The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 218: Headlines

“Wang Feng …. Roland finally achieved his wish and made headlines!”

When I abandon the useless scruples and face, I have no limit to what I am afraid of.

The flowers are all obtained by Mage who specializes in plants. The dresses have grabbed other people ’s grooms ’dresses. The balloon still paid a lot for Gnome. If it ’s not daylight, I have prepared Gnome fireworks.

No, in order to seize the headlines, I can be considered completely out.

It seems my luck is pretty good, at least it’s much better than someone who failed to grab the headlines. I haven’t encountered any more eye-catching news.

When the news of “kneeling at the crossroads for recombination” came out, especially the party was still a well-known famous beauty teacher, and the former Truth Overseer Aemila with both beauty, wisdom and strength, this super gossip that day It swept across the city, I’m afraid it’s being discussed no matter where it is.

“Have you heard? That guy actually packed all the flowers that day and spent at least tens of thousands of coins, just for that moment …”

Looking at the ever-rising popularity, I was happy and fearful. I prayed in my heart that this matter would not be returned to Main Realm, especially not to let anyone know.

What scares me the most is the response of Aemila.

If she shot me at that time … I predicted that Jiucheng was the reaction, but it would be easier to handle.

As soon as she hits the shot, the event will end, and the headline will be set. “Complex failure” is also a stormy news. This actually strengthens my identity as a scumbag … The idea of ​​trying to put a scum hat on myself is not easy for me.

But the response of Aemila was completely beyond my expectations. She wasn’t angry or hit the spot.

She just gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words “Bastard Roland” from the gap between her teeth, but her voice was very low, coupled with the mysterious blush and the red glow on the cheek, it made people think more.

I can understand that she is trying to protect her consistent image. Squeeze your anger so that you don’t show your true face on the spot, but then you blush and take the bouquet. Is this a promise to recombine, but the problem is that from the beginning it was a rumor, and how love did not begin to recombine!

“Congratulations, you actually walked in front of your buddies. You are still Aemila tutors. Teachers and students love you, happy people. You, hey, it is estimated that only you can surrender her to this world. Treat her well in the future Come on, don’t come here, otherwise many people will trouble you. “

Kaid! Is this buddy’s wedding blessing coming too soon, don’t touch the beard to the blessing of an excellent man, I’m not ready yet!

Okay. As I do things without a brain, I’m afraid. I have a big deal.

Especially as long as you meet, the sudden Aemila in the past will actually blush and be overwhelmed. The Hongxia has been extended to the ears, the tiger suddenly turns into a cute tiger, and the crazy witch suddenly turns into a pregnant girl. The strange sense of contradiction made me want to hit the wall even more.


Okay, my already hit the wall, and I was hit by blood, but the matter hasn’t been resolved. These days, even Reyne looks at me like scum.

And more weird, it is just behind the respected reputation that has just been reached, but not as usual, “notorious”, but rather ….

[Respect (the prodigal son turned back): 20000/20000, the system prompts: The prodigal son turns back and he does n’t change his money. In the future, he must be nice to others. Mom is so happy. Bless you, and hurry up to have a lively little who is as super as you Oh baby]

Okay, I really do n’t know how to face it. If I can, I really want to share it with the system, but another hint that is a little more serious is finally relieved.

[System Tip: The country of Mage, Ainro Dante has reached the respect, and the first stage of Epic Quest “Double Dragon Entanglement” is completed. By default, it chooses the Ainro Dante camp and rewards 50,000 destiny points. 】

[Next step Quest, please go to the capital Ainro to find the Truth Overseer Oslowin trigger. If it is not triggered within one year, double the first stage reward. 】

[88%, 10243]

It may be that a large number of fate points are suddenly brought into the system to give it new power, and the system mouth that regained resurrection power has become even more damaged.

As for the subsequent Quest? For the time being, I don’t plan to do this. This Quest reward comes so easily (easy? Are you sure?), I am afraid that the pit people are all behind. As for the penalties for the deduction, when the time is passed, the trigger will not be done. Are you stupid when the system?).

Okay, I know that most of the time, it will still be pitted by the system, but at least think about it, it ’s true. I really feel that it is also a deep pit. I really do n’t want to jump in, but according to my understanding of the system, there will always be jumps. The reason to go in is not to jump.

And leaving a lot of trouble behind, there are still things to be pleased with, at least the reputation has grown faster than expected, so you don’t need to start the backup plan, risking being killed by Adam, and taking another reputation The pretty beauty Mage Magaret is dragged into the water, and a forbidden gossip triangle love, maybe, a quadrangle love ….. inexplicable, a desolate feeling came to my heart. In addition to me, I have also taken the initiative to be a scum. Why is it so hard to lie to prestige.

Okay, don’t talk about those sad things, let’s think of something happy.

At least, our army already has completed the reorganization. Although the general commander ’s unified dispatch and the like are not expected, at least all parties are very interested in Erd Doroken. Before the common goal is reached, at least do n’t worry about us because of internal fighting. And self-destruction.

And in order to avoid the funny situation of “Roland thinks that his advantage is obvious, Roland is simply a, go out, uh, Roland played gg (surrender), it’s too bad”, I still made some efforts and tried Add a little chance of winning.

