The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 344: Ice vs. Snow

The world of ice and snow is getting wider and wider, the snow-white horizon is constantly extending, and when you look at it, the whole world is white and blank.

As a rule, when two mind-like worlds collide, the strength of the respective world and the strength of the user will depend on the strength of the user. If there is not much difference, they will each take up half, and if one side is crushed, the weak Your heart like the world can only protect yourself.

For us … there is no difference, at least just looking at the appearance.

What color would white be if it were superimposed on white? Looking around, there is still snow all over the world. What is unexpected is that the mentally constructed worlds of the two ice masters have not conflicted, but they are perfectly integrated. This obviously goes against the common sense of the mentally imagined world and also allows her At the same time, he felt vaguely wrong.

The double severe cold caused the temperature to drop sharply again. The extreme cold caused the sky to start falling snow again, and the big snowflake on the palm was the crystal of cold, and the deadly frost hit the ground as a frozen piece of ice, covering it like a thunderbolt of snow, but the first thing I couldn’t stand was zero. That already is used to the cold guards.

According to common sense, they should have been accustomed to the severe cold environment from the realm, but the strange thing is that this relatively warm Main Realm, the seemingly non-lethal ice, makes them very uncomfortable,

The high-level undeads with wisdom found that the situation already lost control, their feet already in contact with the snow could not move, already of the limbs lost the command, and the confused snowflakes made the high-level undeads see the soul. It also lost its meaning. In the extremely cold snow mountain built by the two Undead Emperor, Legend undead was also as weak as a mortal. Darkness and cold created despair to death.

At the same time choose a large-scale attack like the world. Not by accident. It is because of the nature of ice magic.

After all, no matter how much heat is captured or conventional freezing magic, it causes a wide range of temperature changes. Then, to maximize the power and normalize, an icy heart like the world is common to many top icy Mage select.

The low-temperature ice and snow world will not weaken the power of ice, but will increase it. It is also the division of the fire department, and their hearts are like a lot of high-temperature areas like lava volcanoes. Let it multiply its power.

It is perfectly reasonable that the mental worlds of the two top icy Mages are similar, but it ’s not normal for them to overlap each other.

But I laughed. This “abnormal” Correct is my expected goal. I watched the large ice and snow fall, and the permafrost contained in it made the strongest undead like a prey bound by a spider web. Struggling is meaningless and can only be obediently frozen.

The least understood. It is the evil spirits of winter, they are completely immune to ice. The first time they suffered the freezing pain, the snow and ice made them despair.

When the extreme freeze came, they found that they still had painful intuition. The cold damage that was extremely cold caused the skin to crack, the bones to smash, and the soul to coagulate. The ice never encountered. Sealed to directly hurt the essence, let them recall the pain when they were still alive, and gradually, when the pain became smaller and even disappeared, it was not their own physical body that could finally resist this extreme cold, but already Total loss of limbs and soul.

“Why cooperate with me to increase the strength of the ice field? Are you not a living person?”

Zero didn’t hide her surprise. She found that her opponent did not resist her “Temperature Pool” at all. Instead, she added something to increase her power. Isn’t the other person worried that she might die in it? Isn’t he just a living person, who dare to increase his heart like the world, and is not afraid that he can’t bear it first.

According to common sense, the living person is far inferior to the deceased person who is not afraid of the low temperature of Normal at all in practicing ice magic. After all, a lot of ice magic is large-scale, and it is funny to accidentally freeze himself. As for the undead ice method, only the temperature needs to be lowered, and the living person will naturally die in a large area. This is also the reason why many Lich also practice ice cold magic.

But Roland is obviously a living person, but he puts himself in an extremely cold place, and when this cold and even winter evil can be frozen, he still has not stopped increasing, is he seeking his own way? ?

Facing zero questions, of course, I have no intention to explain, let alone the layer of “zero-degree ice armor” on my body makes the lower temperature meaningless, nor do I say that I am not using The mind is like the world, but the real permafrost. I did not increase his heart like the world, but put his heart like the world in my permafrost.

“… Can you just vomit in the bottom of my heart? I heard it all.”

“Of course, let’s just hold on to how uncomfortable it is, let alone the opponent can’t hear anyway.”

I’m not a deadly villain who is too much nonsense, or a big Demon King with a commentary. How can I tell my secrets directly and mark my weaknesses and beloved things in red, for fear of the other party Can’t find a way to pack myself.

Let your opponent be confused. If it hangs out, it’s even better.

But the recent undead creature already has arrived. Even if already is slowed down, it still cannot be ignored, and since the “war” is still in a reorganized offline state, so …

“Come out, Erin Bella!”

“Sure enough, it won’t do me good!”

The huge ice dragon comes with the wind, but the shell is quietly coated with a layer of “zero-degree ice armor” that belongs to my patent. Only in this way can we turn ice sculptures that are not affected by this terrible snowstorm.

The greatest advantage and disadvantage of controlling temperature, whether it is high or low temperature magic, is the excellent range. While obtaining excellent large-scale killing ability, the most likely cause of death is accidentally killing yourself. After all, the change in temperature is invisible, whether it is roasted or frozen, it is extremely possible.

So, as an ice Mage who is not very confident in ice control, after gaining my own ice and snow world and controlling the power of the concept level, the first thing I created was to protect my “Ice Shield” This “coldest armor made of ice” allowed me not to die at a lower temperature after paying a certain amount of frostbite.

And as my opponent. Zero is not so easy to deal with. She is a true demigod Undead Emperor. Maybe she’s not the strongest form right now, that’s probably only the output of Epic level, which is also higher than my two large levels of ice Mage.

“… Does it really make sense to attack directly?”

