The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 361: Battle report from afar (Part 2)

How does Victoria merge with Diana? I’m afraid I don’t need to investigate it, but in a sense, the passion of the “queen” and “king” in history met people’s attention.

Unfortunately, many times, the relationship between people is affected by many factors. Although the two “lovers” did meet at the banquet, they did not make any waves. They were informed afterwards. It is a pity.

Well, the insider is Roland himself, and he is gloating all the way.

“You are not afraid that if Darsos really falls in love with Victoria and finds that the woman she loves still likes women, she is completely desperate and ruined it, and she may bend off, and then find you.”

Well, this unreliable threat naturally cannot scare Roland, but as the price of being disgusted, the dead cat was miserable afterwards.

But now, on the eve of the war, the arrival of two female Elf and Goddess of Moonlight battle groups is undoubtedly a good thing.

“Praise our great Moon Goddess Patricia forever, May her love embrace us, May her light illuminate our way forward, May her gaze be with us forever.”

Goddess of Moonlight Patricia, a powerful deity on the Ayer side. As the true **** of the powerful Divine Strength, she has many God’s Obligation, including moon and moonlight, guardian of the lost, dormant, dream, purification, watch, hunting, although she is on the Elf side. God Faction, believers include human, Elf, ranger, professional hunters, etc. His Majesty’s armed forces are also many, but in fact they have been very close to Ayer, but after turning most of Divine Strength into a web of stars, they fell To Medium God force.

The Starlight Network will become a tracking and monitoring device across the entire realm. The first time any existence entering this realm will be detected. Sooner or later, the Goddess of Moonlight that gains merit and faith will become stronger. The priests of the Goddess of Moonlight church will become the most reliable tracking dogs.

Originally, already was enough to achieve this point, but as one of the irons on the Ayer side, she did not intend to be obscured under the shelter of God Lord, and even acted in advance when Holy War opened.

She was originally one of the powerful deities. Once war mobilization was launched, her followers could be quite a lot, and because of long-term battles with evil deities such as Lorci. Many of them are powerful fighters. Once they are organized, they are really powerful combat groups.

Since the irons on the Ayer side, those soldiers have naturally become a member of Contract Heroes, and they have also actively participated in this war this time.

Grey Elf under moonlight is the collective name of these former Dark Elfs who decided to choose the road of justice, and the moonlight sacred emblem on their arm is their symbol.

With the downfall of Lorci, the heterosexuals in the originally suppressed Dark Elf also have the opportunity to make choices again, just two years. The number of Grey Elf already has increased by more than ten times, if it is not too short. I’m afraid the number will skyrocket.

The Diana, who is pursuing the source of faith, has also responded to the call of his deities and joined a battle group composed of Grey Elf.

But I’m afraid only she knows that she didn’t travel alone to pursue faith. Instead, she was too close to the side of God and knew the truth of the gods, and there was a precursor to the collapse of faith. The expedition in pursuit of glory, but more often, is an escape from the truth.

Belief is extremely common in this world, even the actual concept of existence. For most mortals, the true **** is existence that is far more important than his own life. It is not a sentence that the true **** Willpower is higher than his own life. Empty talk.

As Holy Knight, Diana used to believe in Holy Light, and expected Holy Light to point out the way of redemption. But one day, a man casually spoke a word that almost collapsed his belief in Holy Light.

“As an Holy Knight, I do n’t believe in God of Holy Light? Of course I do n’t believe in God of Holy Light anymore. I just believe in God Light itself. Who would worship a existence without self.”

The man, or the incarnation of a deity on Eich Continent, showed her the truth of the deity, or more precisely, he told her that the deity is nothing great. They are only older and powerful. Some ancient existence, all their miracles can be explained by rules.

If this is acceptable, but what Diana cannot accept most is his understanding of the true god. If he is a pure anti-god, then he has a god-father who cannot understand anyone. Even he is the **** himself.

