful in the base.

“But…” The person who spoke first wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the people around him.

“Don’t think too much, this time our victory, thanks to the **** battle of our compatriots in the base, we can get this victory. I hope you can continue your efforts and wait until the next time the monsters come back, let them Have a good experience of what despair is!”

“Commander is right!” The crowd immediately began to laugh loudly.

“Lu Wen, come here.” The commander pointed to the person who spoke first.

“Look, let your kid keep growing other people’s ambitions and destroying his own prestige? Now you have your good fruit to eat?” Immediately, someone began to sneer.

“Alas…” Lu Wen sighed, then lifted his foot and walked towards the commander’s office. ??????? to read the book

“The commander is here, I feel this attack…” Lu Wen still didn’t give up his thoughts.

“I know, your feeling is right.” Before Lu Wen finished speaking, the commander had already spoken.

“Commander, what did I say… what?” Lu Wen wanted to continue to explain why he made such a guess, but suddenly realized that what the commander said just now actually supports his point of view!

“Wait.” The commander pointed his finger at Lu Wen, motioning him not to speak. Walking to the door, the commander said to the guards at the door: “No one is allowed to approach within a radius of 100 meters.”

“Yes!” The guard immediately extended the defense circle to the perimeter of the commander’s office.

“Okay, let’s talk.” After arranging all this, the commander looked at Lu Wen with a smile and said.

‘”The strength of the monsters participating in the attack this time is really too weak. Although there are many of them, there is not a single monster whose strength exceeds the level of D level. This situation has never happened before. ” Lu Wen explained.

“I also noticed this.” The commander nodded.

“Then why…” What Lu Wen wanted to ask was naturally why the commander refuted his views outside. But in the house, but admitted his own opinion?

“The pressure in the base is too high, and a victory is needed as a motivation to boost morale.??” The commander sighed. Although this Lu Wen is smart, his emotional intelligence is too low. He knows a lot of things. A person who is smart but has no scheming is the favorite helper of the upper-level rulers. After all, he is smart and can help himself in many things, but without scheming, he will not do anything randomly. , like something like a yellow robe and a body, they won’t make it.

Unfortunately, although Lu Wen is smart, his emotional intelligence is really poor. And he has a straight personality. If it wasn’t for his good strength, he might have been wiped out by those who have sinned.

“So that’s the case.” Lu Wen suddenly realized, as he said before, Lu Wen is not stupid, but there are some things that he doesn’t want to think about. In his opinion, everyone in the base should be in a relationship of mutual assistance, not the kind of intrigue and intrigue.

After all, right now, humans are at a disadvantage to monsters. If humans are still intrigued, it will be a matter of time before they are destroyed. Lu Wen doesn’t want mankind to perish, because he is a human being himself. Similarly, he is also very naive to think that the rest of the people should think the same as him.

It’s just that human nature is ugly. Although he is smart, he is just a 10-year-old child after all.

“It’s good that you know about this matter, don’t say it casually. As you said, although the strength of the monster is very poor this time, the absolute advantage in number is too great. The number of people killed in this attack is not small, if we say that this victory was given to us by the monsters, it will make the relatives of the soldiers who died in defense of the base very dissatisfied.” The commander taught bitterly.

“Oh, I see!” Lu Wen smiled and nodded, then walked out.

After Lu Wen went out, the commander stretched out for a long time, then took off his hat, and a long beautiful hair fell out of the hat. It turns out that the commander of this base is a woman!

“Although he’s good-looking and smart, he’s still too young.” The commander smiled, then turned his gaze to a telegram.

“The Guangming Base was besieged, and a teenager led several people to repel the corpse tide!”

“Duan Fei? He’s really an interesting guy, and it looks like he’s good looking and has good strength, but I just don’t know, how can I meet him?” The commander stuck out his tongue, He licked on his lips, and in the **** and charming, he brought a touch of serenity.

This telegram was naturally sent from the rest of the bases when Duan Fei led the Samsara team to rescue the Guangming base. After all, under such circumstances, such things as newspapers simply cannot spread.

So the more important information between bases is directly conveyed through high-level video calls. The rest of the battle reports and the like were conveyed by telegrams.

Compared with before, there is no such kind of gossip news in this world. Because most of the places have been occupied by monsters, human resources are not so abundant. No one will waste resources that are already tight on tidbits that don’t bring real news to people.

The line of sight turned to the Bright Base. The game arranged by the God King this time was basically the same as the one arranged by Laws before. It’s just that the God King has unified the entire Yangtze River, so the number of monsters it can mobilize is several times more than the original Rolls.

In order to make this play more realistic, the God-king directly sent all the monsters whose strength did not exceed the D-level level to the front line. The human bases south of the Yangtze River near the Yangtze River have all been attacked.

Especially the federal base and Guangming base, which have a good relationship with Duan Fei, are the top priority to be attacked. Even, the king of gods has already done a fake show. If it weren’t for the fact that there were three C-level monsters guarding the federal base, the low-level monsters could not exert their full strength at all. Perhaps the federal base had already been overrun by these more than 500,000 monsters. Obliterated!

But the base of light is not so lucky, after all, there is no strong existence among them. Therefore, the Guangming base has already sent a telegram for help to the federal base and Duan Fei’s Longmen Mountain.

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