The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 195: D-type behemoth

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone in the headquarters changed drastically. ????? I thought that the support of Duan Fei and his team had successfully stopped the advance of the corpse tide. Judging from the current situation, it can indeed successfully hold off the corpse tide for two or three days. Wait until Yanhuang Base support arrives.

However, the sudden collapse of the northern troops cast a shadow over this hope.

About one-third of the huge corpse group has successfully left the main body and moved quickly towards the headquarters. Without the obstruction of the army, the entire corpse group has been advancing forward, and soon it has reached the third line of defense, the last city wall. In addition,

“This, what’s going on here, how did the northern theater fall, what the **** is going on?” At the same time as surprise and fear erupted, some officers were already roaring.

“How many troops are left behind, how are the ammunition reserves, and how long can the minefield be held?” Seeing the huge corpse tide that had broken through to the third line of defense, Huang Shuo turned pale and roared loudly.

Leng Leng stared at the majestic picture on the huge screen. After a rough count, several officers hurriedly said: “There are about 50,000 troops left behind, with sufficient ammunition and supplies, and they should be able to persist in high-fire battles for a while. In a week’s time, with the delay of the minefield, we should be able to drag most of the corpses outside the city walls, but…”

Halfway through the words, the officer who was explaining, stared blankly at the center of the corpse tide, the dark shadow covering the sky, his lips were a little dry, and he said in horror: “However, our firepower network cooperates with the minefield, At most, monsters below the F-rank can be kept out of the city walls, but if those top monsters are attacked here by them, there is really no hope!”

As soon as the voice fell, the entire headquarters was silent and dead. 1????? Everyone who read the book stared at the picture in front of them, and their hearts gradually became cold.

There was already hope, and then the sudden collapse of the northern defense line, the huge corpse tide that went directly south, made everyone fall into despair.

They didn’t understand why the defense line in the northern district suddenly collapsed. There were nearly 60,000 soldiers fighting desperately there. No matter what, it was impossible for them to be engulfed by the corpse tide.

However, what they didn’t know was that the top combat power in the entire corpse tide had quietly moved to the northern corpse tide.

Quietly looking at the huge black shadow in the distance, Duan Fei looked solemn. The wisdom of the monster leading this corpse tide is definitely not weaker than that of humans. It seems that it is preparing to use the north as a breakthrough to directly drown the entire command.

However, as the last line of defense, the defense here is also the strongest. If the terrifying giant monsters can be stopped, then the remaining corpse tide can be blocked by his door outside the city wall.

“General!” Thinking of this, Duan Fei’s expression condensed, and he said, “If you drag or kill those giant monsters, are you sure you can defend the third line of defense?”

“Brother, you mean you can…” Huang Shuo’s eyes lit up, he guessed Duan Fei’s thoughts instantly, and said in surprise: “If Brother Duan, you can kill those top monsters, the rest of the monsters, although It’s tricky, but after all, it’s not the entire corpse tide. Judging from the firepower we have currently reserved, it’s not a problem to hold back! The point is, how many powerful monsters are there, and you only have one person?”

Huang Shuo didn’t finish speaking, but the meaning was already very obvious. ???

Seeing the worried look on his face, Duan Fei smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, your words are enough, leave those monsters to me, the rest is up to you! “

“Since the Federation’s God of War said so, then what I say is hypocritical!” Huang Shuo nodded vigorously, his expression solemn: “If we can survive, from now on, our Bright Base will always be the Federation. The base’s most loyal ally!”

Listening to Huang Shuo’s words, the representatives from the major bases behind him suddenly shuddered. They knew better than anyone the weight of Huang Shuo’s words.

“Let’s go! It’s life or death, it depends on this moment!” Huang Shuo muttered to himself, he took the lead, everyone followed closely, accompanied by a large number of soldiers, to the towering sky Above the city wall, quietly looking into the distance, the wave of monsters that covered the sky.


Outside the city walls.

A large number of walking corpses are densely packed, each crowded together, slowly advancing towards the base.

Roughly looking at the past, the number of this group of walking corpses is probably between 100,000 and 200,000. Although the mutant walking corpses account for about half of them, there are not many mutant monsters above the F level. Relying on these monsters is not enough to break through the super defense of the third line of defense.

What really made everyone nervous was the two giant behemoths that were slowly following behind the corpse group.

One of them is a huge crocodile, which is nearly ten meters high and more than forty meters long. From a distance, it looks like a terrifying monster in ancient mythology.

On top of the huge body, there are countless dense but neatly arranged black scales. These scales are the size of a washbasin, and under the sunlight, they exude a faint metallic luster.

And on its back, there is a long dorsal fin, from the neck all the way to the tail, making it look like a dinosaur in ancient times, extremely hideous.

The other is a boa constrictor larger than the giant crocodile. The huge body crawls into the ground, looking from a distance, it looks like a dark gray dragon. Everything along the way was directly crushed to pieces.

His pupils are not black, but a strange green. In the cold vertical pupils, a touch of blood red makes it look more evil.

The two behemoths followed behind the corpse and headed towards the base unhurriedly. The mutant beasts did not step out, as if an earthquake had occurred. flutter.

These two giant beasts are super-large mutant beasts that have reached the peak of E-level. The crocodile-shaped monster even has the momentum of a D-level monster. It is possible that it has successfully broken through and become a terrifying monster. D-rank monster.

The corpse was in front and the giant beast was behind. It didn’t take long before they came to a place about two kilometers away from the city wall.

At this moment, countless deafening explosions resounded in the sky, and in the shelter not far away, countless rockets dragged their long tail flames, roaring into the walking corpses, hitting the on the beast.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

With numerous loud explosions, the battle officially began.

At the same time, a large number of gunships roared out of the rear combat area and rushed towards the group of walking dead.

Under a round of artillery fire, most of the low-level walking corpses were eliminated, and the mutant walking corpses were somewhat damaged, but for the two super-large beasts, these attacks were simply scratching their heads. After the splendid flames, the shock wave generated by the explosion can only leave a little white trace on them at most, and they are not injured at all.

A round of attacks could not stop them from advancing. In a short while, the walking corpses had advanced a distance of about a mile. However, at this time, they had already entered the attack range of the defense system.


With the command of the headquarters, the next moment, the heavy weapons lined up at the top of the city wall began to roar like wild beasts. Cannonballs the size of basketballs rushed into the sky, heading towards the hordes of walking corpses and super-giant beasts.

At a glance, the guns are like heavy rain, and the dense cannonballs are the hail that fell from the sky, directly smashing into the corpse.

I know the brothers have been disappointed every day in the past few days. In fact, the brothers in the reader group should know that I have been hospitalized as a rabbit. These chapters are all in the hospital bed. written.

During this time, I can’t guarantee anything, but I will make up for what I owe these days. You help me remember. After I leave the hospital, there will be three watchdogs.

I’m really sorry these days. I forced myself to write several times, and finally found that my body still couldn’t support it, so I had to give up. I understand and accept your anger, and I will express my apology with practical actions.

There is only one update today. You have been unhappy with watching it these days. I will make it more enjoyable for you later!

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