The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 12: Cubs

“It’s really smart!” Duan Fei exclaimed, and at the same time, Duan Fei was also shocked.

If Duan Fei’s guess is correct, the alien beast fighting against the native species is only one step away from mutating.

I didn’t expect such a powerful and intelligent beast to appear in such a short period of time after the appearance of the source species. Could it be that this time the doomsday has evolved faster than my previous life!

Duan Fei was keenly aware of this change, but he never imagined that these changes had any connection with his rebirth.

After changing tactics, the beast finally took the initiative. With its speed, between one retreat and one advance, the wounds on the original species began to become more and more, and as the number of wounds increased and the blood was lost, the original species also became weaker and weaker, attacked. The strength and speed are also greatly reduced.

The native species realizes its current situation and finally begins to try to change, so it abandons passive defense and actively attacks.

But things backfired, every time it attacked, the alien would run away shamelessly, never fighting it head-on. And when it was a little slack in the process of chasing, the alien beast would suddenly counterattack, and there would be wounds on its body.

With its own advantages, this alien beast played the injured native species with applause.

Apparently, it has eaten the native species.

Often relapse, the growing wound on the native species finally becomes the last straw that crushes it.

After a long time, the dark green blood has stopped flowing, and it may have been flowing. It was covered with wounds of different sizes. The wounds were criss-crossed one by one, making it look eerily terrifying.

Finally, it couldn’t support its body and fell down. Depressed and dying, his double eyelids were folded and he looked as if he were dead.

This alien beast is still very careful. It lingers beside the native species, and does not rush to it, but keeps testing.

But after trying several times, the native species didn’t move, and the alien beast finally opened its **** mouth and rushed towards the native species.

It has greedy eyes flashing in its eyes. As long as it eats the native species in front of it, it can gain incomparably powerful power.

At this moment, the alien beast burst out with unparalleled strength and speed, but it completely relaxed its vigilance just to eat.

However, at this moment, Duan Fei, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly shrank his pupils and showed a somewhat unbelievable expression on his face.

Duan Fei saw that next to the native species, hidden under the broken stone, the tentacle was slowly moving, and the sharp tip locked the head of the alien beast.

Everything is born in a flash of light and flint. When the alien beast swooped down, the tentacle suddenly shot out, so fast that only a black phantom could be seen.

The strong dangerous aura made its galloping body stiffen slightly, but when the alien beast wanted to avoid it, it was too late.

“Puchi”, blood splashed.

Just before it hit the ground, the tentacles shot out directly through the head of the alien beast. The huge body fell directly from the air, and the alien beast died without even a whimper.

What an accurate calculation, what a clever disguise.

The sudden reversal of the situation made Duan Fei stunned there.

This alien beast mutated from a husky, its strategy is indeed the most correct. Although the consumption tactics can’t kill the enemy quickly, it is the only way to kill the native species when its strength is not as good as the injured native species. And it turns out that it was the right choice.

However, with all its advantages, it was finally defeated by the incomparably clever deception of the native species.

When the alien beast pounced on the native species, its abdomen, or all its weaknesses, were exposed to the attack range of the native species. At this time, as long as the native species seizes the opportunity and is fatal to its weakest point, it can reverse the occupation.

Tentacles pierce through its eyes, directly destroying everything in its brain. The alien beast died before it even had time to resist.


Duan Fei couldn’t help but applaud the native species in his heart. The originally inevitable situation was turned around by it. As expected of the original species that made the entire human race fear in the previous life.

However! The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

The Duan Fei, who created all these troubles, finally came to the stage!

It took the last bit of its strength to kill this alien beast. At this time, the original species was really exhausted, and there was no strength to even cry.

Duan Fei came out of the cover and slowly came to the edge of the tiankeng.

At this moment, there are already corpses everywhere in the Tiankeng, and the native species do not know whether they are alive or dead.

Duan Fei will not foolishly return to the Tiankeng again, the ghost knows whether the original species still has the power to strike again.

