The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 755: Taunt

It’s still noon, but it’s still dark outside. At every moment, the lives of human soldiers are passing away. In this extreme environment, the strength of the Royal Dragon Knight soldiers and White Wolf Guard will be severely discounted.

“It’s raining, it’s wrong.”

The first person to come near is the familiar Gandalf … No, it’s my faceless and skinless brother Kaid.

Although I have come all the way, I have not been in Cloud Tower for a hundred years, and I still have some gaps with the new era Mage, and most of the old guys are deep-thinking, happy and not moving, as long as it is not necessary, sit together You can stay silent for months.

Kaid Although it looks very old, okay, it is actually very old, but the character with a detached and faceless skin is indeed a very good lubricant, especially for these angular teachers Said that such a kind and friendly senior is really good.

Now, he is also the channel for me to contact the Mage of the Truth Council.

Harloys? The unseen child, the big man Elf who was flattered by the teachers and laughed at the three queens, is not my cat.

Cough, let’s get back to business. Although I am the same Undead Emperor, why is Harloys so respected and welcomed, I was silently left in the corner.

“This? Face value? Who told you not to be a sister. Not a guy, who would hold a man’s stinky feet.”

Okay, Kaid, you dare to tell the truth, wait for the dark arrows behind me,

Although bullshit is still idle, we have reached a consensus on the current situation. Whether the heavy rain is just right or the intention of the high-level caster, this rain is too bad for human. .

Although I still do n’t think that this kind of force completely destroys our coalition, I lost a lot at the beginning and the morale was too great.

“Is there a way to disperse it? Water system division?”

My doubts only got my head shaking as expected.

The caster also has a limit. It is not difficult to summon a dark cloud for rain, but only a master of the water system or a high-level druid is sufficient.

But the dark clouds created by such magical elements are also very good at dissipating. There is not much rainfall in the city.

And if it is to offset the downpour of already existence, it would be a little bit more common sense, because it is a natural phenomenon of already existence, which cancels and erases the natural phenomenon. It’s the opposite of nature and the basic Order of this world.

“Not enough time.”

As super casters, we still have a way to deal with natural disasters, but whether it is forbidden spells or ritual magic, it takes time to prepare. It’s too late now.

Every moment, I can feel that life is passing, and the elite soldiers of the elite soldiers actually die in the hands of a group of Skeleton Soldier cannon fodder, which will probably be very aggrieved.

“Masters, Your Majesty, please take the initiative to disperse the heavy rain!”

Finally, the messenger of Herent came. Although it was a bit late, but looking at the blood-stained messenger, no one blame him.

Before he arrived, the Mage began to prepare.

“Fire magic against water?”

“Do you think our people haven’t died fast enough?”

“Do the opposite. The extended ice system of the water system. Try to freeze heavy rain?”

“Heavy rain has turned into a large area of ​​ice cones or snowstorms? The damage is doubled. You are really a genius.”

“Cover the wall with soil magic directly to protect the rain … Okay, I shut up.”

Sometimes, too many casters are also a problem, that is, after a plan is thrown out, it is immediately rejected. If there are only a few ** divisions, it is better to go ahead and talk.

“If only there was an anti-knight.”

“You stupid, they can only dispel magic, Divine Strength, how can this natural phenomenon dispel.”

I shook my head. If this group of people still don’t count on it, if it is weekdays, I would be very leisurely to go down bullshit and see what plans they will finally come up with.

Drag it. You can also see what cards our allies have. I’m curious why Herent is so confident that it can overpower the heroes.

But now, I can feel that a big guy is watching us at high altitude. If the tentative attack is effective, the tentative attack should turn into a full-scale attack.

“…. Is it another Undead Emperor? Such a turbulent mana fluctuation will actually be a master of the undead series. Is this the Great Emperor Shupunuosi of the demise of the fog realm?”

The uneasy power of death is restless in the night, and the links made by the power of death are being established. I probably did not expect that tentative attacks would achieve such a good result. Supunos is calling his own undead. The Legion, as long as such a good fighter continues, is ready for a comprehensive attack.

That’s a million-level undead legion. Once they are all smashed into, it will definitely become a full-fledged melee, and it will really be divided into victory and defeat in a short time.

If it develops into a melee of that scale, a single strong man like us will not have much meaning. The large-scale curse cannot be used at all, and there is no place to lose. The only effect is probably to go to the front wall Undead Emperor … It’s too bad, I choose to give up.

Holy Light, your enemy is in front of me, and I will give it the light of purification. Pure Holy Light, please flicker at me.”

In the eyes of the horrible teachers, I folded my hands and knelt down to pray Holy Light.

The faint wings of light flickered behind,

Then step off the luxury carriage and plunge into the torrent of war.

“Have you heard? He is actually calling Holy Light?”

“The light is so dazzling, it really is Holy Knight!”

