The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 367: Unexpected visitor

Even at high altitudes, there is no danger. The airspace of the small country of Normal is almost undefended against the air knights of the big country. However, entering the airspace of the big country at will is equivalent to provoking the country’s air defense forces and air knights.

But the most dangerous thing is to accidentally enter the Mage Tower attack range. Even if Great Dragon encounters a well-prepared Mage Tower, it is easy to follow suit.

The high-quality Mage Tower can increase the spell of Mage tenfold. A large range of high-loop magic can be turned into a small curse after several layers of bonuses. There are a lot of Great Dragons hit by Mage. This is also what Great Dragon will do. The source of basic respect for the caster.

As far as I know, the capitals of the major counties and counties of the Beyer kingdom have such an air defense area. Even the slightly more powerful lords will recruit * divisions to build air defense areas. Of course, they may not be defenses by outsiders. After all, they are super. The financial power of the great lords of the empire will not be inferior to the treasuries of small countries, and there are not a few who can afford the empty knights.

Just as the eternal struggle between divine power and royal power, the autonomy of royal power and local lords is always in conflict.

If the royal family is extremely vulnerable, local lords will often first seize each other and seize each other ’s territory and the people. Perhaps the reason they used was “the kid in your family did n’t invite me when he was born” “your wife seduce My second sister-in-law’s bullshit is weak, but if the kingship has lost authority, these people will not believe that already is enough.

Weak kingship, civil unrest is inevitable, and when a lord occupying most of the country’s power wins. A new royal family should also be born.

Now that the newly born kingship is on the throne with strength, naturally it is born to centralize power, and the kingship has naturally entered a period of prosperity. But there is no imperial dynasty in the world, and it is even more impossible for Dai Daimingjun. As long as they still implement the separation system and the lineage inheritance system, the new replacement is only a matter of time.

Obviously, this is an unpleasant cycle, but such a social structure makes the struggle and annexation never stop, and at the same time the Normal people are threatened by the war. Nor can it deny its contribution to social progress, at least it is a natural blood exchange mechanism. A stupid or perverse king will eventually fall.

Considering the future development path, I did research on these political systems, but I did not intend to come to a “Manifesto for the Liberation of Serfs” or “Smash the Land”. It is not even planned to carry out deep social reforms outside the law, because in the current vast area, backward productivity, and excessive Magic Beast in the wild, this system in which the lord is completely responsible for the lords within his own scope seems to be backward. It is most suitable for the current social situation.

“Putian is public? Everyone should listen to the king? Since it is all the royal family, then you should go to the royal family to protect you.”

The lord ’s ownership of the territory and the people and the possession of wealth are also the original driving force for the formation of combat power and the protection of the home. Don’t you just come from the most basic loyalty to protect your territory.

Nobleness stems from ordinaryness, and the protection of his belongings is beyond reproach. After already established a certain tone in the whole era. The first half step is a genius, and the first step is a fool who will be tied to a fire rack for barbecue.

If a trespasser really comes up, he will establish a completely centralized power and county system, and replace the lord with a rotating magistrate. Waiting for him is definitely not a bumper harvest, but the collapse of the entire country.

Maybe it takes several years for a central government order to reach remote areas, and the order has reached the grass-roots level. I do n’t know what has changed. The overpopulation caused by centralization is a problem that cannot be solved in the current era.

The plagues and famines that can be caused by just too many populations are unsolved. If you think about it a little bit, you know that doing this is tantamount to death.

Of course, it is still feasible if it is a small project in a small country. If the technology develops to a certain level and gradually implement urbanization and modernization, medical care, communications, transportation, agriculture, industry, etc. have risen several grades with the industrial revolution, even if I do n’t Whatever happens, the times will naturally change … It seems that I accidentally leaked something. Well, I admit that I personally did move, but it is not a matter of overnight to cut off the reincarnation of kingship.

Of course, there are a few exceptions. For example, a country with a very small land, a religious country with a unified theology and royal power, there are always border countries under threat of invasion by foreign enemies. For their own reasons, the political power is relatively stable. With thousands of years of inheritance.

Cough, let ’s leave history alone, anyway, it ’s been already for so many times and many times this time, I have n’t planned to say “All people are created equal” “All wealth belongs to everyone” Slogan, or the establishment of a sickle-axe party, to become the public enemy of the world, how much power to make it, let’s look at the present first.

Beyer Kingdom is now in a period of strong power, and many local lords will naturally not attack each other. On the contrary, they will unite to resist the royal family ’s desire for centralization. Since complete centralization is impossible under the existing conditions The dream is that this is a struggle destined for no winner, and the battle between the two sides will continue forever, until a new royal family emerges.

Today’s Beyer is at the peak of history. Orlos even allows other lords to send their elder eldest son to King city to “learn”, and the reorganization of other lord personal soldiers has achieved certain results, but if you want to let all The obedient obedient obedient, but at least more than a hundred years, half a battle in the middle of the battle and not chaos inside and outside chaos, unless he opened the Golden Ring undead protagonist, otherwise he can’t wait.

Although Beyer is nominally unified, if it is divided according to strict standards, it is still a sub-separated territory. Calculating the combat power of a country often refers to the affiliated army of the country ’s royal family and extremely territories. The Royal Knights is also equal to the National Knights, but if it is a large battle, I am afraid to add the private army of each lord. After all, in response to the king’s call, sending a private army to participate in national warfare is also one of the basic obligations of the lord.

