The Favoured Medical Princess: 790 Efforts, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Sheng Chong’s Daughter-in-law: The Medical Concubine!


A cold smile appeared at the corner of Han Lingfu’s mouth, and the strength in his hands became stronger, and he said nonstop as if to vent: “Do you think you have any leverage? That bastard? Don’t forget it. , that **** is in the name of Cui Yanyan, what does it have to do with you?! Even if it’s Wuhe anointing, you don’t have to do it. You have to go to Baiyue to look for Wuhe anointing on my behalf… Do you think you still have it? What’s the value?!”

Han Lingfu cruelly shattered Bai Muxiao’s empty expectations one after another. His voice was as cold as coming from the bottomless hell.

The undisguised killing intent in Han Lingfu’s eyes made Bai Muxiao paralyzed and almost unable to move. She did not expect that Han Lingfu would really kill her.

As breathing became more and more difficult, the fear in Bai Muxiao’s heart became more and more intense, and at the same time she became more and more desperate. She did not expect that everything she relied on turned out to be so fragile and worthless!

For Han Lingfu, killing her was as easy as crushing an ant!

Bai Muxiao’s eyes almost turned white, her whole body was twitching, and she was completely out of breath…

Many images flashed through her mind like a revolving lantern, and her cheeks were already turning cyan, which is the color that symbolizes death.

Following that, her arms hung down softly…

“Your Majesty.”

At this time, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside the door, followed by an urgent report: “There is an urgent military report from Western Xinjiang!”

Han Lingfu seemed not to have heard anything and continued to pinch Bai Muxiao with a ferocious expression.

Anyway, he has reached an agreement with Ta Hai. The peace talks between Dayu and Xiye are imperative. The most is just to give Xiye some more benefits. How can it be urgent!

Little Lizi outside continued to report vigorously: “Your Majesty, the person who came to deliver the message said that Xiye’s army launched a series of attacks on Western Xinjiang and captured several cities in succession. Xiye’s army has approached Feixia Mountain. Feixia Mountain is in danger, and I’m afraid it will be breached soon!”

Every word in this military report shocked Han Lingfu to the point where his heart was beating like a drum. He felt a roaring in his ears. He almost thought he was dreaming.

“What?!” He blurted out in shock. This man from Xiye had clearly reached an agreement with him, how could he be so dishonest! The barbarians are indeed barbarians!

In shock and anger, Han Lingfu’s hands subconsciously let go of Bai Muxiao’s neck, and Bai Muxiao fell down softly, falling to the ground with a “bang” without making any sound…

The room fell into a dead silence. It suddenly became cold, as if the air around it had condensed. A few white snowflakes drifted in through the window at some point…

Thousands of miles away in Western Xinjiang, there is also a cold wind, snowflakes falling, and a chilling atmosphere.

In just one month, the war situation in Western Xinjiang has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the world has changed!

Since Han Huaijun and Yao Lianghang left, Weiyuan Hou Xiaoyi diligently contacted the people of Xiye many times, wholeheartedly seeking peace. However, Xiye relied on the envoy to be attacked by surprise, and Dayu did not hand over Han Huaijun and Yao Lianghang as an excuse. Arrogantly and frequently proposed various conditions for land cession and compensation…

As long as Marquis Weiyuan showed any hesitation, Xiye’s army launched a brazen attack. In less than half a month, the wolf-like Xiye army had successively captured Chuliang City, Jinglan City, Xileng City, and Yamen. The city… approaches Feixia Mountain again.

On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Xiye’s commander Ta Hai used the peace negotiation as an opportunity to paralyze Weiyuan Hou. At the same time, he secretly led Xiye’s army to approach Feixia Mountain, and launched a surprise attack that night, intending to capture Feixia Mountain in one go. ……

The Western Frontier garrison in Feixia Mountain took advantage of the terrain to resist. The enemy and we fought fiercely. However, the enemy was strong and we were weak. Just when Feixia Mountain was about to be breached, the battle situation suddenly changed!

There is a fire in the backyard of Xiye Army!