Duan Fei picked up a stone from the ground and threw it hard at it. When the stone hit its forehead, the Primitive Species suddenly opened its eyes, and Sen Ran’s eyes stared at him. It recognized Duan Fei’s identity, it was the ant that escaped from it, but at this time it couldn’t move.

“Sure enough!” Duan Fei smiled coldly.

The vitality of the native species is really strong, so it can’t kill it, but the last step of Duan Fei’s plan is to end its life.

Duan Fei took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a paper ball he just made in his spare time, and then gently threw the burning paper ball into the sinkhole.

You know, the car is already full of gas oil that Duan Fei used in plastic bottles. In the battle between the native species and the walking corpses and alien beasts, they have unknowingly smashed or smashed these plastic bottles, and the fuel tank of the car itself has also been poke out a big hole by the tentacles of the native species. At this time, gasoline flowed over the corpses, soaking their clothes and covering the entire sinkhole.

So now it only takes a little spark and the sinkhole will burn and explode.

The burning ball of paper is impartial and falls right next to the car. When the gasoline met this flame, the roaring flame spread out with a bang, centered on the car.

Almost instantly, the scorching flames completely covered the entire Tiankeng. The shrill screams sounded at the same time, passing through the raging flames and reaching the sky.

This is the scream of the native species!

It didn’t take long for Duan Fei to hear a “boom”, and Duan Fei felt the ground tremble slightly, and then a huge column of fire, accompanied by billowing black smoke, suddenly gushed out from the sea of ​​fire, forming a mushroom cloud in the sky shape.

The car, exploded!

The strong shock wave created a fiery whirlwind around the sinkhole, and the powerful energy generated caused even more serious damage to the native species within.

The screams come to an abrupt end!

It didn’t take long before the painful humming sounded again, but this time it was inaudible. After another minute or so, the sound finally disappeared completely.

Time passed quietly, and I don’t know how long it took. The familiar electronic voice slowly sounded in Duan Fei’s mind: “Kill a native species and get an evolution point: 1oo!”

As soon as the voice fell, the number in front of Duan Fei’s eyes changed rapidly, and then changed from o to 1oo.

Duan Fei was stunned for a moment, and then an ecstasy instantly filled his entire heart.

I didn’t expect the native species to be so precious. Killing low-level corpses can only get a little evolution point, but killing the native species directly soared to a hundred evolution points.

On this evolution point alone, his trip today has already yielded a lot.

Not in a hurry to upgrade his physical attributes, Duan Fei hid not far away, waiting for the flames to go out.

Although the fire is strong, the area of ​​the tiankeng is relatively large, and gasoline cannot completely cover it. But the raging fire still burned for a full hour before it slowly extinguished. After the flame was completely extinguished, Duan Fei waited for another half an hour. After the high temperature inside gradually cooled down, he walked into the Tiankeng again.

After the fire, the Tiankeng was in a mess, and the strong and pungent barbecue smell permeated the space. Duan Fei frowned, stepped over the almost inhuman corpses, and came to the center of the Tiankeng, in front of Yuan Seed.

This is the first time Duan Fei has actually seen the real source.

It is a diamond-shaped irregular lens that is transparent throughout, like a natural diamond. Under the refraction of sunlight, colorful rays of light are refracted. Around it, Duan Fei felt a strange energy that kept spreading around with it as the center.

After taking a light glance, Duan Fei quickly picked up the Origin Species and placed them close to him.

The mission has been completed, and he is almost ready to go back.

At this time, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon, and it was just right to return to the community within an hour.

When Duan Fei packed up and was about to go back, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

“Coo, Coo!”

Duan Fei was startled, thinking that another monster was coming. But after he looked around, he didn’t find anything until he turned his gaze to the corpse of the dead alien beast.

At some point in the belly of this alien beast, a large hole was broken, and the scarlet internal organs flowed all over the ground, and in it, a puppy about the size of a mouse, covered in pink, swayed and stood up.


“Damn it, what’s the situation!” Duan Fei was speechless after seeing the rooster-like bark from the bald puppy.

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