The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 671: Miracle

Split? There has been no solidarity from the beginning, talking about division.

As a Mage, the pursuit of always endless truth, maintain a certain respect and friendship for the existence, which is also a big Mage, because each other is a fellow who seeks truth, and expresses respect for the deities, Just respect strong power and avoid getting in trouble.

A pure Mage will not sincerely bow down to any powerful existence. The strength of the opponent will only attract their interest and curiosity, analyze, analyze, imitate and learn from each other’s powerful sources, and then become Stronger than the other party.

“A true Mage cannot worship existence like gods, since he will only be curious about the source of the gods’ power, and firmly believe that as long as they are parsed clearly, they can become better than The deities are more powerful, then send the other party to their own dissection table to verify their research results. Truth Council Big Mage ‘Blasphemer’ Levin “

This point should be the most sage civilization. Even if they flip backwards and explore the mysteries of reincarnation and soul, they will eventually embark on this path. The Tali Republic, the country of undead, is not the same. Into the dead end.

Therefore, Mage‘s organizations are often loosely united, which is determined by their essence. It is difficult for already to go further if they donate their physical and mental research to the imperial power and power.

Why? In the world of spells, knowledge is equal to power. The basis of research and exploration is doubt and analysis. Without the essence of questioning everything, how can it break through the mist and explore the continent of new knowledge.

And this loose alliance cannot produce strict subordinate relationships. At most, it depends on the prestige and connections of a certain senior. Such an alliance obviously cannot stand the test.

The early exit of Aso made this joint lose the core of the most important contacts. Undead Emperor knew that it was only a matter of time before they chose to do this.

And once blocked, it’s the day they go their own way.

Well, I can do. Also placed in front.

“…… even witnessed, people are still staggering.”

We now just sneak out from the palace, dressed in heavy White Wolf skin head Peng. Wandering in the street.

Let the Undead Emperor surprise, not a sophisticated technological magic of creation, but the sale of the street vendors, the seller is a high-order undead skull, he is selling his bones style accessories and children toys, while buyers It is a Normal citizen without power.

Both sides bargain to the case of spouts. Obviously that high-level skeleton can slap each other with a slap, but accompanied the smiling faces and explained their design ideas and cost.

Those buyers are very excited, but they are still trying to grind down the price.

This is actually a very common commodity buying and selling scene, but the living and the dead do this business, probably not in other areas.

“… how is it possible that the skeleton general is really courting those women, obviously he can easily kill each other. And those women are not afraid at all!”

I can understand Sandru’s mentality. For guys like us, no matter how messy the intelligence and spies say, before they see it for themselves. There is always a skeptical attitude, and in many cases, even if you see it with your own eyes and hear it with your own ears, you won’t take it seriously.

But this time, he visited suddenly, and with Undead Emperor ’s understanding of the soul ’s fluctuations, the soul ’s feelings ca n’t be deceived. This seemingly simple trading scene illustrates a thing in Diffend Both the living and the dead are citizens of Normal. There is no essential difference in their respective ideas.

In this age where power is everything, in this world where undead is equal to evil, this kind of scene makes Sandro incomprehensible than the curse.

I believe. Such a scene is unique and unprecedented.

In the past, undead and the living person co-existed in the same country. However, no matter whether it is the ancient Tali Republic or our Xiluo Empire, the dead and the living are always not the same. Although the dead and the living are from the same country. It is two parallel lines that do not interfere with each other.

In Xiluo, most of the survivors are slaves and lower classes, and all high-level are undead.

During the period of the Tali Republic, most people chose to practice undead spells. Regimes and high-level officials were also missing and transferred among undead masters. Conversion to high-level undead turned out to be a way for survivors to get ahead.

It can be said that undead still enslaves and controls the living between the two countries. The natural gap between the dead and the living makes peaceful coexistence extremely unimaginable.

“… How did you do that?”

I was still questioning when I met, but I fell silent. After all, being able to reach this step is indeed a miracle, many miracles that are necessarily and accidentally created at the same time, and cannot be copied.

“Say while walking …”

Walking down the business district, even if already snows a few times, it is still very busy here.

The temperature has already reached minus temperature, and even the horse stalls stopped, but there is a continuous stream of vehicles selling and selling goods on the street. At this time, the business district should have been closed for a long time. Many transactions can not be done, and the goods that cannot be shipped are just a burden, and they are not goods.

