The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 328: Goddess of Wealth

As long as there is money to earn, there is GnomeGoddess of Wealth Chamber of Commerce, okay, in fact, there is not much difference between the two, anyway, as long as there is gold coin fishing, almost ubiquitous existence.

Goddess of Wealth Beiyana is a God’s Obligation deity with wealth and commerce, but the biggest difference with other churches is that her priest basically works part-time as a businessman, and even many of them are businessmen.

This goddess likes successful businessmen who can make money, and especially appreciates new business models and markets, and regards them as important standards for her goddess. Any successful business action is an expansion of its teachings and Interpretation, there is no mention of any conventional services for selling holy water and healing potions. Each of the pastor Goddess of Wealth‘s bags is a department store, and everything can be seen. Even their goddess created a special store to store transactions. Space magic.

But unlike Gnome, which always creates trouble, Rev. Goddess of Wealth is very popular everywhere. After all, they are not simply earning wealth for themselves, but creating a source of wealth for production. There is nothing like a new business road. The origin of wealth can be more favored by the goddess. The Superior priest Goddess of Wealth doesn’t care how much money he spends, but instead promotes the circulation of wealth.

A bit difficult to understand? There was one of the most typical examples. There was a lonely porch in the icy valley area with at least three hundred days of freezing a year. There was only a very strong ice Magic Beast. There was no way to live crops, but there was a very Delicious ice lake fish, but no one will trek for half a year in order to eat a fish.

However, a priest of Goddess of Wealth actually discovered that the long-tailed fish bones are crystal clear, almost like crystal, and there is a local custom of processing fish bones into crafts. Bone combs made from ancestral techniques are unique in style. It is said that combing hair for a long time is also good for hair and cervical spine. As a result, through a series of marketing, such as inviting famous City Lord figures to wear important handicrafts from the mainland border to attend important banquets, hype prices at auctions, and stubbornly turned this locally worthless bone comb into A rare rarity in the heart of the mainland.

And what follows is that every year the caravan goes far away for bone products, and there is a new source of wealth in the area, and a new business road is born. The pastor Normal was also favored by the goddess. He is now Finn Archbishop, the parish of Oris, the largest parish of Goddess of Wealth.

The priest Goddess of Wealth may not have money, but they never lack money. On the other hand, the more frequent the use of business and currency, the more perfect God’s Obligation of Goddess of Wealth will become, and she will become more powerful.

In fact, Beiyana is also famous for aversion to war. For her, stable business and trade are good. All Beiyana priests will also strive to extinguish the fuse of the war, and once the war. God’s Obligation, such as plague, violence, and killing, will rise to high levels, and the godly priests will make waves everywhere.

If the war is fierce, literature, music and other “civilian” God’s Obligations will inevitably suffer, and even the hind legs of Divine Strength will appear, but both the gods themselves and their believers lack the ability to act, in a sense Beiyana is also the backbone of the anti-war camp.

In the oracle declaration, as a **** of the Death God (Grim-reaper) faction, the Goddess of Wealth, which has always been an anti-war faction, took the lead in declaring war, which made many people surprised.

But to this point, in fact, the biggest gain is the Goddess of Wealth.

The commercial God’s Obligation includes the concept of “currency”. The tokens guaranteed by the official reputation are regarded as general equivalents, and only with currencies that can be exchanged in any region can there be “finance”, “futures”, “stock markets” “In order to further expand the concept of wealth, such as the emergence of extended concepts, in other words, if the” Earth “realm has a true god, money worship is rampant and various economic forms are developed. Goddess of Wealth I am afraid that already is the highest **** level, but here it is However, the business and trade remain at the most basic commodity trading, but she is still just a second-rate **** of Medium God strength.

“Unified currency” is very important for Goddess of Wealth, which is often only necessary for commercial development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to grow in this world. After all, there is no enduring dynasty, everywhere It is the Eich Continent of the divided kingdom. Precious metals are the most reassuring hard currency, but the inconvenience of carrying is inevitable. Banknotes are not nobody thinks and tried, but no one really dares to use them. The implementation was either extremely narrow in the area of ​​use, or the bankruptcy of credit in the end, which ended dismally.

But since that declaration, the world has added a “universal currency built on pure credit”-Justice Points, which seems to have not changed, but it is the bud of “credit currency”. After all, there is no The gods guarantee that this currency will be worthless. This is a typical “virtual currency”.

The world ’s rules have changed, and Beiyana, who has mastered the Justice Points exchange, has even developed several proprietary divine magics, making his high-level priest a wartime store, providing various material exchanges. Such miracles, but She gained more faith, gratitude, and popularity, and with it, Divine Strength‘s steady rise.

Even if it just created the concept of “Justice Points exchange”, it gave “wealth” a new interpretation and made it successful.

Of course, providing this kind of service means that the priest and the deity directly communicate with each other. Without enough deities and holy power, it is impossible, and basically only a high-ranking priest can do it.

