The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 341: Foreigner

“How do you know I’m here?”

“Too many flaws, are you really going to cover it?”

Working with people has this benefit. When there is trouble, there are people helping to divide the pot … I mean sharing the responsibilities.

In fact, Betty … or Beiyana‘s cover-up is really bad.

Suddenly, even if you invite a team, you can understand the gods and magic skills that surpass your silver level. You ca n’t see the cute boy or anything. The most outrageous thing is her. People can easily find me out of the team.

Always, if I do n’t want people to find it, anti-reconnaissance will do a good job, but that ’s it. Being able to “meet” me from the vast undead team just shows that she is not easy.

The priest of Goddess of Wealth has problems. Since she can still use divine magic, she naturally thought of Goddess of Wealth herself. As the financial director of the Ayer side, she did indeed need to inspect the situation on the front line. According to the financial budget, it naturally occurred to Betty that it might be her avatar or God’s Descend.

As long as there are doubts, the rest is simple. After all, we all have a boss. What should we do if we encounter a sudden attack by a middle-level leader? Get a complaint from the boss.

“Hey, Ayer? I have a little thing here to ask …”

This is probably the story of a middle-level manager posing as a private visit to a lower-level department, but the basic staff complained about the story of the boss’s departure from the office (heavy fog).

The rest is simple. Since she likes to play Weifu private visits, let her play.

At least we are allies. We are together again. If I’m in trouble, just look at it and justify it. Even if you are unrelenting, you are not down for your own business. It is impossible to stand idly by when business is threatened.

By the way, it’s very fulfilling to instruct this goddess to pour water for me these days.

“God Priest Betty” came out slowly, still the face, but the pupil already turned into silver, but with a little sacred taste.

“You do n’t need to rush to expose such a good volunteer thug. Just use it to prevent disasters when you are in trouble? Roland, that’s probably what you think about. So, yesterday, I asked me to help you to take bath water, Pulling me to take a bath together … is tossing me in deliberately. “

“Well, that’s what I think.”

Facing the unpleasant skepticism of the goddess of silver pupils, I nodded, showing a hearty smile and big white teeth than my thumbs up. What a good concealment.

“Mortal, you are really interesting. But do you think this false **** can defeat us.”

Even the goddess facing Yin Tong. Inns is still calm and calm, it seems that he does not care about the current situation at all.

And he did it lightly. But a silver lion appeared, and the next moment, the silver streamer tangled in the lion, apparently just a lion of the Normal beast, but grew up in vain.

Two meters, five meters, and ten meters. In the end, the lion turned into a huge monster, covered in strange metal leather armor, but with the majesty of a beast.

The huge lion stares deeply at Beiyana. The gorgeous lion hair is almost like a metal crown, and the beast already with low IQ is transformed into a beast of higher wisdom. From that pressure I can feel it. It is the effort to surpass the peak of the Epic level, that is, most of it is also an demigod. I guess I can’t beat this lion.

“Well, false gods, just play with my Pet.”

Seeing that he turned a beast into a beast casually, I remembered the ability to train the beast of the frost giant. Before that, I had many speculations about the power of Titan. Perhaps, one of them is correct, Titan Strength and the giant’s special abilities are in the same line, we can infer the power of Titan in the reverse.

The cloud giant has the ability to operate the storm, as does the big ultraman, and the Inns in front of him seems to have the ability to control and strengthen the Normal beast.

Xiao Bas, have you ever played?”

I do n’t think much. Looking at the lion’s head standing in front of me, the fourth Titan where the old **** is. I have no confidence in Goddess of Wealth. After all, in its related myths, she never played famous.


The goddess just gave me a stern glance. The meaning of accounting after the fall is obvious.

Now that Beiyana is willing to appear, it naturally means that she has enough kindness to me, and now that already dumps the pot … successfully sharing the responsibilities, I can finally be happier.

She started out as Town Security (Order Manager). Even if she loses, naturally she will be stronger (Town Security superior). There are several other pitfalls. I guess it ’s not easy. I ’m still worried. what.

Whether it ’s a God’s Descend or a lover of God, it ’s simply the incarnation of God. Please work hard. I will cheer for you. Well, if you cheer from the bottom of your heart, your words will be saved, and you won’t need to do it.

“Come on, I believe you will win!”

