The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 279: Mysterious figure

When Luo Rui’s body gradually disappeared into the wilderness, Duan Fei glanced at his condition. Sure enough, a new skill bar appeared in the position where he originally devoured the ability. ??????? to read the book

phagocytosis control

Originally, Luo Rui’s skills were different from Duan Fei’s, and Duan Fei had the ability to swallow. When Luo Rui was swallowed, his swallowed abilities could not be swallowed by Duan Fei. , but its own swallowing ability has become a reinforcer for Duan Fei’s ability, but this is the first time Duan Fei has seen it. Duan Fei is not sure what the **** behind this control is.

But now is not the time to think about this. Cullo, who had a bad experience, has slipped away silently. What’s more unfortunate is that Lin Ming behind him is showing signs of waking up again. The more violent wind element around him is the proof.

“It seems that after waking up, it’s still not awake.” Duan Fei regretted in his heart. Lin Ming is a good seedling. If he is cultivated better, he will definitely be the most powerful member of the Samsara team. I, by then, may not be able to guarantee that I will be able to get out of my body while defeating him.

Unfortunately, because the time to prepare the base is getting closer, the time left for myself is getting less and less. I wanted to train Lin Ming well, but there was not enough time. I thought this battle was a good opportunity. If I was lucky, I would have a strong partner by my side. But Lin Ming’s ability was awakened, but his rationality also disappeared.

“I don’t know if there will be any sequelae.” He put away the iron rope, and then hugged Lin Ming, who had the ability on his back, into his arms. Duan Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that Lin Ming’s body, which was still shaking, gradually returned to calm. ???One reading book

“After all, I’m still a child. Brother Duan promises that I will never force you again.” Lin Ming’s reaction made Duan Fei feel a pain in his heart. After his parents were devoured by monsters, he forced him to recall the scene at that time. This kind of thing was too cold-blooded.

The haste is not enough, Duan Fei naturally knows this sentence, but it is not until today that he really understands its true meaning. However, the process of letting myself understand this truth is a little sad.

“Damn, if you knew, you shouldn’t have fantasies about that idiot Rory!” Seeing Duan Fei behind him getting closer and closer to him, Cullo felt regretful and at the same time, he also dismissed Rory’s idiot. The dead guy who didn’t even have any scum scolded his **** head. It’s just that whether it’s regret or cursing, it doesn’t help Duan Fei getting closer and closer to him.

“Chop!” Duan Fei shouted coldly, hugging Lin Ming with one hand, and the long sword in his right hand aimed at Culuo in the distance, which was a flying slash.

Ling Lie’s slash has not yet come close, and the cold wind has already made Cullo shiver all over. It is not easy for it to cultivate to the peak level of D-level. In the Yangtze River, if it weren’t for the few C-level monsters, Cullo could be regarded as the overlord of one side. It’s a pity that after a long period of time, it will be divided. It’s just that when the monsters transformed from beasts with a killing heart to rational monsters, their ambitions far exceeded normal humans. Coupled with an inducer, naturally, their ambitions for the chassis are naturally far more than humans.

In just one year, they have quickly divided the Yangtze River into several sites.

After that, the people in the natural disaster contacted them. Later, Xu Jianguo also contacted them through the natural disaster. After that, it was the scene where the human race won a local advantage after a year of hard work, and quickly fell. Back to the war that can only be passively defended. ?Read a book

Unfortunately, even though Duan Fei’s participation in this battle made the plan of natural disasters and monsters fail, but in the end, another purpose – the purpose of weakening the living combat power of human beings, was achieved.

Later, after the accidental news of the magic moon, the natural disaster actually sent another purpose of Anya – to replace the 100,000 human beings to unseal the ancient existence again.

So, another battle started again. Although Duan Fei also participated in it this time, unfortunately, the result of this battle was completely opposite to the previous one.

Seeing that Cullo is getting closer, but the Yangtze River is also close at hand.

“Save me!” Although he avoided Duan Fei’s slash, Duan Fei was also getting closer and closer, but fortunately, the Yangtze River was already in sight, and some flying mutant beasts had already Fly this way.