The Xinrui Battalion that sneaked into Xiye’s army opened the city gates of Liuquan City and Chuliang City that were captured by Xiye, welcoming the Xuanjia Army led by Yao Lianghang and Han Huaijun to enter the city. , these two cities were all occupied by the Southern Xinjiang Army!

As the saying goes: “Soldiers are valuable and speed is high.” All this happened so fast that Xiye coach Ta Hai couldn’t react in time. By the time he heard the news, the overall situation in these two cities had already been decided.

In this battle, Xiye’s army suffered heavy losses. Not only did they lose their wives and soldiers, they also put themselves in a situation where there was a wolf in front of them and a tiger behind them.

Layers of dark clouds shrouded the people in the West Night continuously, and even the cold wind seemed to become more and more biting.

On the twenty-first day of the twelfth lunar month, it was also snowing heavily in Liuquan City, but the enthusiastic Southern Xinjiang Army seemed to be in high spirits as if they could not feel the cold.

Night has fallen, and the heavy snowfall for days has obscured the sun and moon, making the night in Western Xinjiang look darker. It is already halfway through the garrison, but the study room of the garrison is still brightly lit, and young men are seen from time to time. The sound of conversation came from the window…

A complex, detailed and colorful map is spread on the mahogany carved desk in the study. Han Huaijun and Yao Lianghang, who have taken off their armor and only wear simple robes, are sitting on both sides of the desk, facing each other, with very different expressions. It’s arbitrary.

There were only two of them in the study. Yao Lianghang personally poured tea for Han Huaijun and said with a smile: “Brother Han, this herbal tea is a herbal tea recipe that the imperial concubine ordered to prepare for the army before the army went on the expedition. It can dispel wind and cold. It’s been cold lately, why don’t you drink a few drinks to warm yourself up.”

The medicinal fragrance of the tea filled the study room with the rising white air, making people feel that their stiff and tired body relaxed a little.

“Thank you, Brother Yao.” Han Huaijun followed the good example and drank heavily. He was originally a noble son who grew up in the royal capital. Since joining the army, he has been getting along with the generals in the army, and he has gradually started to eat meat and drink more. The wantonness and heroism.

As the tea entered his throat, Han Huaijun soon felt a warmth rising from his heart and gradually spreading throughout his body, refreshing him.

While putting down the teacup, Han Huaijun’s eyes fell on the map in front of him. The candlelight danced, casting his shadow on the map, making the map half-dark and half-dark, just like the current situation in Western Xinjiang. .

Han Huaijun’s eyes flashed, he raised his eyes and looked at Yao Lianghang, saying: “Brother Yao, we have now followed the instructions of the eldest brother and used Xiye’s intention to seize the gap in Feixia Mountain in one fell swoop and cut off the rear of Xiye’s army from the rear. Road…”

Liuquan City is very important to Xiye’s army, that’s why Xiye’s commander-in-chief Ta Hai has always been stationed here. Liuquan City is on the edge of Shangdang County in Western Xinjiang, and to the west is Yunzhong County. Between Liuquan City and Yunzhong County, there is a valley that stretches for fifty miles. This valley is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If the Xiye people in the rear want to reinforce and supply the army in front, they must pass through this road.

Now that the Southern Xinjiang Army has occupied Liuquan City, it is equivalent to cutting off the supply from the rear of Xiye’s army from Xiye.

Next, the Xiye Army will only have these 70,000 troops, and there will be no supplies of food, grass, horses, or armor!

So what will they do next? !

Han Huaijun seemed calm, but the blood in his body was already raging, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed. An Yihou’s plans were all realized. It was extremely satisfying to see those Xiye people defeated by the iron hoof of their Southern Xinjiang Army!

Yao Lianghang smiled while drinking warm tea, but his eyes were gleaming, releasing a strong murderous aura, and said: “Now the Xiye army in front is short of supplies, and they have only two routes. ”

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and extended his index finger to make a sign of “one”, “Either we give up Feixia Mountain and return to attack Liuquan City, or…” He stretched out his **** again, “We just continue. Attack Feixia Mountain fiercely and capture Feixia Mountain to prevent the Western Xinjiang Army and the Southern Xinjiang Army from attacking from both sides. Once they occupy Feixia Mountain, they will knock on the door to the Central Plains, and they will have no worries and can concentrate on Deal with our ‘mere’ 10,000 Southern Xinjiang troops.”