So, I turned and ran …

Why run? When Altman fought against the little monsters, the passersby and the surrounding buildings were all unlucky. The true incarnation battles the Titan incarnations, so you don’t have to finish around.

What, at this time you should shout “for the goddess!” Then there is an immortal blessing rushing out to be a meat shield? Not to mention that I ’m not the weird five undead little strong, the kind of thing that can be solved by the big boss, why do we always have to send the weak one over and over again, and it ’s not normal to swipe the top combat power directly? Of it.

Cough, it’s normal to return, at this time, it is right not to trouble your companions.

War Angel‘s wing capabilities. Give me the right to choose the battlefield.

The vaguely endless energy storm is behind me, and my path is also the scene of Ultraman vs. Little Monsters, or, to be more specific, Ultraman beating Little Monsters.

The vine-treeman already incarnate was demolished. Although the size of the two looks small, the difference in strength between the two sides is too big. Just a contact, the treeman already started to collapse.

Then I was severely beaten by one side. Although the Oak Tree Town attacked Titan, it was ignored by him. He could directly ignore the magic of the Seven Rings. This guy ’s magic resistance seemed a bit outrageous.

“Jill … you are really useless, but this Ultraman seems to have done too much.”

“You beat your daughter in front of someone else’s dad, do you still want to live!”

Okay, I ignored the Harloys that vomited in front of me, but I was still blocked in front of me. It was still the old Titan Inns that the old **** was in. It seems that only the lion blocked the Beiyana.

“Cut, I know that none of those pit goods are reliable.”

“Oh, it’s a sad conclusion. In fact, we still like you very much.”

This time, a little white-faced bard jumped out. What’s his name?


“It’s Soronor … well, that’s also a pseudonym. Actually, I’m the **** of music and dance, and also the patron saint of Wood Elf. I’m Solo.”

Well, I know this group of guys are teasing me, but I guess it’s the same as Betty’s gender. Since they are gods, those deliberately spoofs are mostly disguise.

“… that, is sexual orientation false?”

“Sorry, that’s true.”

Okay, I’m deeply hesitant, should I tell a certain Wood Elf sister that their patron saint is actually a guy! But now that he is able to take a shot, it seems to help a lot.

Suddenly, a golden meteor struck across the sky and slammed into Altman’s head, and then, a giant golden dwarf jumped onto Titan‘s head, then raised his weapon and started fierce. knock.

“Haha, actually have a chance to hurt the ancestors?”

Then Altman vs. Little Monsters became Dwarven vs. Altman.

But the weapon seems a little familiar, swollen, and the sound of sloshing water, like, like … a golden wine barrel?

“… Sister Marie?”

Marie, the **** of hammers and barrels, is also the patron saint of the shield dwarves. Except for age, everything is true, including the naughty cubs in the family.”


“… Do you think Hu can become a deity at this level? It is a wild savage. In fact, everyone has been curious that he can do that.”

“You are really free.”

“Indeed, so the Ayer boss wants us to come and see, and also lay the groundwork for the future. It is best to meet with you, shall we come here?”

Okay, Ayer also has a share, but can’t you just say it directly? This is very interesting … it looks really interesting.

“Again, aren’t we considered strangers? If we weren’t here again”

The guy from the base took out a colorful ukulele, and stroked it. The pleasant music sounded. He squinted and played the movement with mana, but the world in front of him began to distort.

“Go do your thing, I just want to try how strong Titan is.”

Okay, I finally took a look at Inns, then spread my wings and left, but I had a hunch, this will not be our first meeting.

But then, I was blocked again. It seems that I am still my counterpart.

“Hello, Roland, I’m zero. Maybe, you’ve heard my name before.”

When a monster battle was staged outside Oak Tree Town, the people in the town already looked dumbfounded.

First came from the ancient Titan giant, and then the guys who came on the stage were bigger than one big card. Finally, they seemed to see that the oracle was fighting, and this already exceeded the scope they could reach.

Samantha is working hard to maintain the Order in the city-state, but the Adventurers are very uncomfortable. After all, the situation is obviously out of control of already. After the gods came, the war already reached areas they could not reach.

What they have to worry about is that if they accidentally pull in bullshit, they may somehow become cannon fodder.

There is one person who is worried about something completely different.

“According to the agreement, I should secretly open the city gate and let undead enter the city … but is it still meaningful for undead to enter the city now?” (To be continued …)

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