I just returned to our station, but found that already lined up a long line outside the tent. At the forefront of the line, Betty was fulfilling her God’s Obligation requirements and provided Justice Points exchange service for Adventurer.

Silver Guanghua gathers in her pupils, and the smile of the past turns into an indifferent indifference without emotion, but beside her, there is a black space like a black hole that cannot distort the light.

“He” simply listened to the other party’s request, erased the Justice Points record in the wrist wheel, and then took the finished product out of the black hole and gave it to the other party. The speed was very fast, but there was no error.

Seeing this, I knew that my worry was unnecessary. Just Betty alone is the strategic factor necessary for this operation. As long as she is there. There is no need to worry about our team being crowded out.

So I turned around and left, and walked outside the temporary station alone.

In a sense, this is my bad habit. Even if I have a professional scout, I will investigate the situation myself. It does have a taste of distrust of others, but it is also a bad habit that will cause others to criticize. . But it has saved my life several times.

But I have n’t been out of the village yet, but I was met by a little familiar guy, it seems to be called … What is it called?

“Kay … Kate?”

“It’s Case,”

It seems that at least my cultivation is pretty good. My smile didn’t change even when I called my name wrong.

“Are you looking for something?”

“If you have time, I look forward to speaking with you.”

Obviously, this one seems to want to explore my bottom, but I’m lazy with him.

“No time. I just want to go out and investigate.”

“Exactly, I have this intention too. It’s better to go with us. Black Hurricane, come out.”

Speaking of this, he activated the enchantment on the gloves. In the sudden rise of black smoke, a completely black horse came out. It was at least one head higher than the Normal war horse. The red His eyes were bloodthirsty, and the light shone on him, but twisted strangely.

“Dream Night Horse?”

This is a rare item. This kind of warhorse has the blood of Hell’s Nightmare. It is far superior to the Normal warhorse in endurance and speed. A series of phantoms make Gongya mistakes, and the bloodthirsty nature makes him not afraid of any opponents. The most convenient of its dream and nightmare bloodlines can also be summoned at any time as a contract animal, which is very convenient.

“Yes, our team got it by chance during Trehill’s adventure last time. It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?”

Kessing at the horse’s head and touching each other’s neck affectionately, Keith smiled at me, for some reason. This scene reminded me of a certain thing that was intentionally forgotten but it was expected that he would jump out soon. Beastman Hunter, at least if he’s here, I don’t have to investigate in person.

But when I saw Case calling the mount, I had to re-evaluate the strength of the opponent.

For cavaliers, more than half of their strength depends on the mount. Although this good horse does not have any powerful special abilities, twisting bows is also an extremely useful ability, which can improve at least 30% of the battle. Power, and being able to get priceless mounts in this market, also illustrates the strength of this magic knight.

I’m a little funny, this guy actually shows his ability in front of me, and seems to intend to overpower others, but it is not too offensive to do it.

“Okay, keep up with you. Irene Bella.”

But strangely, my waving hand fell into the air, but my call was not answered.


The magical knight’s unbearable snicker not far away makes me a little embarrassed, but I am a bit puzzled myself. Although Irene Bella has been sleeping in my frozen ground recently to accumulate strength to prepare advanced, but also not As for not hearing my call.

“Hum, I haven’t been allowed to play recently, have you forgotten me?”

Well, I’ve been playing around in the city lately. There is really no chance for her to play. No wonder she will complain.

“Sorry, I will remember to take you for a regular walk in the future …”

Inexplicably, I remembered that I didn’t take a walk for a while, and it was the same when A’Bao was awkward.

“No sincerity.”

Isn’t this driving me to killer, do you think I don’t know what you want?

“Strawberry ice, banana ice, for ten people …”

“One month, tube full.”

In a sense, since the fruit-flavored shaved ice was “invented”, the ice hobbies also have a new hobby. In addition to the taste of fruit shaved ice, what they really like is the juice after it enters the body. The dyeing effect, the **** yellow ice dragon and the turquoise turtle really test people’s tolerance, but the most unacceptable is that they even change their appearance to match the color, such as a yellow x X higher than the house … well, it’s uncomfortable to think of it, don’t delve into it.

“Okay, deal, come out soon, look at the kid who’s laughing, my face is almost gone.”

As soon as the voice fell, I floated into the sky, but instead of being on a saddle, I was held in the hand by a huge claw.

On top of my head, it is a behemoth that covers the clouds. It is a crystal clear ice Great Dragon. Although it looks similar to Bone Dragon, it is more holy and powerful.

“Frost Great Dragon incarnation? Erin Bella, are you advanced?”

“No, it’s just restored, your world is almost realm with ice elements, and I can feel the comfort of home there.”

“Home? Hanbing realm?”

Vaguely grabbing something, but it’s not time to delve into it. After all, looking at the stunned magic knight below, I’m afraid I have to think about how to deal with it when I go back. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: The status is indeed a bit bad recently. When the status recovers, add it in the near future …

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