The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 291: Base Commander

If you don’t kill yourself, you won’t die. This is the young man who knows that he is not as strong as Duan Fei, but he relies on his own gun and doesn’t take Duan Fei seriously.

To put it nicely, this man is not skilled and daring. But I have to admit that this man is a little resourceful. From the beginning of using lies to deceive Lin Ming’s trust, to deceiving him later and attacking Lin Ming, he would not have been able to do this without a bit of tactic and courage.

It’s a pity that Duan Fei’s every move fell into Duan Fei’s eyes. Although he made a small gesture to his waist, Duan Fei was still aware of it. After such a long period of fighting, Duan Fei had already accumulated enough points, and he raised his strength to level 9, his detection level from level 7 to level 8, and agility to level 10. Not enough, maybe Duan Fei will try to upgrade his agility!

Since the last time he fought the giant dragon, Duan Fei realized that although his speed is in the same level, except for those who have more bizarre ability awakeners (such as Li Feng’s night brake ability), his speed has You can completely abuse most people, but once you fight an opponent whose strength exceeds your own, your speed is simply not enough!

And after mutating with the giant dragon, Duan Fei also knew that although his strength is not bad, in this world, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people. ????? One Even mutants and zombies.

If he can fight, fight again. If he can’t fight, Duan Fei will not be as brave as last time. It is small for him to lose his life, and if it affects Lin Ming, it is very serious.

Not being afraid of death is a good thing, but being brave is not a good thing.

As for the behavior of the man in front of him, Duan Fei seemed to see himself as he was. At a certain moment, Duan Fei had the idea of ​​letting this man go. It was only after noticing the cold killing intent that flashed in the man’s eyes, Duan Fei gave up the idea.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, but sometimes, killing someone is another kind of salvation. By killing a bad guy, you can save the lives of several, or even dozens, of good people in disguise. Although Duan Fei doesn’t consider himself a good person, when he encounters someone who wants to bring him disadvantage, Duan Fei’s methods will not be much worse than those of the demons who make people feel disgusted!

“Go to hell!” The man saw Duan Fei looking at him quietly, his eyes were a little erratic, he mistakenly thought that Duan Fei was distracted, and in addition to being overjoyed, he used the speed he had never had before to push the special support around his waist. The gun was drawn, and it was three shots at Duan Fei!

The man’s marksmanship is as vicious as his heart. Three bullets hit Duan Fei’s forehead, heart and right eye respectively! In terms of speed alone, the man’s blow can already match some mid-level E-rank Awakeners. ? But unfortunately, he is facing Duan Fei, who is at the tenth level of agility and the eighth level of detection!

Duan Fei’s speed is not faster than a bullet, but it is many times faster than a man’s speed.

At the moment when the man drew his gun and shot, Duan Fei’s body seemed to be motionless, but in fact, he had moved one meter horizontally. Fei returned to his original position again, and the whole process happened in just a few tenths of a second.

The man’s strength is not good enough, and he even mistakenly thought that Duan Fei had been shot! Unfortunately, he did not find the muzzle from Duan Fei’s body.

“Big Brother Duan is amazing.” Men can’t see it, and women who are less powerful than him naturally can’t see it. However, Lin Ming, who had already reached the mid-level D rank, noticed Duan Fei’s small movements.

“First, I predicted when he would shoot, then moved his body. After the bullet flew, he returned to his original position. Big Brother Duan is worthy of being Big Brother Duan.” Lin Ming looked at Duan Fei admiringly, but he The words drove men and women into madness.

“Dodge the bullets? How is that possible?” Hearing Lin Ming’s words and comparing Duan Fei who had no blood on his body, the man already believed Lin Ming’s words, but he didn’t want to believe it, nor dared to believe it!

You just shot someone who could dodge bullets? impossible! If he was so strong, why didn’t he kill himself? And just dodging his own bullets without even fighting back?

It must have been a hallucination!

Yes, it’s a hallucination!

A satisfactory answer finally appeared in the man’s heart. He wiped his eyes, and a confident smile appeared on the man’s face again, but Duan Fei still saw a little flickering in his eyes.

Duan Fei smiled. This smile made the man seem to see the devil from hell.

Forcing the panic in his heart, the man shot Duan Fei again, this time with five shots!

However, Duan Fei completely dispelled that bit of luck in the man’s heart!

Originally, Duan Fei Duan Fei just wanted to find some survivors who were left alone, bring those people to Longmen, and then start to build his own base step by step.

However, after seeing the man’s actions, Duan Fei suddenly thought of a faster way. Directly defeat the leader of a base, and then directly move all the people from this base to Longmen Mountain. In this way, the element in the base that I worry about the most – people, can be solved!

Time passed, and when the man finally knelt on the ground feebly, Duan Fei slowly walked in front of him. The man raised his head and looked at Duan Fei in horror, his eyes full of helplessness and despair.

“Have you had enough?” Duan Fei looked at him calmly, but he was thinking about how he could convince him to take him to the Luoxia base he called him. In this way, I can directly call out the leader of the base to solve it. Of course, if some diehards are not honest, Duan Fei will not be polite.

Commander Luo said that the most important thing in the base is unity, especially in this troubled time, any factors that are not united may cause unexpected disasters for the base!

Duan Fei killed a lot of monsters, but also killed a lot of people!

“What kind of monster are you…?” It’s not that the man has never seen a strong man, but even the commander of the base is only a mid-level D-rank. The man thought that the so-called strong men rumored in the outside world were just false. After all, Chinese people like exaggerated things, not a quality that can only be found in a certain place.

However, today, Duan Fei let him know thoroughly that those legendary powerhouses do indeed exist!

“Me?” Duan Fei thought for a while, then said with a smile: “Is the future commander of your base.”

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