The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 814: Sacrifice

“That, in fact, I have a personal matter to ask for your help.”

A few days ago, in the Cloud Tower, after Roland and Sandru reached a private agreement, Roland asked Sandru so much.

“In fact, I have the Magic Sword of the undead, and I want to draw the living and undead to complete the evolution, and the main battlefield of Chaos space, I am afraid, will become the best quality meat grinder, and also my last time to complete the Magic Sword. But you also know that my identity is special … “

If so, half of it is already.

Sandrew already fully understands that today’s Roland has many identities. The prince of the Northland and the spokesperson of the underworld forces, but if viewed from the entire realm, that identity is the most important and accepted by the world, but Still ………

“Heir of Estrada, the strongest Holy Knight in this world.”

Maybe in the high-level existence world, the influence of the Hades forces is enough. In the eyes of the kings and nobles, the newly emerged Mist Alliance forces in the North are overwhelming, but most of the residents of this world may not know this. What it means.

The mortal people who occupy the big country of Main Realm don’t care about your Hades (what is that? I have never heard of it), the prince of the Northland (the country’s royal family on the border?), but for them, it is better than The previous strongest Holy Knight has weight and stability.

The other identity of Roland is becoming more and more important.

“The creators of the Southern Sect, the discoverers of the pure Holy Light doctrine.”

In a sense, the relationship between Roland and the southern sects is probably the relationship between **** and the Crusaders, Buddha and Buddhism. Of course, for the current teaching staff, teaching the ancestor resurrection is definitely a disaster, so Both Roland and the Southern Sect selectively forgot this relationship.

Some things ca n’t be erased. Just as Carolan brought Holy Light to this world, Roland is the discoverer of the pure Holy Light teachings, and it is bound to be recorded in history.

Originally, Roland didn’t pay much attention to this point, and he had no pursuit of fame, but some things were not determined by personal Willpower.

Ignore the final winner of Holy War for the time being. If all goes well, when the threat of Chaos side and Karwenz is eliminated, the Holy Light side and Hades side will definitely have “in-depth communication”.

The biggest reliance of Holy Church is naturally the pan-Holy Light belief of the entire human world. If you want to shake the authority of Holy Church, you will naturally move its belief.

By then, the differences between the Southern Sect and Holy Church will be the most important breakthrough.

The Hades will inevitably support the southern sects and fight to the end with Holy Church.

Then, the founder of Roland, the forgotten “pure Holy Light doctrine”, will naturally rise to the forefront and become the focus of public opinion.

Since ancient times, the simplest and most practical way to discredit a religion and power is still to prove that its founders are scammers, Bastard, and scum that are corrupted by their personalities. Then the doctrines he advocated naturally became a joke.

This trick is widely used even in modern times.

Holy Church is definitely a master of religious wars and splashing black water.

It’s a bit ironic to say that the two parties who have not yet won the victory and face disagreement, but how already plans to give the “comrades” a knife.

However, while striving for a common goal while uniting and cooperating, there is more than internal fighting. It seems that already has become the management of the human society for thousands of years.

Roland, as a bridge between Hades and the Southern Sect, has a special and important identity. If his reputation is damaged, he may lose not only his reputation, but also the legitimacy and legitimacy of the entire Southern Sect.

Some things are known to everyone in private, but you can pretend you don’t know, and some facts, once surfaced, the injured may not be just the party.

For example, the fact that Roland is Great Emperor Yongye, Holy Church knows it clearly, but it will never be used to attack Roland, because before that, they must explain why Roland dangles in front of the eyes, but the church has never sold him to kill him.

Well, after thousands of years, under the active oblivion of the gods and immortals, the founder of the Southern Sect will become a true saint, Great Emperor Yongye or whatever, will naturally disappear into the long river of history.

For the image of Roland forcibly whitewashing now, it doesn’t matter what you do in private, but if you want to provoke your soul in public, it is definitely taboo.

For the residents of Main Realm, some of them already can accept the undead magic is not evil, the evil is the user, but in the concept of the world, forcing the soul power of the dead is absolutely evil in evil.

They don’t care that death magic is also part of the great reincarnation. Everything will eventually return to Styx River and reincarnation. In their concept, the behavior of the undead Mage makes the soul of the dead fly away, and it is no different from the grave of the ancestors. Even worse.

In order to complete the strongest sword of original sin, Roland must have a large number of souls, and the Chaos space battlefield can predict that a large number of Demon, Angel will fall, and there may even be gods fall, such an advantage “Material” is an ancient battlefield where the gods can’t be found, but it is a rare opportunity for undead masters.

But on this battlefield, gods and gangsters of all faculties may appear. Once they have absorbed the soul to complete Magic Sword, I am afraid that not only will their reputation be damaged, but they will also be politically passive.

So, Roland racked their brains and came up with alternative ways for others to finish the process of drawing souls.

When this method came out, the number of people to choose from was actually very limited.

First, it must be proficient in Necromantics to use Soul Drain. Second, it must be very powerful, at least above demigod, or it will be swallowed up by Magic Sword instantly, and it must dare to draw the soul in front of the gods, neither face, I have enough strength to protect myself …. Strong, cruel and shameless, but also proficient in Necro magic, who can I find in addition to Undead Emperor.

Roland found Sandru and used it as a bargaining chip for the “Republic of Revival”, forcing him to carry a scapegoat for himself, and for Undead Emperor … Anyway, already black can’t be cleaned, and there is nothing on the back What.

At this time, the Marshal of Death, a sword-holder, held a black short sword and killed on the battlefield. Endless souls and soul fragments were absorbed by him, and too many injustices and spirits filled the entire space.

On the other side, the altar that is being opened is madly absorbing the vitality and soul of the sacrifices.

Vitality and flesh are sacrificed to the altar. Soul fragments are absorbed by Magic Sword. There is a clear division of labor on both sides. ,

The entire battlefield, the super-threatening battlefield where the gods fell, at this time, it has completely become a sacrifice for the brothers to achieve their goals.

And finally, with the fall of the gods, the short sword representing the seven deadly sins has finally reached a mature moment. (To be continued.)

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