“In the future, if you choose the side of the law, I also advise you not to worship the God of Law itself, but to study the law itself, understand it, love him, love him, and even rise to a faith, and if you cannot recognize All that the law represents, then, give up him without hesitation. Worship is the furthest distance from the truth. “

“Faith? Of course I have faith, otherwise how could I be a guardian of the law. Do you think it’s a little different? Of course it’s a little different. To be honest, I think your belief is full of utilitarian and people feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable. Your beliefs are too impure. “

“The wealthy merchant believes in Goddess of Wealth, hoping that she will be able to give money. Farmers believe in the **** of good harvests, and hope that they will have a good harvest next year. The belief in the God of War has never broken, but the victory of war is always the most delicious and outdated. Perhaps I am the most devout believer. I believe in the true God. I just agree with the idea he represents. I think the law is correct. So I promote the law. I expect the law to make the world a better place. Expect him to do something for me personally. “

Pure faith? Diana understood the words of Roland, and thought about it, but almost made himself a former Holy Knight. In a sense, this female knight was too simple, simple and lovely, simple to silly.

Because of simplicity, because of simplicity, trusting Holy Light can save your race. Because of simplicity, you have a pure faith and give everything to Holy Light. Instead, you can grow stronger. In the end, because of simplicity, you listen to faith. The flicker of a guy almost tossed himself to death.

In fact, the understanding of faith is different in each era. In a certain dark age of the earth, Diana‘s attitude of delivering everything to the gods is actually the choice of most people, belief in a certain god, and even After death, the soul will be put into the kingdom of that god, and someone ’s understanding of the gods and beliefs is biased towards the end of the Dharma era, that is, “I look at you well, so I am mixed with you, but if you are Departed from the original purpose, I’m sorry, I’m going to make your rebellion. “

“Faith? Divine Strength server? Being a **** but despising the god?”

The most dangerous, but it is an identity leakage event that even Roland does not know. Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) is Lich Roland, Lich Roland is Holy Knight Roland. When this series of equations is presented in front of Diana, it is equal to true in the mind of female Holy Knight. God-expressed truth.

“Perhaps, as long as we recognize and understand the concepts and doctrines that the gods represent, we can borrow the power of the gods. Then, maybe we can take the initiative to seize the power of the gods and even become the true God.”

Well, it’s clear that Diana‘s understanding of Roland‘s discourse is wrong. She simply thought from the perspective of how to gain more power. This is indeed the mainstream view of the world, and most of them have become Holy Knight. People did not believe in Holy Light from the beginning. They were originally just to eat and gain strength. Most of the other God’s Obligation people did the same, but as the price of gaining power, they also equivalent to giving everything to the gods.

The priesthood is priesthood to death. Most of the so-called former priesthood, already, died of hunting.

Due to the fall of Lorci, the original theocratic world of Dark Elf collapsed directly, and a large number of former priests and former God’s Obligation people appeared.

Many Dark Elf lost their Lorci beliefs and lost their goals in life, but many former priests and former temple warriors who have lost their power are constantly looking for new sources of power. Among them, the representative is Diana‘s sister Victoria.

And those who think only Diana alone, but her “sister” was once the highest sacrifice candidate for Lorci, exposed to a lot of **** knowledge, and a large number of former Lorci pastors, who are also excellent pastors themselves. When Diana communicated her ideas with her sister, she decided to experiment.

Yes, it’s her, not them. Diana is still the standard Order kindness camp, while Victoria is a typical Dark Elf. Only the results, processes, and victims will be considered.

In this idealistic world, many times the “correct” answer may not be the only one. Extreme paranoia can even create another path. After a year and a half of exploration, already gave birth to creations that should not have appeared in this world.

“Blasphemy and anti-Holy KnightDivine Strength stealers and God’s Obligation blasphemer.”

Roland will never think of what he said casually, but what a wicked profession has finally been created.

In the war, the first people to suffer for this were the sea people. From the beginning, the protagonist of the war was not the Auland people, but the girls from the Northland. Here On the best stage, the new forces rising from the north have shown their amazing potential. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: What, Carvin, was thinking about the end of this naval warfare story in this chapter, but it seems that it can only be next chapter.

I accidentally set a lot of settings, but we wo n’t write meaningless plots. It seems to be buried barely. It ’s too difficult to change it over and over again.

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