The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 558: Marching

Abyss is definitely a bad place for normal life, but it is a paradise for madmen who desire killing and blood.

Here you do n’t have to worry about no fights …

“Are there no IQs in this group of guys?”.

The drizzle in the sky is dripping, everything around is washed away by rain, but the background is a group of demonized Sea Giant fallen to the ground. This already is the fourth wave of today, and I just ate a breakfast today, one day only just started.

Enchanted Giants, Basilisk Group, Demon, Raksha Demon, it’s only been more than two hours. The abyss is like I showed its amazing creature diversity, and their amazing offensiveness.

“Even if you go to the toilet, you can jump out of two latent basilisks from the swamp just after you pull off your pants. You did n’t eat a barbecue smoke, and you came here for fun. You came to dig a few holes while sleeping. You And it does n’t make people live! “

And I can feel that with the progress of the killing, inexplicable joy filled my heart, mana and physical strength have increased slightly.

The abyss is such a wicked place. The holy knight will also indulge in washing away the glory of evil and the ever-increasing pleasure. The only consequence of indulging in killing is probably to be one of them.

This land is eager to bleed …

Looking at the dead body in front of me, I can feel the longing of the abyss. ,

“Did Cynthia really hang up? Is this the same as before?”

The abyss instinct desires bloodshed and killing. It will give the winner the possibility of evolution and real strength. In this regard, Demon is particularly special, except for the most basic Demon form. Repeated evolution and mutual swallowing make you unable to find two identical Demon.

The gift of this abyss. Zhu realm has a particularly appropriate adjective “magic”

“I do need strength. But this kind of insurance fraud that will bring a lot of trouble and hidden danger afterwards is not a problem.”

Holy Light lights up, the surroundings are washed by strong light, and the next time, those extra powers are purified and disappeared.

Power is just power. If you have the carelessness, you can change it from pure mana for my use. But now is the critical moment of advanced. The too mottled power system will bring a series of troubles. forget it.

It’s been two days since I left Dragon Nest already. Without the suppression of Dragon Clan Aura, all kinds of little ghosts have come to the door, but it is not possible to release mana casually, the little ghosts will not come, so the big guys are here.

From a Silver-Rank, you can pack up a dozen Lizardmen, to Legend, the fallen Sea Giant Kings will be organized. This map is completely random, and you should n’t be too surprised to encounter anything.

After a while, my already is completely tired of the endless rainy season and mire swamp. Maybe other layers of Demon will be more powerful, but at least will not make my boots into submarines. Pants grow mushrooms.

Want to go to the other levels of the abyss, but it is a little troublesome.

The abyss has a passage to the upper and lower levels, which is an extremely large and conspicuous portal.

But if it goes down layer by layer, it is too stupid and time consuming.

The internal portals between the levels of the abyss are convenient, but as an important strategic resource, the location of the portals is either controlled by the lord or unknown.

If there are other layers, there are Demon towns gathered together, and if you spend a lot of money, there will always be information about portals, but in this realm, you do n’t know who you want to spend money on.

“Looking for a lord?”

Harloys is simple, but after asking from the Black Dragon that this is the level of the abyss, I really do not want to see the abyss lord of this level.

“Waka the snake god, the patron saint of lizardmen and snake devil, it is no wonder that this layer is full of such disgusting things.”

Although it is not a very powerful deity, it is indeed an old-fashioned Chaos demon. The **** who fights at home can be said that the entire realm is his kingdom, and it is only natural to double his strength.

If I am a wizard or witch doctor with toxins as my core competence, I might consider seeing the most poisonous existence in the universe and knocking down some materials, but now I just want to stay away from him.

“You don’t know how to be the boss of this swamp except for the upper and lower channels, other portals to realm?”

When I inquired about the Black Dragon, I saw him returning to me blankly.

“Why go to other layers? Isn’t this the best place in the multiverse?”

Okay, here is **** in the other creature, but to him is his warm and comfortable home. To Black Dragon, the stench of Death Swamp is like a daily air freshener. Swamps of sewage, and where he can so easily hunt food, so comfortable bathing.

“Well, every hunk thinks his hometown is the best, even if it is just **** on earth in the eyes of outsiders.”

The poisonous tongue of the dead cat is as usual, but I feel an inexplicable shot. After all, I also feel that the endless cold wind in the north is always exciting, and the snowy mountain is so moving.

“It looks like I can only take a look at the next level.”

Since the portal to the lower level cannot be found, I can only go down one level, but when I made a decision and was about to drive the mount to leave, the mount had opinions.

“… Sir, although I don’t know where there are directional portals, I know there is someone who knows.”

Considering the topography of the swamp, Black Dragon is undoubtedly a good tool for travelling, at least the stench of the air and the dirty rain make the ice horror as the soul creature really do not want to move.

But our problem now is that we do n’t know where to go. It ’s meaningless to mess around and spin around, and Black Dragon does n’t dare to fly high. He told me that there is an ancient creature that he dare not mess with.

“OK, lead the way.”

I’m a bit surprised. The dragon will take the initiative to help. It seems that something is wrong.

“… But those ghost wives are very greedy, and they will not give anything if they are not paid enough.”

“Remuneration? Gold coins?”

“No, that stuff is useless here. Magic scrolls, magic weapons and the like are valuable.”

Following the greedy gaze of Black Dragon, I found that I was staring at the Magic Sword of the ice in my hand.

Perhaps in his opinion, the crystal clear sword body is its extraordinary value, and the battle of the previous day also confirmed the value of this Magic Sword, which must be accompanied by powerful freezing magic.

As for the inconspicuous Warhammer I was carrying, I never looked at it, and gave it away.

Perhaps, it guided me to the Habitat’s habitat, presumably I hope the Haunted people can see the money and get their heart started, and we can give it freedom by killing us.

I laughed at the thought.

“Ice Magic Sword? Oh, I see. I hope those ghosts will like these gifts.” (To be continued …)

Chapter 558 March:

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