Don’t underestimate the private army. Their training and equipment are the foundation of a certain Main House family heritage. Special equipment and arms are often tailored to local conditions, more private forces than the Kingdom’s regular army, and often due to royal restrictions on the lord. The large aristocrats who are limited in the number of private soldiers will try to win by quality, and the average individual combat power is far superior to that of the Royal Knights. It is not without precedent.

The number of private soldiers is often related to the title, but there are also methods of digging into the air such as militia, militia reserve, etc. Although individual individuals do not seem to be many, once they have accumulated, the aristocratic private army of most countries has accumulated. In order to restrict the royal family, they must be several times more powerful than the royal family. After all, in a sense. The royal family of the feudal kingdom of this era was itself the strongest great lord in the country.

This is still a normal lord, and if it is a big lord who guards the border, then the force of his men cannot be restricted, such a big aristocracy. It is also easy to become a new candidate for the royal family.

Along the way, I also saw how deep the Beyer Kingdom really is.

Basically in any area, there will be free knights to follow up, or Griffin knights, or Pegasus knights, even Dragon Knight fighters will meet one, there is actually a caster riding a Merlion, or It’s a squad, or three or two. The empty knights that Normal can’t afford in a small country are the most basic configuration of the Beyer lords. I actually saw two looming towers in the clouds.

They saw the blue dragon in front of Dragon Knight, but they didn’t leave. It just followed silently, until leaving airspace, often at the border line, when a new air ride came, the previous air ride turned back, and this politeness kept a distance attitude. But it wasn’t just for us outsiders. No one greeted Grandpa Dragon Knight along the way. This is unusual from the bones.

The Dragon Knight corps, which belongs to the royal family in nominal terms, still have the right of free passage in various regions, but these silent knights may not be able to stop the Dragon Knight from doing anything, but at least show an attitude-“This place Mine, you can come, but it must be within our surveillance. “

This is obviously a bit overdone, and it is a little bit different from what I heard at first. It seems that with the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor, these lords have new ideas.

But even if I have n’t arrived in King city, I can guess something. There are too many princes. This civil war seems to be inevitable, but once the fight is up, no matter who is the last winner on the throne The authority of the royal power will naturally be greatly reduced. In the era when the lord of Beyer oppressed the royal family more than 40 years ago, it seems that it may come again.

For the Dragon Knight‘s defense, perhaps it is not just a political statement, it is somewhat practical.

“Who knows if you are coming to record deployments and military deployments in preparation for possible future wars.”

As for us outsiders? It has not been investigated at all. Perhaps, because of this leader, we were also considered as a member of the Dragon Knight group, and our new partner went smoothly with us.

New partner? Well, it wasn’t me who just said it casually before, was there a sudden tornado? In fact, it was so coincidental that the storm that ran away reappeared before us into a familiar figure-the wind Elemental God Camdelian.

“My Excellency Roland, I came to see you specially. There are some very important things I want to talk to you about.”

After killing Erd Doroken, he fled … He left in a hurry, but now he actively appeared in front of me. Obviously something happened to me, and it was different from the little bugs and stupid mortals in the past, but he obviously put The attitude is low.

These ancient existences are so realistic. If you don’t come up with a proof that you are equivalent to existence, they will not look at you.

I’m very happy to see Camdelian. After all, I’m looking for the God Armament of Elemental God and kill him … ask him maybe he will get something.

But if you look closely, you can only helplessly give up a backup plan. After all, the other person is only an avatar in front of me. This kind of stuff will explode without saying anything. It ’s difficult to explode any good equipment. Let ’s forget the wave ss that can’t knock things down.

But now in the process of rushing, obviously it wasn’t time to chat, so I asked him to follow directly, but strangely, he was eager to say something, so I asked casually, and he was very happy. Wang asked directly.

“My Excellency, what I talked to was what you did at Auland, the blasphemy priest and anti-holy horse who expelled Divine Strength …”

“What? Blasphemy? Anti-holy mount?”


When the battlefield Titan in the southwest of Beyer was staged, the Auland naval battlefield also achieved amazing results.

The cooperation of the Four Elemental Swordcaster sent by Reyne and the funeral fleet has achieved amazing results. The warship group rushes straight, and the sea clan that has been scattered into the formation will be harvested by the Four Elemental Swordcaster divided into three teams.

In fact, the tactics of this tactical squadron and the fleet are used to match the Northern Light Hao and its seven super-heavy warships. Now it is just right.

In actual combat, problems with the team’s tactics have also been exposed. For example, the individual’s combat power is too weak to dare to fight hard. Some of the equipment has many problems such as water leakage and electric shock due to the inadequate manufacturing process. Fighting losses are increasing.

But the command of Reyne is still very proper. Aurora Knight with high average combat power is used for cover and support. The East Mist has a remarkable result. Although some equipment is lost, the personnel loss is not much.

Although the reinforcements of the Hai tribe arrived, they still could not stop the slow charge of the black funeral fleet. The two sides entered a meat grinder-type attrition war, but one side blocked everything, lacking fighting spirit and sacrificing spirit. The clan naturally retreated.

The battle has reached this point. Although the losses of the human party are not small, the strategic goal formulated at the beginning-reaching the harbor area where the underwater base is located.

And there, the fleet began to turn sideways and entered the state of defense. The divers and the ocean were preparing to start underwater operations, but an accident completely reversed the situation on the entire battlefield, and also allowed Camdelian to find a long distance. On Roland, after all, what was revealed in this war was of great significance to an ancient Elemental God like him.

“Those Dark Elf, shot! They reversed the situation on the whole battlefield!” (To be continued)

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