Yao Lianghang curled his lips and looked at Han Huaijun with a smile, “Brother Han, which one do you think the people of Xiye will choose?”

After Han Huaijun pondered for a moment, he also smiled. After coming to Western Xinjiang, he had several battles with Xiye’s army, and he had a vague understanding of Xiye’s general Ta Hai’s personality and fighting methods.

“I guess that Tahai will choose the second option.” Although Han Huaijun used the word “guess” cautiously, his tone was already very determined.

“Heroes see the same thing.” Yao Lianghang’s smile grew thicker and he said, stroking his hands, “There is no reason why our Southern Xinjiang Army should let others take away the things that our Southern Xinjiang Army finally recaptured. The people of Xiye have to do it if they want. See if we can give it! Next, we should be able to recharge our batteries for a while!”

Yao Lianghang said something meaningful, and the implication is that the army will wait in the two cities next.

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew into the room, and the candlelight moved with the wind, jumping restlessly. The orange-red candlelight reflected in Yao Lianghang’s eyes, making his eyes brighter and glowing. A sharp light shines out.

Han Huaijun squinted his eyes keenly, feeling that the opponent seemed to have a back-up move.

Yao Lianghang looked directly into Han Huaijun’s eyes without hesitation, and had no intention of hiding anything from him.

“Brother Han, look here.” Yao Lianghang’s slender fingers pointed at the intersection of light and shadow on the map…

This is… Han Huaijun’s eyes fell and his brows moved.

Yao Lianghang continued: “This map was drawn by An Yihou based on his memory of Western Xinjiang. Compared with the map used by the Western Xinjiang Army, this map includes this area…”

In fact, the map of Western Xinjiang used by the Western Xinjiang Army today was also left by the official army. The official army has been in Western Xinjiang for many years and knows Western Xinjiang well. The map of Western Xinjiang they drew is extremely detailed. In addition to the mountains, rivers, cities, official roads, etc. in Xinjiang, there are also trade routes used by merchants, several oases used to replenish fresh water, underground rivers, and even unknown trails where horse thieves and bandits roam…

Every stroke and every stroke on the map of Western Xinjiang represents the decades of hard work of the officials and troops in Western Xinjiang.

“There is a piece of quicksand hidden here…” For a time, many things flashed through Yao Lianghang’s mind, and he couldn’t help but feel something.

His fingers subconsciously clicked on the map with emotion and anger, and the fire reflected in his eyes burned even more intensely.

“According to An Yihou, this piece of quicksand had just been discovered back then, and it had not yet been added to the map of Western Xinjiang. Originally, An Yihou planned to set up an ambush here… but he did not expect that the official army would be destroyed in an instant, and these plans would also be destroyed. There will never be a chance to use it again…”

For loyal and loyal soldiers, this is probably the saddest thing.

Thinking about it, whether it is Yao Lianghang or Han Huaijun, it is inevitable that they will feel like their lips are dying and their teeth are cold. Thinking about the emperor’s uncle, Han Huaijun still felt a little melancholy, but Yao Lianghang was happy. Fortunately, their southern Xinjiang army only needs to obey the orders of Zhennan Palace, no, it is the prince!

Yao Lianghang calmed down and quickly calmed down a lot. He made a gesture to Han Huaijun, telling him to look at the map again.

“Brother Han, look here, and here…according to An Yihou’s arrangement, we…”

As Yao Lianghang spoke, he pointed to the terrain drawn on the map all the way east, sometimes urgently and sometimes slowly, pausing from time to time to explain in detail. Yao Lianghang, who had calmed down, was as energetic as a hunter who had spotted his prey, but he was also calm and patient, and methodically explained the plan that was supposed to be implemented nine years ago…

Two energetic young men looked at the map for a long time, one spoke seriously and the other listened more seriously.

