The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 66: Marquise

Small boat advances slowly on Styx River. It seems to be slow to not move, but actually jumps between realm, shortening the distance to the destination.

The Styx River full of silent dead people flowing through countless realm flows in the quiet crevices of various worlds, harvesting the souls of Chaos people. If anyone does not worry about being deprived of soul and memory by Styx River water, it can indeed be extremely convenient in each realm shuttle.

But unfortunately, only the Death God (Grim-reaper) Ayer boat can cross Styx River. At the 63rd floor of the abyss, the Demon Duke Kastronach made the soul ship with the soul, and even the ship and the Duke themselves were Ayer themselves. Elimination of shots, in addition to proving that Ayer absolutely prohibits the right of passage of Styx River, but also proves that Death God (Grim-reaper) with few shots is not a good man.

And I also cherish this rare experience.

The expensive Styx River water (mainly too difficult to remove) is right in front of you, but it is an important material of countless top Alchemy secret drugs and **, and I also just pick it up. There are not many packing points. How is it frugal? Good housekeeper Lich.

And soon, I found out that I found that there is no container storage for the soul. How can I find the Styx River caretaker’s Ayer to borrow? That’s the difference between a thief’s suspicion of harvesting too much, and asking the police to borrow a sack.

“Do you want Styx River water? Hold it.”

It seems that the “policeman” really didn’t take his guard seriously, and threw a worn out bottle, but in my system identification, it was a rare treasure.

[Boser ’s drinking bottle, an ancient artifact, can hold seven different liquids. The bottle received Boser ’s blessing, and never have to worry about water quality deterioration]

Bosser is an ancient Sea God, but already fell into the past, and the wealth of Ayer after many years is a matter of course. It is also very pride to send out an ancient odd treasure, which surprised me. But two liquids are already stored in it.

[The first-generation human alpine clan royal blood, diamond-grade Order blood veins, if submitted to the system when remodeling the flesh, will provide new types of flesh choices-these dark red blood, witnessed the rise and decline of countless populations, as The first generation of Order people, which are equivalent to the ancient Angel and the ancient Demon, may not have much natural power in the blood, but it contains endless potential.

[Devil King’s essence blood, diamond-grade Chaos bloodline, if you turn in the system when reshaping the flesh, it will provide a new kind of flesh choice-the collective fall of the first generation human, creating Devil, which is comparable to Demon Evil race, endless mana in these blood. But please note that the power is not so good, the evil fall of Devil bloodline is inevitable. 】


Death God (Grim-reaper) Ayer was the king of the ancient human. He has the ancient human bloodline is normal, but the Devil king essence blood is the basis of the king-level Devil. It will not be obtained by killing it. It can only fight for its strength and damage itself. Hand it over honestly, and let the Devil king bow his head. It seems that the rumors of collusion between Ayer and Devil are still true.

“You should reshape the flesh, although I don’t know which way you plan to build the flesh, at least the materials are needed, these should be able to be used.”

Should I sigh that I have the right thigh, this is more than just being used. If I had this before, I would not be complacent with silver veins, diamond veins, directly crushing the existence of the gold race Dragon Clan veins, in front of this , Xiao Hong, the Dragon Blood vein of ancient diamond diamond veins raised by Golden-Race, is scum.

So, looking at me closing the bottle with joy, Ayer shook his head, but talked about another thing.

“By the way, didn’t you talk about Hell and Hell last time? Among them are ghosts? Do you know that there is **** in our world?”

Of course I know, but it’s not the same thing at all. My **** is more of an underground prison used to hold and torture guilty souls, but all the hells in the Eich world live in Devil.

“I said to Little Tias. If that **** really happened, he would be willing to let **** out, and would like to let all the Devil learn to be prisoners.”

Tias? Camille Tias? The head of the nine kings of the Devil? Let the other side out of **** and become the underworld? I finally determined that the rumor was wrong. It seems that it is not the collusion between Ayer and Devil, but that Devil are simply Ayer men!

This seemingly light-hearted chat suggestion reveals the world ’s biggest secret, and there are countless risks. This is not only a kind aid, but also a boast that the collaborators show their strength, and it is a dangerous temptation.

But if the powerful Devil joins this plan, the natural success rate is much higher. Of course, the premise is that they cannot expose existence. After all, their terrible reputation will make many things more complicated.

However, the realization of the plan is my highest goal. Since it is a good thing that helps the plan a lot, I have nothing to refuse. Of course, my brothers have to settle accounts, and some things have to be said clearly.

“Yes, but the presidency and the Supreme Judge must still be controlled by Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One). Then, what exactly do Devil plan to get from this plan, let’s talk straight, otherwise it is really uneasy.”