Now, the teams passing by from us are in a hurry. For them, the big sale at the end of the year / early year has just begun.

Some of them ride snowmobiles (motorcycles), and others start crawler trucks, but more of them use the best-selling goods of ghost car and horse riding.

Skull horses, ghost horses, zombie horses, these nightmares in the eyes of former people, now dragging sleds, trucks, carriages, tirelessly forward.

In Difende, the competition between the magical technology creation and the undead magical creation is becoming more and more fierce. If it is weekdays, the Normal vehicles and horse dealers can also participate in their competition, but here In the cold winter, it is better for the horses to hide in the warm stables for the winter. Frostbite treatment is a waste of medicinal materials.

Iron horses that rely on mana have no problems with flameout in winter. They also have many snowy variants. Gnomes who are good at making money have already taken the opportunity to launch winter sale models, but the more expensive construction makes them very popular in the civilian market. It’s a disadvantage.

A undead apprentice’s skull carriage (with two zombie laborers) can be hired for one day with only three gold coins, which is much cheaper than an iron horse that sells for at least 5 gold coins. already occupies seven unconsciously. More than the winter market.

Because undead magic has low talent requirements, low learning costs, and can make money. In undead, you can learn legal Difende. Such “civilian Necromanceralready is increasing, and the employment price is still lower. trends, also recently heard that they are not to discuss the establishment of the guild, regulate the prices ……

I marched all the way, but made a small difference, but Sandrew saw the scene in front of him, and realized it.

“… Coupling the magic of undead with the interests of the people and eliminating their anxiety? It is indeed a good idea, but the Republic also did it, and it seems to have a lot of effects.”

I shook my head. The common interest is not the key and the source, but only the result of undead being accepted by the world. If it is mixed with cause and effect because of the scene in front of me, I will have a headache instead.

“… What should I say, this should be an accident that cannot be copied, but also a necessity …”

My thoughts are back to the past, and everything should start on that day. The deceased knights who lost their soldiers held the old flag and hesitated to return to their hometown, but those who still remembered Willpower of Lan. Accepted and welcomed by Difende residents.

This is an opportunity and a miracle. The memory of the homeland and the admiration of historical heroes, the respect for this undead knight, the guarantee of the King of Mist room, and my return, let the Lan Guo people accept this undead legion.

Knights of the dead were once members of the Royal Knights of Languo. They deeply loved this land and regretted that they had not protected their own people in the past, how could they hurt the living.

For the living, these undead knights are heroes who used to protect the country. Under the guidance of Reyne Princess, they are hero knights who return with the Roland prince. They know admiration and trust.

Trust requires the efforts of both parties. The accidental return has reached the best choice, and the dead have begun to be accepted by the living.

And this is not enough. With the activeness of the undead Knights, the Royal Knights are scattered to the core of various industries in the country, Alchemy, military, winter hunting, and even the construction industry. These guardian knights are active. , Greatly improved the lives of the people, and also greatly closed the relationship between the living and the dead.

Taking this as an opportunity, the spread of undead common sense, the ancestors are still guarding their own reality, eliminating the Lan people’s prejudice against undead, and making Difend a sacred place in the dream of Necromancer, not far from Necromancer Come here thousands of miles.

The reason why it is said to be a miracle is that later development has encountered miracles. The establishment of the city of innocence allows strangers undead to be proven innocent. When the world has no prejudice, friendship and trust only May be built.

After that, it is the benefits brought by the great development of undead magic, and the publicization of Necromancer practice. At this time, there is a soil where the living and the dead can live on equal terms.

It can be said that it is simple to say. The scene in front of it is the result of countless coincidences, even including the miracles of Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), but it has its inevitability. Without my knights ’return, without these lovely people who accepted the ancestor knights. Without the banner of the battle of Arashi that has guarded this land for thousands of years, no miracle could happen.

I have no intention of concealing these things. With my statement, Sandro fell into silence. He was thinking, remembering, and making important decisions in his heart.

“Reproducing such a scene elsewhere? It is not possible in a short time, but this land does not reject undead, you have also seen … So, what do you think of the Tali Republic, this is directly related to Our future choice. If you think that the Tali Republic is the country of the elderly, and the restoration of the country of the dead is considered a revival, we have nothing to talk about. If you think that the past civilization is a cultural heritage, perhaps, we will There is a lot of space for communication. “(To be continued.)

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