“The one who blocks me is dead!” Seeing that Cullo instantly disappeared from the group of monsters, more and more monsters were already flying towards him. Duan Fei roared and made no reservations.

The power of devouring quietly covered the Yangtze River, the long sword danced, and each monster was either slashed by the air, or directly cut in half by the long sword.

“Roar!” Suddenly, a roar came from the Yangtze River. The mutant beasts, who had already fallen into a state of madness, trembled all over, and consciously retreated, but they tightly surrounded Duan Fei.

“Boy, I let you slip away last time, let’s see where you can run this time!” A huge head emerged from the Yangtze River, followed by a body that was dozens of meters long.

“Although it looks very sacred, after all, I still can’t accept that the dragon is such a character.” Duan Fei shuddered in his heart and quietly carried Lin Ming behind him. The last time we met, I already felt that the strength of the giant dragon was infinitely close to the B level, and in less than half a month, the momentum of this giant dragon was even stronger!

Is it breaking again?

A terrifying thought flashed through Duan Fei’s heart. If this is the case, he may not be the opponent of the dragon. And he was carrying a Lin Ming on his back, and at the same time he had to rescue Anya, this was really a bit difficult.

Without waiting for Duan Fei to continue his conjecture, the giant dragon has already given the answer: “The last time when the key to breakthrough was approaching, I could only let you, the ant, leave like that. This time, this king has made a breakthrough, and his strength is even further. I want to see if you can escape from me this time!”

“Then let’s take a look!” Although Duan Fei was worried, he was not afraid. At this time, being afraid will only make you die faster!

“Nice ants, your tone is not small!” The giant dragon looked down at Duan Fei coldly, sneered, and a burst of mist emanated from its side, enveloping its figure.

Duan Fei watched the fog carefully and vigilantly, and did not dare to make other actions.

“This body is still more flexible, although the strength is weaker, but it is enough to deal with you, an ant.” A sneer came from the fog, and after the fog dissipated, the figure of the giant dragon disappeared, and In the place where the giant dragon should have existed, there was a humanoid mutant beast with a dragon head and a height of about two meters.

“Is this the difference between a B-level mutant beast and a C-level mutant beast?” Duan Fei looked vigilantly at the mutant beast in front of him, which was a humanoid, but more like a dragon standing on its hind legs. .


Without waiting for Duan Fei’s reaction, he had already been knocked out. In mid-air, Duan Fei resisted the suffocating blood that was about to spurt, and at the same time forcibly adjusted his body. But Lin Ming on his back was protected as much as possible.

“Is this your cub?” The giant dragon, it should be the dragon-human mutant beast watching Duan Fei’s movements calmly, not paying any attention to Duan Fei’s actions. It’s just a human at the peak of D-level, but he is already an existence that is about to reach the mid-level of B-level.

“He is my partner and my brother.” Duan Fei wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and found some canes on the ground to trap Lin Ming behind him tightly.

“Brother? Hehe… Cubs are just food for emergencies. The so-called brothers are only those who can help themselves block the sword at critical times. What’s the use?” The dragon man snorted coldly. , Duan Fei, who had just stood firm, was knocked out again.

The strength gap between D-level and B-level is really too big. Even though Duan Fei can now compete head-to-head with the monsters in the early C-level, the mid-level monsters can also compete with each other, but it is not the same as the monsters in the B-level. In comparison, it is still too weak after all.

“Brother, it is an existence that can block the sword for himself in times of crisis, but the premise is that when he is in crisis, we also have to block the sword for him!” Duan Fei snorted coldly, and unconsciously, the momentum on his body It has gradually improved! Although it is still far from the aura of the B-rank powerhouse on the dragon, it has far surpassed the aura of the D-rank!

“Are you going to break through?” The dragon man looked down at Duan Fei on the ground coldly in the air. Although he was a little surprised at the speed at which Duan Fei’s strength increased, if he broke through in battle, it would be a dead end!

“It’s really a dangerous time.” Suddenly, a person suddenly appeared next to Duan Fei, a big hand pulled Duan Fei over, and then threw something into his mouth.

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