The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 618: The difference between life and death

Holy Light, Frost, Death, Law, any of these four areas can consume the life of a wise man.

Man’s talents are inclined. Most of the so-called all-round talents are mediocre in general. The more advanced the knowledge, the more time it takes to accumulate exploration. This point, long-lived species may be overcome with a long life, short-lived species. human has no luxury conditions.

For Roland, his ability growth trajectory is very special. All four abilities have reached their peak. It seems to violate this basic principle, but in fact, he has not been distracted and used at all.

Roland, rather than treating these fields as a kind of strength and knowledge, it is better to think of it as a philosophy-like philosophy of life.

The way of Holy Light‘s faith has Estrada as the enlightenment. He practiced the guardianship of Holy Knight from generation to generation. With the care of Holy Light, he could reach the peak step by step, but from his Holy Light Judging from the essence of the way of upgrading to the way of redemption, he is almost like studying Holy Light with theology and philosophy, instead of simply studying the use of Holy Light and Holy Light with other priests.

He did not research the special priests of high-ranking priests and Holy Knight, which is the most obvious proof. Regarding his experience in the use of Holy Light, skills, and high-level divine magic, let alone compare with other demigod Holy Knight and priests. , He may not be comparable to a Legend Holy Knight specializing in penance studies.

Not to mention the law. This is the accumulation and pursuit of two lives. It is more about understanding of life and rules.

He is a pioneer, but not a dedicated researcher. He hopes that the law can change the world, but he is not interested in further studying the use of Power of Law. Now most of the new students in the world Incantation of Law Technique are other laws. For professional development … Roland will not.

As the application of Power of Law becomes more and more unattractive, he uses Power of Law less frequently in battle, and in the same situation, there is also the power of ice.

Ice, I’m afraid it’s the worst mastery of all the forces, if not all four elements must be gathered. Let the system cheat all the way, I’m afraid he can’t go that far.

Only the understanding of ice, or the gains of these years, is probably better than the ice Mage of Normal. But if you compare those true casters, it can only be regarded as an apprentice … the amount of ice magic he can now do not even compare to the Legend ice law of a scientific origin.

The true strong are step by step to the top. The caster must have a huge accumulation of spells. They obtain the principles and knowledge by analyzing the model of low-level spells. Grasp the intermediate rank and higher-order spells step by step. It is only at the top and the bottleneck that you start to study your own special magic.

As you have mastered the essence and principles like Roland, but you ca n’t get enough of the application, it is impossible to turn power into real combat power.

Mage, who is good at thousands of spells, is not just a gimmick. Only ice arrows, blizzards, and Roland in the Ice Age are the most unqualified ice methods in this world. Spell, and finally returns to the best hand-to-hand combat.

When a person is panicking, the most trusted and most trusted thing is naturally the most familiar one. This shows on one side that his investment in swordsmanship is far more than ice magic. At least, he trusted his sword over his ice spell.

The only ice-blocking curse that I took … In addition to the help of the system, the “Ice Age” is more about the knowledge accumulated by the two generations, and its understanding of “death” and “destruction”. It is the crystallization of the body of Lich and the reincarnation of the third generation.

Yes, Roland has really invested a lot of time and energy, and he has a unique talent in this area, or “death”.

At that time, Roland found out the “truth” of the country. When he was in despair and crazy, it was also the time when he wanted the power the most.

The weak points of smart people probably always like to be lazy, and they often miss opportunities when they think too much, and Roland during that time. But it is extremely eager to obtain the power of revenge, even at all costs to break the floor and directly dig the mystery of the soul.

“The only Undead Emperor in the past millennium, the highest peak of soul science, the pioneer of undead structural science.”

These titles from the dead and Mage may best explain the height of Roland in the field of “death”. At least on the study of the nature of the soul, Roland already lives in the multiverse … even the reason why he can grasp other powers also comes from his understanding of his own soul. He already can turn faith and affection into real power!

The bathing experience in Styx River has entered the memory of death and reincarnation several times, allowing her to understand the nature of death beyond any existence in this life, and even beyond the creator of Eich.

His real research results have not appeared in front of the world, and Roland is really enough to leave a sum in the history of Eich, but it is not a terrible creation like Seven Sins. After all, the predecessor Undead Emperor has a more terrible undead creation, and Seven Sins itself is just a by-product of his research on the soul’s pursuit of strength.

“He, breaking the line between life and death.”

Yes, this is the biggest achievement of Roland. Before Roland, dead is dead. No matter whether it is Styx River or reincarnation, it is a hundred. No one can really resurrection.

The moment Liza fell into Styx River, her already died. Even if she was pulled ashore by Roland, the new life is another individual. You can say that her previous life was Liza.

You can incarnate undead, or become God’s Envoy, Angel, but they are another way to continue life, the living or the living, the dead or the dead, no one can break that line.

Whether it is Undead Emperor or the gods of nature, including the creation goddess and God Lord, can’t break the boundary between life and death. Only Roland, he has done research that nobody would dare to think, and he succeeded.

Perhaps that is because he is essentially the Crazy Lich, which is unlimited.

These achievements are not lucky or impossible, and the research line of Roland has an obvious trajectory.

Seven Sins Even in the study of the undead creation, it is an anatomy of soul characteristics such as the essence of soul and desire / desire, feelings, etc. with Seven Sins, Roland‘s understanding of the essence of soul, already surpassed All existence … After all, no one else is crazy enough to use his knife, dissect a part of the soul, throw it into other undead creations, and then observe the change of the essence of the soul. If it is not for Roland, it has the “immortal” elegance. Suicide is no different.

