The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 572: Troubles of the Bloodspear Chief

For Ein Mezus, the days of the abyss are actually going well.

People are waiting every day, and it ’s not too much Ancient Dragon like her, but compared to the tedious daily routine of Main Realm, the abyss will have “surprises” every day.

No, early in the morning, the lizards came again, and danced a lot of messy hula dances in front of themselves. They still could n’t help chanting “Great Dragon”, ” “Great ancestors”, “shelter us” and the like.

The leader is a purgatory doghead shaman. Although this creature can speak dragons, it is limited to the structure of the tongue. It’s not very good. The accent of the lizardman mimics the gloom and tongue of the cold-blooded animal. Even more weird.

Don’t say, the weird dragon rap, plus the sloppy grass skirt ritual dance performed by the lizardmen, Ogre, and dogheads together, it is really a funny farce. It just dawns every day. Xiao Hong You can enjoy a strange and funny performance, but you can’t stop clapping and applauding,

For Lizardmen, being able to summon Ancient Red Dragon with relics is both a big surprise and a fear.

The blood-hearted stone passed down from that era was discovered by the big shaman Mo of this generation that can actually summon dragon beasts. already was an unexpected joy of the whole family, coupled with the psychic witchcraft and animal training that have been passed down from generation to generation by the lizard. Secret law, the explosive growth of power in the clan.

But this sacred thing actually attracted Ancient Red Dragon a few days ago, it makes people feel a little too surprised, and some of them are overwhelming!

The appetite of evil dragon is not small, but Correct makes them the lord creature because of their strong prey ……… One territory cannot support several dragons, even one male and one female!

By the way, Dragon Clan is generally that the female dragon is stronger than the male dragon, so for future generations to cross. It ’s normal to kick off the male dragon after you do n’t recognize it …

Ah, there must be a large number of vassal races for Dragon Clan gathering places like Longcheng. At least the predator will not let Great Dragon take care of themselves. It is Xiao Hong living in the Liu Huang Mountain City period. There are still dozens of scorpion tails The lion, the capricorn, and the whole mountain are all hunting grounds.

Okay. Having said so much, I actually want to prove that the appetite of Xiao Hong is very scary.

What’s a meal and a sheep, others are a bite and a cow …

Xiao Hong this time is not a compulsory soldier with dry food, nor is it intended to save the employer money. Since the dragon is here, at least you need to be full.

It is not easy to hunt in the abyss. This evil dragon is very picky. In the abyss, you don’t eat creature, which has a high degree of magic, and you must cook cooked food with spices and seasonings. Both the hunter and the chef have been severely tested. The poor Lizardmen tribe is feeding the horrible Great Dragon with the rations of the entire family.

If you only need rations, it ’s easy to handle. The problem is still high. Actually, you still need fine wine. The wine is a luxury in the abyss, but one barrel is enough for ten dwarves to drink a week of spirits. It is a sip for Red Dragon Dragon Empress. , But this Red Dragon‘s wine volume is also particularly outrageous, when someone treats guests, there is no lower limit to ask for tribute.

Drink refreshing with dozens of barrels in the morning. Dozens of barrels were killed before lunch at noon, and more than a hundred barrels were served at the dinner. In a sense, when the wine limit was cancelled, Ein Mezus was even smarter than Main Realm.

However, this kind of thing is hard to say. The bloodspear lizard leader Grey Blade carefully calculated it. If it really happened, considering the strength of the Red Dragon and that powerful Holy Knight confrontation that day, his whole family went up. Not enough for her to fight.

Result. That is, the whole family has become a vassal of Ancient Red Dragon, and strives to serve them, while hunting game for them, and buying wine for them. She was also afraid that she was so anxious to find something to do, and organized a sacrifice ceremony and song and dance performance to relieve her annoyance.

“… Why did the God Equipment left by the ancestors attract such a powerful Great Dragon, weren’t they just a few dragon beasts before? Even Normal Black Dragon didn’t obey the call of this God Equipment, why did they come to Ancient Dragon since then.”

It’s a stone heart, the size of a human being, as lifelike as a living heart. Around it was covered with scaly stone layers.

Ten years ago, by accident, the gray blade of the chief who was not the chief found the wonderful use of God Equipment.

As long as the blood is dropped on the stone, the heart will vibrate slightly, as if the heart is beating, it seems to emit strange waves constantly, and then the surrounding dragons and beasts will be attracted and obey the support of God Equipment Someone’s command.

So, after getting Golden Ring, I was promoted and raised all the way, and became ceo to marry Bai Fumei … I mean, I killed the former chief, married the second wife left by the former chief, and became the new chief. Come, the relationship between Lizardmen is also very messy.

But soon, Gray Blade found the limitations of this God Equipment. It is very attractive for low-level dragon beasts, but slightly higher-level dragon beasts can only be attached with a good impression, no matter how high When the Dragon Beast of the order came, it could not match at all, but it could easily become a disaster.

Fortunately or unfortunately, no matter how much blood is sprinkled on the heart, Great Dragon will not even look at it, it will even make Great Dragon feel uncomfortable and have the effect of expelling Great Dragon.

Today, this God Equipment actually called a Ancient Red Dragon, and it is still a very friendly Red Dragon Dragon Empress. This is just spending 30 yuan to win 30 million prizes. Happiness comes too fast, both It’s a bit unbelievable.

“I am the chief chosen by God, we will rule this realm!”

The gray blade at that time was so spirited and so ambitious.

But at this moment, in front of the altar, Grey Blade was very puzzled and very unsolved. At the beginning, the ecstasy of seeing Ein Mezus and the ambition to dominate the entire realm were filled with endless remorse. Not necessarily a good thing, Brother can’t be taken seriously.

“Chief, in this way, our winter food …”

“I know. Continue to let them buy it. If not, go to Mushroom Man and grab some more. Right, buy a little more magical meat, the dragon won’t eat, we will keep the winter …”

“Chief, there is not enough wine …”

“… Buy at the ghost market! Are there any coins in the storeroom?”

“Chief, Red Dragon thinks the Ogre we dance is too ugly! I think the old shaman sings bad.”

“… Go to the ghost market to buy a few slaves that can be seen. The Elf race is the best. Hunting teams are also looking for them! What are you holding back? Find me.”

“Chief …”


The angry gray blade already is almost bursting out. When I think of Red Dragon‘s sharp nails larger than myself, and Red Dragon‘s reputation is definitely not good, I can only endure it.

“… Red Dragon said she was going to eat roasted dead cows at noon, and she was too noisy, so find someone to sing a lullaby to her. By the way, she also thought it was too rude to live on the mountain, and asked her dragon When will the hole be repaired. “

In this moment, the gray blade has the urge to drop the chieftain’s throne. What is a dead cow? Legend creature. Whoever dies, you Ancient Red Dragon can be regarded as a gourmet, but can a lizard man hunt?

Dragon’s Lair? Ancient Red Dragon‘s Dragon Cave? Selling the Blood Spear Tribe is not enough.

The lullaby? This looks OK …

Shaking his head, this shameful thing is still a little less known. As soon as he bit his teeth, the gray blade simply got up and planned to go to Red Dragon to sing a nursery rhyme.


“What’s up ?! Can’t you make your own decision?

Finally, the gray blade erupted, but then, the lizard man pointed with fear and pointed not far away.

“That super capable Holy Knight came over that day!” (To be continued.)

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