The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 559: Ghost Market

Soaring in the sky of the abyss is definitely not a pleasant thing for Normal‘s creature. The clouds are always black. The thunderstorm and hail make the journey of the sky dangerous. The air often carries a stench of sulfur. Even the rain there was a smell of decay.

But for Black Dragon Harkas, it was as comfortable as a fish, it was the taste of his hometown.

The vast earth is just underneath. Looking at it, it is extremely dull and tedious. In front of you is a grayish black, but at the end of the horizon, there is a grayish green.

It’s a peninsula surrounded by countless gray trees. In the center of the swamp, there is a quite lively market.

The ghost market, the simple and straightforward name, is the biggest event of this realm, and as the few heads of this realm creature, the ghosts are the masters here.

“The ghosts are not easy to deal with, even if you are strong enough, you can’t play those crooks and villains with this bad water and venom flowing in their bones. The Main Realm guy, here with the baby, is your cause of death.”

The ghost woman is a kind of creature that is almost extinct in Main Realm. They are the race of females of the same family as Wood Spirit, but unlike the pleasing appearance of Wood Spirit, they are all long wrinkled old ladies, or in other words, expired Witch.

The long nose with strange tumors, the disgusting hair, the wrinkled skin, the crooked wand, the black cape, the round pointed hat, are the bad witches in fairy tales.

While they were still in Main Realm, most of the time they also played the role of witches and witches. Most of them signed agreements with some realm big Devil and big Demon to act as their agents in some realm That’s from the realm sorcerer, magic is very famous … In terms of pit people and Yin people.

Greedy, cunning, and jealousy are not big issues, as long as the goods are good. There are always people buying, but after finishing pitting customers and suppliers, Main Realm offends and offends realm. These ghost witches are so anxious.

Don’t say that this kind of devil technique creature is rare in Main Realm, it is rare in other levels of the abyss. After all, no one is stupid. It is bad luck to be pitted once. If you do n’t take revenge with a knife, it is not Demon.

“Come and see, Magic Sword of Semi-God Item level comes with three curse magics with the sword, the power is amazing. As long as two hundred spirit coins or the same price of goods!”

Soul is always a hard currency under realm, and when the Styx River part is redirected. The next realm also welcomed gratifying deflation, and soul coins became more valuable.

I saw that I was a Dragon Knight guy and a stranger face. The green-haired hag who was selling Magic Sword was almost reaching for Magic Sword.

It’s not expensive to exchange two hundred souls for Semi-God Item. I can feel the strong curse attached to the gray Magic Sword over there, but …

“… The curse is actually extremely mentally handicapped. It will be triggered automatically when you hold Magic Sword, and then you will bring the money bag to your door?”

I kicked the ghost woman with a stubborn face, and she sprayed a potion in which already was triggered in her arms, and a drop of medicine dropped on a ghost woman on the side. It turned into a toad directly.

It appears that there is no such thing as a safe zone in this market, and merchants can overwhelm customers at will.

“Hold …”

The frozen Aura infiltrates from under the dragon armor. Exuding from the twin pupils is the dead mana, a high-level black knight capable of driving the Black Dragon, not a low-level ghost who still needs to sell fake goods on the street.

With a ghost in her hand, she inserted the hilt of her sword directly into her mouth, and whimpered twice, then the ghost rolled her eyes and lay on the ground as a toad.

The hawks around stopped for a while, and then became lively again. As if nothing had happened just now, it seems that this kind of thing is very common.

I’ve never experienced such an environment. In this hostile environment, playing pigs and eating tigers will become pigs. Exposing the minions can be less troublesome.

If I were pitted. These guys are guaranteed to swarm, the weapons and equipment are auctioned on site, * can sell meat, and soul can be processed into money without waste.

Looking around, the stalls are not all ghosts. On the contrary, there are no customers in front of the stalls. Only a few lizards walk back and forth in front of the stalls. It should be a professional care, and those ghosts also Don’t worry, the sneaky eyes can’t help sweeping around the new customers, it seems that they just do business by the way when they are watching the scene.

“The newly released Magic Steel Battle Axe, the conscience of the Black Iron Master, took two spirit coins.”

“Dragon bone, dragon dung, dragon eyeball, a powerful harvest of the **** spear tribe in a rainy season! Only fertility slave slaves and spirit coins, powerful magic weapons are also available. Both the ghost woman goods and the ghost woman roll for the dragon man uncle!”

It seems that there are powerful tribes of black dwarfs and lizards nearby. Master blacksmiths are not raised by small tribes. From mining, smelting to forging, what is needed is a complete dwarven society and a mature weapon. Can explain a lot.

The lizard tribe who can hunt Great Dragon has a population of at least two thousand, and there are high-level casters such as the great prophet and witch doctor. Maybe they have also domesticated dragon beasts. Such a lizard tribe dares. Call yourself Dragon, of course, this pro Great Dragon is not recognized.

Behind me, Harkas in human form looked at the proud lizard man with an unpleasant face, watching his Black Dragon compatriots be dismantled and sold, but without saying a word, it seems that he is also about this The Bloodspear Tribe was a little daunting.

Black dwarf, lizard man, Demon, these evil creature that will be surrounded by people when they appear in Main Realm, have become synonymous with credibility here, especially the high-level frantic war monster that is more than three meters tall. A sign was hanging on his neck and he sold himself on the spot.

“Controlling rice, controlling succubus, I kill.”

Simple abyssal language, simple logic, high-level mad warfare is extremely powerful, it seems to be very cost-effective, but it looks a lot, and people who ask it do not.

If it is a Devil of the same level, it is estimated to have been sold for a long time, but there is really no one who dare to buy a brain-fighting war monster.

After all, no one can guarantee when this Demon uncle played hi, or if he did n’t kill enough, hi, kill his employer and hope that the single-cell Demon is famous for its single-cell cannon fodder. If you die, you really can’t blame others.

I saw that the market was more lively than I expected. I was a bit hesitant. The original plan was to find a ghost woman to trade, but this group of guys is really incompetent to do business. Now there are other ethnic groups. People deal.

But anyway, I have to buy at least the goods in my hand, but I don’t have a spirit coin in my hand.

So, I kicked away the ghost who was still playing as a toad, and threw a mess on the stage, and sold it on the spot. (To be continued)

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