The experience of Styx River. Let him have the only personal contact with the living and the dead in this world (others can not enter Styx River and reincarnation). When Roland relied on the previous understanding of the nature of the soul, it unlocked the essential difference between the living and the dead.

The mystery of life and death is therefore opened a door, but some things even know the principle. It is also impossible to do … Roland does not intend to break the limits of life and death. In his calculations, that requires huge amounts of energy and huge losses.

In fact, this research result is just a by-product of his research on creation and creation. It is an exploration of the essence of life. He didn’t plan on resurrection anyone.

In the north, among the events that led to the fall of Angel, Roland successfully created life, but did not create the soul. He just proved that the extreme power of light is darkness, and the dead Chaos and Holy Light Order can Fusion together to create life, which is enough for him to become the enemy of God of Holy Light.

The last research result of creation and creation is the futuristic Main Realm. For the time being, it doesn’t matter, but since it is able to create the flesh, then. With the created soul, can it create a complete individual life? Unlike those Alchemy 傀儡, living creatures, this is truly “alive”.

The authority of the creator … No, the creator’s ability to create is limited. After creation, they can only let the ethnic group spread and evolve. This is to create an individual from scratch. Perhaps this is far more glorious than the creator. When such The opportunity is ahead, Roland. I was also moved by it.

So, when Ayer cut off the connection between the earth elements realm and Main Realm, when all the higher existence eyes could not look at their own chin, Roland gritted his teeth. A final experiment was done.

Roland uses Harloys as a test specimen, burning the soul of the “shadow” of the gods, instilling its soul essence into Harloys, trying to deficient it as a necrotic defect, and transforming it from necrotic to necrotic.

Result? As a result, everyone should know already, Harloys is alive. Although she still has some undead characteristics, she does live.

Her soul and body are fused together. She never needs resentment to drive her soul. She can breed offspring and become infinitely stronger … But this doesn’t make much sense. Roland never expects dead cats to become Can fight.

Roland succeeded? Not necessarily. Although it was done this time, it shows that the research success of Roland and the principle of resurrection rituals are correct, but this time resurrection Harloys is a very rare and powerful soul of God, and it will still pay a lot of energy for one life. The resurrection technology has no practical significance at all.

Of course, many theoretical research results have little practical significance when they first came out. They can only be placed in the laboratory to look good. With the development of other technologies and industrial progress, they have become more and more practical.

In the past two years, due to some other objective factors (sage civilization technology), Roland has developed two applications for this technology. As long as it is thrown out, it will be enough for him to take the Medal of Truth and let it soften. It won the title of the best undead master within ten thousand years, but considering the social impact that may be caused by publishing it … or it is more appropriate to describe the world change, Roland still obediently locks technology into the treasure house.

As the demon pet soul link, it can be observed very carefully, which is the main reason why Roland chose Harloys as a test product. At least in that year, Roland had absolutely no idea what a dead cat would be as the only gold Elf in this life.

“The dead have no human rights, but the living are different.”

Gold Elf already, the Elf royalty, has been extinct for many years. Even if Harloys is still alive as undead and existence, but already has lost the status of Elf, how can Elf recognize her.

But if she lives, will she regain the status of Queen Elf … at least, Elf‘s clan rules will not say these, but as long as this orthodox heir lives for a day, those who rebel against the superior will feel uncomfortable Elf have other options.

When the Elf are in distress, when the current Elf gods cannot guide the life of Elf to become better, people’s hearts will naturally think of the past leaders.

Someone … maybe, God should have seen it.

“Karumandas, the **** of wisdom …”

As a Demi-Elf who once lived in the golden Elf era, the old Kalumandas was very old. For a long time, he was sheltering Harloys, at least to keep her from inexplicably dying because of the Elf gods. .

In the battle of Hades, his true body came. Although he did not work hard, he worked with Hades, but a God Lord who followed Harloys and met her, how could he not find her changes? .

After that, Roland had a secret talk with Kalumandas, and Roland also knew that he had caused a super trouble.

“It must not be leaked, otherwise the Elf gods will kill her at all costs … she is now linked with your soul, you will not die and she will not die? Then, those careful eyes will absolutely kill you at all costs. And you If you don’t want to be hunted down by countless gods, don’t reveal that you have resurrection ability. “

Calymandas ’s reminder Roland is not a whistleblower. He knows that even if Harloys does not come out to cause trouble, it is only because she is the orthodox heir of the Elf Great Emperor country. Just because of her identity on the bloodline, the Elf gods will not Let her go.

He didn’t even remind Harloys about this incident, or because Harloys tacitly forgot about the possible consequences of his resurrection.

A hundred people die, but living people have to bear responsibility, and this burden is really difficult to bear.

Liquidation of traitors, Elf civil war, reintegration of the Elf family and Elf God Faction, leading the entire Elf family, thinking about it makes people scalp, Roland, who is afraid of trouble, chose to make everything obliterate in history.

“Even if Harloys intends to raise the banner to rebuild the Elf empire, it will be equivalent to working with those Moon Elfs. Now the days of Elf are still passable. Since they can eat enough, who will have nothing to do and follow her to make troubles. Since not If it can be done, then it’s better not to say. “

But there are things that you can’t hide if you want to hide. Under the fluctuating hand of irony, Roland has found itself in a big trouble, some trouble … the responsibility is to face it sooner or later. of.

Maybe the Roland team lost contact with Main Realm in the abyss, but soon, through the little fairy’s contact network, the inevitable decision is still to be made.

“The Elf empire established by the four superior Elf, and the ancient Elf empire established by the royal gold Elf plus the four superior Elf Elf, the former is still in the doomsday crisis, and the latter also has the national heritage and security background, who It ’s easier to become the orthodox royal family in the mind of Elf. Do you have to say more? “(~ ^ ~)

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