Both the speaker and the listener were impressed. If this plan is feasible, it means that they will kill all the tens of thousands of Xiye’s army with the lowest loss…

Of course this plan works!

Scenes of fighting and iron horses appeared in front of their eyes. Their heartbeats accelerated, their blood flow accelerated, and their emotions became excited.

Guan Yubai deserves to be called Guan Yubai. He only reached the weak crown nine years ago, but he is already so resourceful and amazingly talented.

He should have been written into the “Biography of Famous Officials” by historians like those famous generals in history, adding a strong color to Dayu’s history!

No one knows Xiye better than Guan Yubai. With his cooperation, Xiye’s ending this time is already determined!

The two young men exchanged glances with each other and looked at each other. Their bright black eyes were burning like fire, their blood was boiling, and their bodies were filled with the blood and murderous intent of a warrior.

They want those Western Night barbarians who covet the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains to bury themselves in a foreign land and never return!

The night is getting late and the weather is getting colder.

The lights in the city began to go out little by little, leaving only goose feathers and heavy snowfall. It rained all night again, and the vast yellow sand reflected the white snow…

Early the next morning, the heavy snow stopped, and the army came out from Sereng City and Yamen City at night.

As Yao Lianghang and Han Huaijun expected, Xiye’s army did not choose to attack Chu Liang City and Liuquan City, but continued to launch a fierce attack on Feixia Mountain.

This time, Tahai concentrated the superior forces of the two cities, which shows that he is determined to win Feixia Mountain.

For Feixia Mountain, this is the most difficult battle. The Xiye people, who are like wolves and tigers, seem to be tireless in attacking in waves. If it were not for the convenient location of Feixia Mountain, , the pass may have been breached long ago.

One day and one night passed, and the Western Xinjiang Army guarding the pass was exhausted, just like the end of a strong crossbow.

“Boom! Boom!”

The Xiye people’s city pillars hit the city gate again and again. The sound was like thunder in the sky, roaring in all directions, spreading for miles around, and the echoes echoed continuously in the city. In the ears of both the enemy and ourselves.

To the enemy, this sound is like a war drum.

For the Western Xinjiang Army, this sound is like a death knell.

Seeing that Feixia Mountain was in danger, Weiyuan Hou was panicked and at a loss. He walked up to the city wall and tried to use the bottom line given by the emperor before leaving to impress the people of Xiye and express his intention to negotiate peace.

Xiye responded by sending an arrow.

The cold arrow showed Tahai’s determination to refuse peace talks.

The arrow pierced the air, flew hundreds of feet without falling, and pierced the chest of Marquis Weiyuan from behind…

Marquis Weiyuan fell straight back amidst the exclamations of several soldiers…

In the battle of Feixia Mountain, Marquis Weiyuan died.

The entire Feixia Mountain Pass was shaken, and the battle report was sent to the royal capital at a three-thousand-mile speed…

Whether it is the sudden changes in the royal capital or the war situation in Western Xinjiang, they have nothing to do with Southern Xinjiang at this moment.

As usual, there is no snow in the winter in southern Xinjiang, and it is even very warm at noon when the sun is at its peak.

In Bixiao Hall, rows of windows are wide open, allowing the warm sunlight to shine into the room, making it bright and bright.

Nangong Yue was sitting on the Arhat bed in the East Room. Baihui stood aside and said unhurriedly: “Prince Concubine, a flying pigeon message just came from Jiangnan, and it’s about Mr. Guan ”

If the Zhennan Palace wants to hire a gentleman, it is natural to investigate his net worth carefully. As early as when Xiao Rongyu proposed to ask Guan Jinyun to be his gentleman, Nangong Yue ordered Zhu Xing to send people to Jiangnan to check. Finally, a flying pigeon came back with a message.

Nangong Yue raised her hand and made a gesture, indicating Baihui to continue.