I’m afraid that in the eyes of most casters, my undead magic practitioner is good at Holy Light. It’s incredible that I performed it for them intentionally. As for the purpose … I’m afraid it won’t be revealed until the right time, then … /

“Is the Holy Light church unlucky again?”

Harloys guessed it fast enough, and I couldn’t understand how she guessed it.

“Don’t you and Holy Light bullshit always be on the hind legs of bullshit Holy Church?”

I am speechless. In a sense, it is true. Every time I make progress in the Holy Light way, it is naturally a regression of the Holy Church teaching authority.

This time, it should be the last time I added a block … This is not a flag, but as long as this time is successful, there is no need to add a block in the future.

It’s still dark in front of me, and the torrential rain hits my body with some faint pain, such weird weather. Thanks to those mortal soldiers so hard to carry on.

I took a deep breath, half-knelt in the mud, but my hands stretched out, and the twinkling Dawn Blade suddenly floated in mid-air. The sparkling Holy Light seed burns slowly in it, just like the lighter of a lighthouse.

Holy Light, I praise you, you give hope to the lost in the dark, and guide the lost ………”

While it is murmured with prayers of praise and praise. But instead of praising God of Holy Light like the pastor of Normal, I was explaining my understanding and gratitude to Holy Light.

Yes, thank you. human has grown from weak to strong, from a wild man in a wild place to occupying the entire world. The care of Holy Light and the sacrifice of Holy Light professionals cannot be denied.

Pray for light in the dark and bring Order to the land of Chaos, why not be thankful.

Under my request, the dawn sacred sword slowly rises, just like the rising sun begins to rise slowly.

If the light blade mode for hypocrite is light gathering. Now, the lighthouse mode of dawn sacred sword is the divergence of light.

At that moment, the entire battlefield was stagnant for one second. Whether it was undead or human, they instinctively faced this way. After all, a new sun was slowly rising.

Pure Holy Light, this new Holy Light classification, reveals its complete form to the world for the first time.

When it was discovered that the “sun” was emitting, it was actually Holy Light. Wisdom undead and the lord retreated madly. They couldn’t understand how the Holy Light with a very short range could illuminate the entire battlefield.

And then. However, they found that the light was not as terrible as expected. According to the body, it was not the Holy Light that directly burned and ignited their bodies. On the contrary, it was warm and comfortable, making people want to take more photos …. >

“Wait a minute. Isn’t it right, we can feel the temperature?”

At this time, the smart undeads discovered that the situation was wrong. The positive energy Holy Light did not directly harm them, but gradually eroded and wiped away their negative energy.

Compared with the Holy Light of the fundamentals, this pure Holy Light is much less lethal, but the strongest Holy Light pastor can only cover hundreds of meters with Holy Light, and the Holy Light sun in front of it brightens the whole battlefield.

human soldiers also feel warm. The wounds on his body are slowly healing, but in the battle, they are surprised to find that the opponent has become weak.

This is a battle mode specially prepared for the battlefield. It has a large-scale increase in Order creature and a large-scale weakening in Demon and undead.

This pure Holy Light is not powerful at first, but it can only erupt in a round of fundamental Holy Light. This pure Holy Light consumes very little and can be as bright as a lighthouse. As long as it is dragged long enough, the undead monarch Will be weakened and ignited.

Of course, it is not without side effects …

“Kill him!”

The words of the manic soul reverberate in the heavens and the earth. In that moment, no matter whether it is a zombie, a skeleton, or abomination, Bone Dragon, they set their sights on me.

In the eyes of the original godless, one by one the ghost fire was ignited, all undead locked me.

What surprised me was that the scream with pain came from the dark clouds, and the pure Holy Light was actually dispersing the dark clouds and rainstorm!

The power of pure Holy Light can “purify” the power of Chaos. The scenery in front of the eyes is obviously abnormal. Then, it can only be an explanation.

“This dark cloud is actually a undead‘s **? This is the true body of Undead Emperor? Really can play.”

My mood did n’t show that it was so easy. Other people are taunting in full screen. I ’m taunting the whole battlefield. Other people are pulling two blame at a time. I ’m pulling tens of thousands at a time. Meat shield.

After hesitating for a while, I finally decided to continue to maintain the Holy Light sun. After all, now it can not only provide the most important lighting and assistance to the entire battlefield, but also attack the opponent’s leader. Next, it only depends on who supports it. Longer.

I believe that since I have demonstrated my role, others will block these undead for me.

What if I do n’t block it? This problem is actually handled very well. When it’s really time to be sieged, put away the ridicule, and the road is …

Herent, the person with you helped me to stand up, or I can walk away at any time.”

The above words are directly conveyed by Harloys. If I win, I will ask afterwards, and I will not admit it.

Lost? I’ve run away, what’s the point of acknowledging or not admitting. (To be continued.)

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