The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 798: My own thing

In a sense, the Undead Emperors are indeed called gangsters. ● ⌒,

When is the best time to wash your identity? Of course, when a strong common enemy appears, Karwenz‘s “out of the sky” makes Undead Emperor also acceptable.

Because of the previous war with Great Demon, the ancient undeads already showed their position. At this time, the undead Republic that occupied the glacial continent was not only a threat to a huge enemy, but an ally that could be won.

At least, no one will expect Undead Emperors to stand in the opponent’s trenches until Holy War is completely ended.

Looking at the seemingly harmonious old man in front of me, I also feel a little ambivalent.

Is Sandro trustworthy? Even thinking with my knees that I always hit, I know that Undead Emperors are untrustworthy.

But I do need their help, just as they need us.

In the face of the powerful Karwenz group, other forces may not try their best to sue, because it is everyone who wins, and there are no actual benefits and trophies. Do n’t watch everyone ’s shouts loud. In fact, when they really want to die, I doubt their morale and determination.

But these undead execs who decided to rebuild the Republic are a little different. Since they chose to form an alliance with human instead of hostile ways, they naturally have to prove their worth in this Holy War, and they must first deal with … … is their kind.

“I have no other requirements, and I will not blindly command. I also know that I really went to the battlefield. You will not take my words seriously, but you should be right to clean up your own stall. You dealt with it. “

Although I’m an ally, if I ask too much, even if the other party agrees, it will be greatly discounted. I might as well let them focus on their compatriots.

Sandrew also simply, promised directly, but also put forward additional requirements.

“…. In my own name, Karwenz, count me.”

This is obviously beyond my expectations. Is Sando so eager to offer assistance? The pie from the sky is always poisonous. For example, Sophokli proposed that we besiege Karwenz together. If this is still the kind, I really dare not accept it.

“Hey Jue realm‘s Annie Na died, she is also the daughter of the abyss …”

“…. She and you?”

I am more and more surprised. The undead executives are not kind and friendly creature. This only promised Sandrew, who sold his teammates, that he would want Karwenz revenge for his fellow citizens?

“She is the granddaughter of my disciples, and she is also my righteous daughter.”

There is no emotion in the flat tone. I ca n’t tell the truth of the speech, but for me, already is sufficient for this reason. At least I have a lot of concern with Sandru. It should be impossible to stand on the Karwenz side. The special situation of Kerry is unlikely to happen again.

“OK, I will arrange it.”

The spell of communication was agreed upon, and Sandru disappeared into nothingness before us, and our perception was completely useless.

Perhaps, he just relied on this ability to enter a cloud city full of Angel as an undead.

Sandrew’s commitment to the battlefield also relieved me. After all, most of the two unknown Undead Emperors are still the enemy, which has given me a lot of pressure.

Supnos is okay to say that once Heng meets me on the battlefield, I’m afraid he will give up everything and kill me without hesitation.

A super live turret specializing in offensive forbidden spells and unlimited energy has always locked me …. I think it ’s better to do something beforehand. Even if the constant energy level reaches the level of God Lord, I still think she Don’t take advantage of Sandru.

In a sense, although we did not win before, in my assessment, the current situation is not so difficult to accept.

“At least, better than the previous smear.”

I never worry about how desperate and dark the situation is, nor how strong the opponent is. The strongest giant has its own weaknesses.

But some time ago, the Karwenz group was so hiding in the shadows, it really made people very big.

The most terrible thing is not how strong your opponent is, but you are bright and dark, he digs a pit and waits for you to jump. You can only be led by his nose.

Although they have achieved amazing results, the Chaos space has also exposed their existence and the key points. As long as they appear in front of us, they can at least be targeted instead of reactive.

I’m not an immortal who can be counted by Duozhijin demons and make the right strategic choices, provided I have accurate sources of information.

As the Karwenz group officially paid their attention, his purpose and his associates were gradually dug out in front of the world.

Their purpose is clear. Collect the daughter of the abyss, obtain the key to open the wall of realm, and then pass through the door that is being formed in Chaos space to open the exit to the outside world.

Then, they also clearly exposed their three major weaknesses.

“One is to stop them from looking for the daughter of the abyss, the other is to attack the Chaos space and completely destroy their door, and the third is …”

I paused and finally said.

“…. kill Karwenz completely and eradicate the consequences.”

The core of the whole incident is that he is an individual who frustrates his conspiracy. It is easiest to see him directly destroying him physically.

Solve my own problems, fill the pits myself, fill my own ass, and cough, just like I gave the two Undead Emperors to Sandru to solve. For Karwenz myself, I don’t plan to give them to others to deal with.

To the current Karwenz team, yesterday’s victory has become today’s burden.

The space of Chaos has not been fully stabilized, Holy Light God Faction hastily launched an onslaught, and due to the location of the “gate” already, the “openers” have no room to escape the retreat.

Today, in the Chaos field, already has become a real ancient Holy War battlefield. Countless Demon and Angel fight each other, but there is no possibility of a winner.

Ten years ago, the fall of a certain deity could also attract the attention of the entire continent. In recent days, a meteor shower has occurred in already in the sky. The Holy Light God Faction of the fall has made people unable to count, low-level God’s Envoy and high-level Angel has actually become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

I don’t want to get close to such a battlefield, even the proud Dragon Clan rationally chose to step back.

Holy Light‘s God Lord, Karwenz, and other God Lord-level existences. The high-level sides of each other are keeping a weird silence. This is not because preparations for peace talks are possible, but both parties are accumulating strength to prepare for the outbreak of the decisive battle and Fight.

Every day, not only the wreckage of War Angel, but also the variant Demon of Karwenz are sent back from the front line. As the analysis progresses, our odds are increasing.

Finally, the arrival of an intelligence made me choose the need to go to another battlefield.

Karwenz is attacking the flame element realm? At this critical moment?”

I’m silent. What does the flame element realm stand for now? Doesn’t anyone know what I don’t know yet?

Eliza ……” (To be continued.)

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