Baihui told the story about Guan Jinyun from beginning to end. She said that Guan Jinyun was originally the daughter of a scholarly family in the south of the Yangtze River. She was an outstanding scholar. She did not want to get married, so she groomed herself when she was fifteen years old. Guan Jiabo has some property, but Guan Jinyun has lived in seclusion for many years. He only occasionally goes out to temples to offer incense, eat fast, and pray for his parents and family. Ten years ago, the reason why she accidentally solved the chess game played by the Yi people in Puyao Temple was because that day happened to be the birthday of Buddha.

Guan Jinyun’s subsequent experience is probably as Nangong Yue said. He usually lives in the inner house, behaves very low-key, does not like to show off his talents, and only occasionally discusses chess with some chess masters…

Baihui came one by one in an orderly manner, and even found out exactly how Guan Jinyun accepted the invitation from Yuanxi Pavilion and how he came to Southern Xinjiang.

Nangong Yue listened quietly and drank tea without saying anything.

This Mr. Guan has been famous in Dayu for a long time, and is even more famous in the Jiangnan area. He is not someone with unknown origins. She asked people to go to Jiangnan to verify his identity just to confirm his identity, so as to avoid anyone’s intentions. Imposter.

After talking about Guan Jinyun, Baihui’s face straightened, and after a pause, she said: “Prince Concubine, Butler Zhu said that there is still no progress in the assassin’s matter…”

After the voice fell, the atmosphere in Dongci’s room froze slightly. Huamei, Haitang and several other maids accompanying him all exchanged worried looks.

During this period, the maids did not dare to leave the Crown Princess alone, and always asked Baihui or Haitang to follow the Crown Princess step by step, just in case.

After the attempted assassination of the Crown Princess, the mysterious man never appeared again, but neither Bixiaotang nor the palace relaxed their vigilance. However, Zhu Xing led people to investigate for several days but still made no progress, even with this person How he sneaked into Bixiaotang so mysteriously is still unknown.

Zhu Xing was so anxious that his hair turned gray. The only thing he could do was to strengthen the guards at Bixiaotang. At least ten secret guards were dispatched near Nangong Yue’s yard alone. No one could see Hiding quietly in the dark places that cannot be reached…

After several days of this, everything was still quiet. Even Zhu Xing had to wonder if the other party knew about his arrangement, or had this person already left Luo Yuecheng?

In this tense atmosphere, the days passed day by day, the Spring Festival approached day by day, and things in the palace became more and more complicated. However, Nangong Yue had presided over the New Year’s Eve of the palace several times, and with Xiao Fei as his helper, everything Everything is in order, and in a blink of an eye it’s the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, celebrating the New Year.

Sweeping dust, paying homage to the Stove King, cutting window grilles, pasting Spring Festival couplets… From the palace to Bixiaotang, everything was so lively, which relieved a lot of the depression of the past ten days.

The maids all cut the window decorations that they are good at, such as magpies climbing plum blossoms, peacocks playing with peonies, lions rolling hydrangeas, etc. The maids were happy with the cutting, and Xiao Yu was even happier watching it. He shouted “Wow” excitedly, The maids Thrush, Magpie, and Ying’er staggered past, cheering and applauding them, and “deceived” the maids into willingly “paying tribute” to the little grandson with the cut window paper.

At this moment, Baihui suddenly trotted in. The door chain that suddenly lifted and fell suddenly made a messy collision sound, making the room quiet.

The anxious Baihui saluted and said eagerly: “Prince Concubine, the eldest mistress of the Han family has been kidnapped!”

Nangong Yue was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly reacted…

Sister Xi was kidnapped! ?

This news caused the entire hall to fall into a dead silence.


My style is just like this. I have cats, eagles, children, friends and family. The rhythm and style will not change.

The finale is just outside the title of yesterday’s chapter. If you feel the word count is too small and you need to finish it quickly, go and get it yourself! (I’m trying to make up the number of words when I’m scolding Xiao Yu, I’m trying to make up the number of words when I’m scolding Xiao Yi, I’m trying to make up the number of words when I’m scolding Wang Du, I’m trying to make up the number of words when I’m scolding Wang Du, I’m trying to make up the number of words when I’m scolding Sister Fei… I can’t afford to serve you! )

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