Yes, how can Devil be famous for its cunning, unprofitable things?


No matter what Ayer said, I wouldn’t be surprised, but these two words are incomprehensible. free? Is the powerful Devil race actually enslaved to people? Is n’t it under the control of the future Hades?

“It’s not the freedom of appearance, but the real liberation. You also know that once you become a high-level Devil, even if you die in other realm, you just roll back to **** and lose your strength. And once they die under realm Is the real destruction. “

Vaguely, I guessed the meaning of Ayer.

“Is that reincarnation?”

“Yes, at first, in order to not participate in the so-called Holy War, my people collectively took refuge in Goddess of Chaos. As a result, every time so-called Holy War, Devil people still become cannon fodder. And those old guys, tired of being Devil Cunning life and continuous battle, they want to be relieved, but do not want the spirit to disperse. But the road of Styx River reincarnation can be opened to any race. Devil and Demon are not thought. After all, they are the main force of Holy War.

“How many? This cannot be a resolution made by the whole family. How many of the nine Devil monarchs agree?”

“Including Little Tia, the four ancient Devil kings King city transformed from the ancient human nodded. Of course, other people did not disagree, but we did not tell them at all, and we did not intend to speak to them.”

Is it a secret covenant again? However, I like that your reputation is so stinky that in case you are exposed to endless suffering, this secret is the most suitable.

So, it’s time to sign the contract.

The Devil contract is world-famous, but as long as you can bypass all its textual traps, he is definitely the most effective contract in the world, and the contract signed by the Devil majesty himself cannot be replaced by the Chaos abyss.

Even though the Devil are really sincere and the terms are quite generous, but since it is you who asked me to cooperate, it is not silly for me to send the bamboo bars to the door, so after more than three hours of hard negotiations, in In the praise of Ayer “You are more like Devil than Devil” and “You are even more greedy than Demon“, in the end, the contract got me a satisfactory result.

“Master Ayer, are you tired of it?” Looking at the Devil kings’ desire for reincarnation, I also have a new perspective on Ayer, which is also tied to the seat of Death God (Grim-reaper).

“No, no, this world is so beautiful, and the evolution of various races is quite interesting. I still have a lot of things to do. Although this Death God (Grim-reaper) position is indeed a bit uncomfortable, it is also very leisurely. I do n’t have any. How big an opinion. But, after all, I am a king, naturally I must think about the expectations of the subjects. If you are also a king, you should be able to understand. “

Nodded, I did n’t ask, but I was interested in some past events. The Ayer in front of me is young, but the super old monster who was the same age as the two goddesses may be able to get a lot of real secrets from him. .

Goddess of Order Astrya and Goddess of Chaos Cynthia, you should have seen them. What kind of existence they are, and why they caused the eternal battle.”

Ayer glanced back at me, but the ordinary look made people feel hairy from the bottom of my heart, but I do n’t care anymore, anyway, this **** who wants to kill anyone, is relaxed, bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes, It’s really a pity to miss this hidden thing from the past, and I have nothing to fear.

In the end, Ayer still sighed and said helplessly.

“Mother God, she is a good woman. She regards all her life as her own children. But sometimes, excessive motherly love will limit the development of her children. She expects all races to live as she expects. But how is that possible. And sister Cynthia is another extreme. She is active and enjoys watching gladiatorial wars and admiring those indomitable warriors. She hopes that her people can evolve independently. Do you believe that, The ancient Demon of the year was actually not evil, they just liked all kinds of competitive sports … “

On this small river, time not a system problem, countless ancient mysteries, whispered in the mouth of this ancient shrine, it is obviously thrilling Epic Legend, but this seemingly youngest old man said Like two unscrupulous filial sons next door fighting on the street again, apparently a **** replacement of ancient deities, but he was said to be an eight o’clock stall full of love and hatred between men and women, but I am still addicted.

“Well, this one may be used. I didn’t expect that the Demons still have this weakness.” Yes, the past is intelligence, and intelligence is the cornerstone of future victory. It is estimated that this opportunity will happen once in this life. Why didn’t I hurry up.


When the ship was docked, I was relieved, but I was a little nervous.

Eliza saw me and seemed relieved.

This is a dark river in the underground world, but driven by Death God (Grim-reaper), it became a part of Styx River, and I, just ashore, the flowing Styx River and Ayer dissipated together.

“I am back.”

“Hum, you still remember to come back. Then, I will not buy your old house for the time being to pay my wages.”

“Hey, hey, do n’t cross the river and dismantle the bridge. It ’s enough for the owner not to have a respectful title. It ’s ridiculous to sell the owner ’s house as soon as he leaves.”

