The Female Supporting Role Shows Out: 203. Doomsday 9, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the female partner (quick pass)!

This is an anti-theft chapter

Lin Dan rented a small courtyard to live temporarily, and when he was free, he went out and wandered around, always showing a solemn expression on his immature face. On this day, she walked a long way and unknowingly went to the official road to an inn. There was a loud voice from the post and the neighing of horses, which made it very lively. There was a straw shed outside the post, and an old woman was busy serving dishes outside.

I don’t know what’s on the plate, I can smell a strong aroma from far away. Lin Dan was attracted by the fragrance and walked quickly over, and the merchants in the station also ran out to check.

“Madam, your tofu **** are so fragrant, how much is a bowl?” a trader asked loudly.

“Two copper plates and one bowl.” The old woman replied with a smile.

“Come on, you can bring me a bowl.” The traveler immediately sat down in the straw shed, staring straight at the pan.

When Lin Dan stepped forward, the tofu **** were already fried, and they were being picked up by the old woman and placed aside to control the oil. When the oil was drained, they were poured into another pot, and a scoop of bone soup continued to be boiled. The sweetness of the soup is combined with the burnt aroma of deep-fried. After boiling, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion to make this dish. The golden and crispy tofu **** are tumbling in the creamy and rich soup, sometimes dotted with emerald green onion leaves, which is really beautiful. Bean fragrance, bone fragrance, green onion fragrance mixed with a little pepper fragrance, forming a very wonderful flavor.

Lin Dan walked two steps into the grass shed, and saw that the merchant could not wait. He picked up a hot tofu ball and put it in his mouth, breathed and chewed, and finally said with a thumbs up: “Mother, you The craftsmanship is incredible! I traveled north and south, and I have never eaten tofu **** that are better than this.”

Lin Dan immediately ordered a bowl, and after taking a bite of the cold, his face suddenly showed awe. After biting through the crispy scorched skin on the outer layer, the tofu in the inner layer is very soft and tender, with some minced meat and yam puree, which melts in your mouth and is extremely delicious. What’s even better is that there is a cavity in the innermost layer of the balls, which is filled with thick soup, which seems to be caused by the infiltration of bone broth along the gap, and it is also caused by the secretion of meat foam and yam mud after heating. Taste it carefully with the tip of your tongue. The soup has the freshness of bone marrow, the saltiness of minced meat, and the sweetness of mashed yam. The various flavors are perfectly blended together, which makes people want to stop.

Lin Dan ate very carefully, and finally drank the soup thoroughly, which made him sigh incomparably content. The trader ate three bowls one after another, and now it is called the fourth bowl, and his companions are all picked out by the fragrance, and the small shed is full.

Lin Dan stopped leaving after eating the tofu balls. Seeing more and more diners, he took the initiative to help the old woman burn firewood and fetch water, carry and wash dishes. The old woman refused but could only go with her. When the work was finished in the evening, she took out twenty copper plates to give her as wages.

“My lady, I don’t want your wages,” Lin Dan returned the copper plate and said sincerely: “I can help you work every day, but I beg you to teach me to make this tofu meatball.”

“Do you want to learn how to cook with me? What’s the matter…” Before the old woman finished speaking, a young woman walked into the shed and said bitterly: “Where is the wild girl, who wants to take advantage of my house.” I’ve taught you, can I still do my mother’s business? Get out of here, or I’ll hit you with a broom!” As he said, he opened the cabinet and put all the hard-earned copper plates of the old woman into his purse, eyes full It is the color of greed.

“Didn’t you also learn how to cook with me? I didn’t say anything about it.” The old woman wrinkled her eyebrows.

“I’m your daughter-in-law, my family, what is she?” The woman pointed at Lin Dan with arms akimbo.

Lin Dan quickly explained: “Auntie, don’t worry, I come to work for your house every day. I don’t take any money. After learning this dish, I will go far. I will never open a shop here. My house is only me and my mother. The two are weak and weak. If you see me opening a shop near here, you will fight or smash and follow you.”

The woman had already heard that Lin Dan had a foreign accent, and thought that she was a waste of labor if she didn’t get paid; she also thought of her family with many people and deep roots, not afraid of being fooled by a foreign girl, so she agreed, but her face was overwhelming. Still not good, like alms.

The old woman then went to Lalindan, sent her out of the shed and quietly gave her a purse, and whispered: “Good boy, this is today’s wages. You secretly hold it and don’t say anything.”

Lin Dan was about to stuff her purse back. The old woman hurriedly walked into the straw shed, and soon there was a woman’s scolding from inside. It seemed that the old woman earned less copper today than yesterday. This is where I came to learn how to cook, but I actually came to be an ancestor.

Lin Dan shook his head, feeling uneasy in his heart.

It was night, and Lin Dan still hid in the backyard to practice sword skills. When her scarred fingertips touched the food or the body of the knife, she always felt a tingling sensation, causing her to frown frequently. After cutting a courgette, she picked up the melon shreds of uneven thickness and thickness, and looked at it, but finally sighed helplessly.

“Tan’er,” Qi Shi, who had been observing in the corner for a long time, walked out slowly and said softly: “Cooking is a happy thing, don’t let yourself be burdened. Let’s not cut this dish, let’s rest. Is it okay for a while? I don’t blame you for losing to Yan Langqing, who hasn’t played abnormally yet.”