I did n’t intend to fight with her. Instead, I let the “frozen earth” enhance the low temperature of her mind-like world, but the result was that her subordinates were indeed affected by this, and she had almost ignored it. Snowflake Drifting directly from the ghost’s body, since he didn’t hit the opponent. Even my “freezing air” couldn’t affect her at all.

“Close your eyes and there is nothing left in your senses. If it is not existence at all, is this” zero “?”

The ghost creature does not have an entity. The best of them even has the property of physical damage and immunity, but it definitely does not mean that it can be immune to magic. I have something in mind like the world. It is possible to create an environment that can show my strengths. Yes, but it is impossible to directly set the general ability to cheat. In other words, this ignores my frost, most of which is her own ability.

While in battle. I have also tested it. Not only the throwing stone but also the magic, they will directly penetrate the other party and cannot cause real damage.

But since she met, she has not called for anything other than calling the mind-image world and her subordinates. Obviously, this “invincible” is not without cost.

While the ghosts are physically immune, they also have no physical attack ability. Without entities, they ca n’t afford the weapons of Normal. They can only touch the living creatures with ghost bodies full of negative energy, and instinctively draw each other ’s The power of life, perhaps, this state of zero, is similar to this. She is not not attacking, but unable to attack. In the face of the opponent of Normal, perhaps just robbing the surrounding temperature is enough already.

Frost Great Dragon is soaring in the snowflakes, all the dragon’s breath is preventing those slow-moving undead from approaching me, and because demon pet can’t exceed the limits of the owner, this seemingly powerful frost Great Dragon also has only the golden peak, It can only be regarded as an embroidered pillow … well, judging by the breath that suddenly came at me, Irene Bella was still quite dissatisfied.

“Although the trap already is laid down, it seems that it will take some time for this time bomb to explode … then let the war play with you.”


What exactly is the form of war? What form should it be? What kind of capabilities do you have? Is it cruel?

“What do I know? Can a parent know his child’s abilities and appearance before he is born? What industry will he work in?”

Probably, what the so-called “parents” can do is to provide their most basic and growing environment, and at the most, give a name with some meaning.

“War …”

“You call me?”

A voice suddenly sounded behind him. It seems that his already has completed the final reorganization.

Mature male bass, tall figure, smiling mouth, it seems like a mature Gentleman, just acquired enough knowledge from nutrition just after birth, it is not surprising to have such a performance.

“A good boy actually came out, did it really work a miracle? After investing so many resources, a normal person finally appeared! See, no polite, this is a good boy, a real one Gentleman! I’m not a black hand devoted to freaks! “

“… Are you Gentleman without a face and wearing a skirt?”

“Don’t remind me! Make me happy for at least a minute!”

Obviously, the child’s spirit is still relatively disordered. At the same time, he wears Gentleman clothes and skirts, and there should be a face on his face, but there is nothing.

“… This is probably the fault of the group consciousness. Too many individuals converge into one soul. The face, gender, and individual have not been determined before this Chaos appearance will appear.”

The rare and reliable Harloys gave me the same answer, and she was also very interested in our common creation.

At the same time as I faced this war, in the battlefield of Ssangyong, the battlefield of Titan and dwarves, the battlefield of Taita and Keilao, there was a existence with the same unclear face. He was male, and Female, human, and impersonal, like existence, seems to be away.

“Yes, mother is right.”

“…% * & * & *!”

Mother? Well, in a sense, I did not make a mistake. Many of the procedures were performed by Harloys in person. But at this time, a series of garbled characters passed by the dead cat undoubtedly explained that her mood was so complicated that already could not be expressed in words.

“Then, I will show my ability according to my father’s wishes. Father, please remember that war has no fixed form …”

And when “war” made a choice, the human form of communication lost its meaning. Soon, he turned into a ghost again.

And in front of us, the mountains were steadily shaking, then the earth cracked, and a huge bone hand was dug out of it.

Then, there appeared a giant bone giant like a mountain. He opened his mouth wide, and a black hole formed by countless souls circled in it. Those green pupils carried the evil light that caused the dead to die directly, and If you look closely, you will find that the bones of this skeleton giant are an aggregate of countless skeleton soldiers, corpses, skeleton war horses, etc. He is an aggregate of countless undead!

“… welcome your death.”

The giant began its own hunting. The zero undead creature became its prey. Just by contact, it became a direct part of its physical body. The giant of war grew in battle, growing bigger and stronger.

In other battlefields, a similar scene is also being performed. At this time, the undead barracks already is empty, and few survivors are fleeing wildly. In the battlefield where the two dragons are ruined, the “war” already incarnation An army undead shooter and corpse witch, countless with a cursed bone vector shot at Molly.

On the battlefield of Thunder Titan and Dwarf Ares, the cavalry brigade invaded by the war, launched an attack on the giant, or they could not cause fatal damage to them, but they could effectively attract the stormy Thunder, for The dwarven **** diminishes pressure.

And on the battlefield of Titan Inns and the real God of Gelato, the war is still not idle. His incarnation is a group of Bone Dragon that can’t stop soaring and diving. Their breath makes Inns annoyed, but his perception ability This kind of soulless creature does not work, and it seriously affects judgment.

As “War” himself said, he is not the fixed form of war itself. Instead, he will choose the most suitable form according to the opponent and continue to evolve and grow during the war.

One less? Missing the battlefield of Goddess of Wealth and that beast lion?

In fact, the end of the battlefield already, a certain Saint Rank strongman who was used as a secret weapon in the snow, actually changed his laziness and asked to go to the most dangerous main battlefield. When he appeared, he only said to the lion After the first sentence, the battle was doomed to already.

“Have you heard of me, this cute little brother? No? It’s so good … too bad, hello, it’s a Beastman Hunter, maybe we can make friends. (To be continued, please search Astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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