“Do you still have a title between couples? Or, do you like this master-servant shame PLAY?”


“It’s too much! Pretend to be stupid, didn’t you just agree to my confession.” Eliza False crying …..

I’m at a loss when I think of that confession.

“Does that count? At the time …”

“Huh, isn’t that enough? Why are I all girls? As a man, you do n’t have to confess. Do you think I am implicit?” Eliza is roaring, but I am familiar with her, what do you think? It was not outrageous and worried, she was worried that I would “repent.”

“This …” Hesitated for a moment. In the end, it seems that I really owe too much. I thought of the figure that was still unwilling to retreat under the Order of light. I saw her now, but I did not ask. Meaning.

“Okay, okay, is Liu Huang Mountain City okay now?”

Liu Huang Mountain City is very good, but the old City Lord Adam is very bad.” Even so, I can see that I did not firmly deny the remorse, but she was very happy.

While lamenting that I have a girlfriend for one day, I heard that Adam is not good, but I’m a bit surprised.

“Eh? Did something go wrong while resisting Order of light that day? There was something wrong with the Titan heart? I should have no problems with the transplant. The Adam skin is thick and not so weak.”

“No, not Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), just Sealed God, he and Magaret announced an appointment and planned a marriage. As a result, there were rumors that” Adult Adam was abandoned by adult Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), and adult Magaret entered by imagination. ” For the theme, it was incorporated into the Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) Legend that was just published and is now on sale in Liu Huang Mountain City. Especially the past revenge is really sad and thrilling. I didn’t expect that we still had so many grudges and hatred. By the way, aren’t you and Adam really biological brothers? Don’t you have a fiancee with leukemia? “

“Resentment is against your sister! You are not recalling the memories of Liza, you are the party, and you are listening to the messy mess. Papa, that rumor that I and Adam have a leg, actually still With follow-up !!! By the way, isn’t this the rumor you spread? You dare to say it! “

But Eliza is very eloquent.

“Of course, as a real girlfriend, you have the right to supervise your health and private life.”

“Well, then, as a real boyfriend, can I ask what is going on with you now? Why are you now only a Avatar, and when did you have the ability to project Avatar!”

Yes, I have long found that the Alice in front of me is Alice, not Alice. She is just a Avatar projection, and this ability often only has the true **** of realm and Demon of realm. Only Devil!

“Oh, I still can’t hide it from you. Now, I’m not half Demon Elise, please call me Marquise Elise. Congratulations, a marquis-level big Demon girlfriend, is unparalleled in the world. “

Marquise? Even if Alice Demon has been transformed, it is impossible to step into the sky in one step? How can it be beyond Kaka Geely in an instant? What happened in these two months!

While I was surprised, Iris’s projection became unreal. It seems that the time to maintain the projection of Avatar is up.

“Okay, it seems that today’s projection time has arrived. The story is going on and on. I wrote it in the letter on the desk of the old house. You can also go back and ask Annie.”

Suddenly, already began to dissipate Alice, but came over, raised her hair ends, lowered her head, kissed her red lips, just touched it, but felt a trace of cold, but let it go again.

She smiled with red face, smiling like the happiest woman in the world.

“Well, the goal is achieved, then, don’t take care, be careful I will attack and check suddenly.”

Next, the projection Avatar dissipated in the air, leaving only a silver ring on my face and me.

“Elise !!!”

The unpredictable premonition lingered in my mind, and the cry of the soul echoed fiercely in the dark river. Did I just turn into a girlfriend and become a bachelor instantly?

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in my ear.

“I’m not dead yet, don’t call it soul, so loud, my ears are numb.”

Eliza‘s voice came from the ring.

At this moment, in a certain battlefield of realm, the silver-haired female Marquis Demon lies on her throne, while leisurely commanding the battlefield in front of her, speaking to the familiar skull on her arm.

In front of her, there is an endless Demon army in **** battle. It is a rebellious Count Earl of Demon. As the Demon Marquis favored by the abyss and stepped up, there are many challenges she will face.

“I said, what I fancy, I won’t let it go, whether it’s the power to control your own destiny, or you, remember, when I come back, you must never take off the ring, let alone spend your time, otherwise , You remember the day’s events. To tell you the truth, your skull is now the decoration on my crown!

Well, facing this lovely threat, I was at a loss again, and in the end, it only turned into a helpless sigh.

“Oh, system, I have to pay Quest. I want resurrection.”


PS. Expect the next episode of resurrection. Let ’s not repeat the tragedy declaration. Well, there is no tragedy in this one, let ’s talk about it in the next one …. Also, vote …..

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