For a moment, Lin Dan realized that the Qi family was definitely thinking about things. He thought that she lost to Yan Langqing and left a psychological shadow. Since then, she could no longer pick up the kitchen knife. But Lin Dan knew that it was not the same thing. She could practice this sword skill again, it just took time.

“Mother, I’m fine, don’t worry.” She did not explain too much, but firmly said, “One day I will earn back everything we have lost. Yan’s cooking is too good for me, so I will Learn to cook other dishes, the world is so big, there will always be a place for us.”

“Eh, well, well, you can figure it out. Don’t chop vegetables, go to bed.” Qi’s face touched his daughter’s head, his face was relieved. Her daughter has become more and more taciturn recently, but she has also become stronger and more courageous, as if she is not afraid of wind and rain.

“Okay, you also have to rest early.” Lin Dan sent the Qi family back to the room, but stood by the porch for a long time without moving. In this bleak night, she fell into a memory unconsciously, but this memory did not belong to her, but came from the “Lin Dan” who didn’t know where to go.

The other party left a deep regret and unwillingness, but it also left a deep emotion in the heart. She was originally a charming little girl, who loves to play and noisy, but she never loves to be smoky. Lin Baotian asked her to learn how to cook several times, but she cried and refused. But one day, she accidentally ran into the eldest lady in Hou’s mansion and was almost beaten. It was Xiao Hou who happened to pass by and saved her. Xiao Hou’s gentle smile has since become her obsession.

She asked Master Xiaohou what you like, Master Xiaohou joked: “I love to eat.” So the next day she took off her beautiful clothes, put on a dusty apron, walked into the kitchen, and learned It’s seven years. She never loved to cook, she just wanted to make Xiaohouye look at herself more.

It is the saddest that Lin Dan could not agree with her approach and pin his life on another person. If that person leaves or detests, all that is left for you is the abyss under your feet.

What Lin Dan has to do now is to go out of his own way. Whether he falls or is injured, he climbs, and one day he can climb to the end. The original owner is a cook, then she will continue to be a cook, the world is endlessly delicious, no worries about no place to learn, no worries about no teacher to worship.

From this day on, Lin Dan followed the old woman to learn to make tofu balls. The old woman has three sons, the eldest son is idle, the second son fell ill and died when he was young, and the third son is an old son who is only seven years old and is still waiting to be fed. In order to support her two sons, the old woman got up early to sell tofu **** and had a hard time. Fortunately, she has excellent craftsmanship, so she doesn’t have to worry about making a living.

The eldest daughter-in-law said that she wanted to learn cooking from the old woman, but she always liked to be lazy and slippery, so all the dirty work in the store went to Lin Dan. She got up early to cook beans, peel tofu, and order tofu. She had to carry more than 100 catties of water back and forth, almost bending her waist. But she never complained, as long as she can learn something, no matter how hard she is, she will not be afraid.

Lin Dan opened the window and looked around, and found that the man in the lead was an old woman, wearing a white-washed dress, and without a hairpin on her head, she looked very desolate. Yan Shouye supported her by the side, screaming “mother” one by one, seeming to be extremely sad.

It seems that this is Yan Bo’s wife, Lin Baotian’s wife, so Lin Dan should call her a teacher. But this respectful name Lin Dan is really unspoken, because the old woman’s current behavior is enough to knock Lin Dan’s reputation for washing Lin Baotian into the abyss.

I saw the old woman beating her chest and crying: “Damn Lin Baotian, it’s fine if you bully our orphans and widows, and let your daughter bully us! Your daughter said that you are filial piety for my old man. Yes, I’m! Are you guilty when you say this? The old man lay in the hospital bed for several months, and Lin Baotian didn’t even talk about serving him. He didn’t even hand out a glass of water. It was all on the inside and out. I let Lin Baotian sent a letter to my son, but he was afraid that my son would compete with him for the family property after he came back. He promised well and burned the letter when he went out, so that my son could not rush back in time to see his father for the last time. You say that he is not heart-hearted? His son should inherit the family business. What qualifications does he have to stop him? The old man died, and he didn’t have a son to fall into the pot, so he threatened me with this and asked me to give him all the money in the family. Don’t let the old man be buried. What can I do if I can’t help? The old man’s coffin is still at home, I can’t let him have nowhere to settle…”

The heartbroken look of the old woman caused passers-by to cry. If this continues, Lin Dangang’s reputation for whitewashing Lin Baotian will become black again.

The Qi family, who finally closed his eyes, woke up and said in grief, “She is talking nonsense! She is all nonsense! Your teacher is ill, and your father is going to send a letter to Yan Shouye. Don’t let me say that Yan Shou’s career is about to take a scientific examination, so you can’t be distracted. How did she know that your teacher’s condition has developed so rapidly, and she will get confused after half a month’s effort, and she can’t take care of her excrement and urine. At this time, contact Yan Shou again. I’ve already gone out to study, and I don’t even know where I went. Your father took the **** for your master, and served the decoction. After that, he had to support his family. He did all the work inside and out. Dirty was too tired to hide away. When your master died, she said that all the money was given to her son to study, and she couldn’t take out the extra money to do the funeral for your master. All the savings were borrowed fifty taels of profit, which allowed your teacher to be buried safely. In order to pay off the debt, your father went out to work and earn money the next day of the burial. He went round and round to the capital. Sending money back intermittently, it’s a pity that he didn’t leave a certificate. We can’t tell even if we have a hundred mouths!”

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