The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 261: Xu Jianguo’s plan

When Commander Luo’s words began, Duan Fei didn’t care. ?Be it political or military, as long as they are politicians, they will say a lot of things before they speak. It is like a routine. Although they are unnutritious words, they must be said.

These words were ignored by Duan Fei. It was not until Xu Jianguo’s name appeared that Duan Fei’s attention was refocused.

When it comes to business, Commander Luo’s words are much more concise. He briefly explained Xu Jianguo’s arrangements before the battle, and then pointed out his mistakes in strategic deployment and matters to be paid attention to afterward, especially for the future. When dealing with monsters’ attacks, defense should be the main focus. Just like on the eve of the liberation war, strategic defense is the key, and we should wait for the opportunity to carry out local counterattacks, which can gradually shorten the gap between humans and monsters.

Professor Jiang was urged to speed up the research and strive to further improve the efficacy of genetic medicine.

When everything was arranged, Commander Luo cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, “Finally, I have one more thing to say. This is the birth and progress of a conspiracy that is enough to shake the entire human world. And this is also the main reason why Yanhuang Base wants to promote the establishment of the Human Defense Line and the Huaxia Alliance, and why they are so persistent in launching human counterattacks.”

Duan Fei’s heart moved, and his detection ability was further activated. This time, he not only listened, but also watched. This time, the expression of Commander Luo, who was a hundred meters away, was also captured by Duan Fei. ?

Commander Luo’s expression was a little hesitant, but this hesitation was completely replaced by firmness after only a few dozen seconds.

After that, the implied words in Commander Luo’s words to reassure Duan Fei – for the further development of mankind, he will not cover up anyone, just as he chose to give up on Duan Fei for the safety of the federal base. protection of. And now, in order to allow human beings to completely abandon their former hatred, even temporarily, of course, Commander Luo chose to confess something that was enough to make his brother’s spine go cold when he was scolded under Jiuquan.

Commander Luo sorted out his thoughts, and then briefly explained Xu Jianguo’s plan.

It turned out that Xu Jianguo had been found by an organization called Natural Disasters as early as the disaster just broke out. With the help of the natural disasters, the Yanhuang Base was established. And the number of people in the base can definitely be proud of the number of human bases in the country.

All of this was accomplished with the help of natural disasters. Xu Jianguo enjoys the joy brought by this supreme power – the power is in hand, the strong obey, the beauty is in the arms, and even the strength that has troubled him for many years and has not advanced, has also made a leap forward.

Xu Jianguo gradually cooperated with natural disasters more and more, and the so-called human defense line was just a guise for future joint operations.

This disaster is not accidental, but inevitable! There have been precedents in human history.

The natural disaster has a lot of information about this disaster. In order to let Xu Jianguo help himself, he even revealed some secret things to Xu Jianguo, including some S-class monsters and S-class human masters!

Xu Jianguo was shocked, but more attracted. ????? In troubled times, a powerful force is the best guarantee for one’s own safety. In order to further improve his strength, Xu Jianguo accepted the help of the natural disaster and transplanted the cells of an S-level mutant beast into his body. In this way, the original peak period was only equivalent to Xu Jianguo in the middle of F-level. It actually stepped directly into the strength of the early D-level!

When the fusion is further advanced, his strength has climbed to the mid-level D-level, infinitely approaching the peak of the D-level!

But when the fusion is further improved, the monsters within the body are also more and more out of control. Many times, those characteristics that should have appeared after the transformation actually appeared spontaneously! Of course, everything is still within Xu Jianguo’s control. Although the things in his body are not honest, they still obey Xu Jianguo’s orders.

As long as Xu Jianguo wants to, many things can still be decided by himself.

However, he couldn’t give up what he had already got, so he accepted the further plan of the natural disaster, which was to make the human base reach an agreement to conduct a large-scale battle with monsters. In this way, the number of human sacrifices needed You can easily gather enough to achieve their further plan – resurrecting a creature from ancient times!

Just what this creature is, even Xu Jianguo doesn’t know, and even Yilong Motian, who is a transit person, doesn’t know what that thing is.

However, for strength and greater power, Xu Jianguo chose to obey.

Soon, the human defense line was formed, and the monsters also used the already designed induction tactics to gather the human coalition near the Yangtze River step by step. After that, the monster army came out and wiped out the human coalition!

Unfortunately, because of the appearance of Duan Fei, the monsters not only failed to collect the number of sacrifices, but even lost the giant snake that was the most crucial sacrifice of the four monsters!

In desperation, the plan failed again, and the resurrection plan, which had been successful for more than half, failed again.

The people of the natural disaster were furious and asked Xu Jianguo to work hard again to gather the remaining human army near the Yangtze River and collect the number of human sacrifices!

However, this time Xu Jianguo refused, not because of his conscience, of course, but because he was powerless. The commanders of the base are not idiots, nor are they three-year-olds who can play around at will. They have their own thoughts and consciousness, and they also have their own ambitions. The reason why he agreed to his call at the beginning was because the monsters had indeed been beaten and retreated. They won’t miss out on beating up the Reservoir Dogs. But now that they have been defeated and self-defense is still a problem, how can they shake the monster army that has already shown an absolute overwhelming advantage?


Even if Xu Jianguo didn’t ask, he would know the answer.

But the people of the natural disaster did not take action to solve Xu Jianguo, that is because Xu Jianguo told another secret, Anya!

Anya is an existence between humans and zombies. Her existence is not only interesting to Xu Jianguo, but also to people who suffer from natural disasters. Because of the existence of Anya, it did not appear in their historical records!

A person who has been infected with a virus but has not lost his humanity, this kind of existence is undoubtedly an opportunity to rewrite history for natural disasters! They gave Xu Jianguo one last chance to seize Anya and bring her to them! In this way, what happened before can be forgotten!

Xu Jianguo took action. First, he put the entire responsibility for the defeat on Anya. Using the base commanders to quell the anger of the civilians who lost their loved ones in the base, they naturally put the blame on Anya with full firepower.

The plan is very smooth, everything is developing and proceeding step by step according to the plan set by Xu Jianguo, but this time it is Duan Fei’s appearance that completely shatters his plan.

First of all, it was Duan Fei who single-handedly resisted the action of the coalition of hundreds of human awakened people, which made the coalition lose the opportunity to contain Anya. It is precisely because of this that Anya had the opportunity to take Jinbao back to the federal base. Go to the rescue. Later, by accident, the federal base was going to defeat Xu Jianguo’s human coalition. Similarly, the Bright Base also defeated the coalition forces near its own base. After all, one is backed by the base, waiting for work, and the other is lightly loaded and long-range combat. The outcome is clear at a glance, even if the human coalition has a certain advantage in numbers.

After that, Duan Fei single-handedly killed people among the Human Awakened, and even the strongest Demon Moon under Xu Jianguo was defeated by Duan Fei. Defeat Duan Fei. Even if he couldn’t defeat him, he was seriously injured by Duan Fei, and then died of his injuries.

But before dying, Xu Jianguo still repented and revealed everything he knew.

“So…” Commander Rose on the stage shouted in a low voice. “I, Luo Yang! Although I know it will be awkward, I hope everyone can forgive Xu Jianguo. I am very grateful!”

Speaking of which, Commander Luo’s straight body sank suddenly, and then fell to his knees on the stage!

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