The first wave sent is always cannon fodder, but this time the cannon fodder is a bit high, and the mighty Demon army has become the first wave. Of course, if it goes well, it may be the last wave.

As for why? It’s not that I personally displease them, but that all racial forces are displeased with them. Just standing on a trench with Demon made them uncomfortable, worried about what a terrible conspiracy was waiting for them.

“You said that you have a top Demon warlock controlling these Demon? Don’t be kidding, when I came out on the first day to mix up. The Demon military force of this size is definitely beyond the control of Main Realm residents. How is it possible for the lord of realm to intervene. “

“Do n’t end up having a hard time, but it was picked up by Demon! Until the truth of the matter is found, we refuse to obey your deployment.”

Fame is so terrible that it’s a terrible thing, so for your own harmony and morale. I did not hesitate to let Reyne send out all the Demon legions and let them fight.

Reyne is also straightforward, and it was directly agreed.

Stand on the back of Demon Dragon. Watching the Demon legion with its destruction, it was full of scorched earth, inexplicable, and had the thrill of evil waves ss behind the scenes.

“You only know it. From Lich to undead Corps Commander. To arrange all kinds of conspiracy and tricks, even the gods are in your calculations. You have always been the Demon contradiction.”

Okay, I regret asking it, but suddenly, Reyne smiled slyly like a little fox.

“However, there is nothing bad about the negative characters. At least the bad guys live longer than the good guys. You are as good as the protagonists of those Legend novels. I am afraid that there are no bones left in the cruel world.”

Reyne said. He also leaned over, leaning on my side, rubbing gently with his shoulders like a kitten, rare rare honorifics, seemingly apologizing in his own way.

“Huh, the power of Chaos, don’t think I can forgive you so easily.”

Although I said so, I could n’t say anything ruthless. Maybe, from that moment, when I found that the Reyne and the Roland prince were so similar, already assumed the independence of the other party and had the right to choose .

“….. When I return to Main Realm, arrange for me to talk with Karwenz once.”

After hearing the news, Reyne turned cloudy to sunny with a smile on his face.


“Huh, it ’s brilliant to give some sunshine. Remember, power is always just a tool, don’t …”

“Do n’t be controlled by power, the second brother Karwenz said the same thing.”

Well, when is the second elder brother, it seems that I still underestimated the dead girl’s instinct for death, but there are some things to remind.

“Never trust Chaos, Chaos …”

“….. Chaos is unpredictable, and it can be estimated that it is not Chaos, so you must learn to control Chaos instead of being controlled by Chaos. The second brother said the same thing.”

Okay, since I can’t take advantage of it verbally, I’ll focus on “a past soldier”.

Facing the Demon of dozens of legions, no one can remain calm. From the beginning, the war entered a brutal war of attrition.

Erd Doroken really has a backhand. When the Demons just entered his territory, countless earth elements were drilled from the depths of the earth. The violent earthquake caused countless gullies. At the same time as the Demons fell into them, The terrain already has changed dramatically, and those Demon who have not been killed must face the siege of the earth element creature several times in the divided terrain.

But there are too many Demon.

The winged Demon began to organize attacks from the air, but the earth element creature lacked soldiers who could fly. Soon, the battle began to tilt.

“It won’t be so easy to finish, that Erd Doroken looks a bit overdone.”

I just smiled. If the other party is so easy to get done, we will come to the door as soon as we come, and it will take so much effort.

Rotten ships also have two or two spikes. As the oldest Elemental God, even if it declines to this point, there must be many life-saving hole cards.

Can this group of Demons do it? I’m not so optimistic yet, I just look forward to a few hole cards, it’s best to see Erd Doroken play in person.

But judging by the current progress, we can’t see it anymore.

Suddenly, the entire area began to shake again severely and then shattered. This time, dozens of giant giant sandworms were drilled.

Hundreds of meters of giant sandworm is a kind of low-intelligence creature. There is probably only food and sleep in life, but no local residents dare to underestimate them. That’s because they are very big, very big, big. Outrageous.

The prototype’s long head is as large as a Gnome harvester, but the body is a snake-like body that is more than 100 meters long. It is also possible to grow to more than 300 meters when fully grown, and the body is as thick as steel. It is both insensitive and painless. Maybe it can’t swallow you up, but it can definitely drag you into the soil and strangle it alive.

When such creature appears, if you happen to encounter them, it will be the already‘s completed camp, and it will start to move immediately.

This powerful low-end creature was originally regarded as a natural disaster of realm, but now it seems that as the oldest resident of this realm, Erd Doroken has a way to control them.

The Demon transformed by Reyne are all local residents who have just been demonized. Although the number is huge, they lack high-level Demon commanders. The soil magic and talent capabilities inherited by the ontology are not a threat to the sandworm, and the huge body is even more. Ignoring the opponent’s physics, the newly born Demon legion encountered the most difficult enemy to deal with.

“Or else, pull back Demons.”

“No, anti-Correct cannot be brought back to Main Realm, let them play a little more.”

Reyne‘s twin pupils are emitting a dim light, and the power of Chaos is under her control.

“Slaves! Give your last loyalty to your masters.”

The flame cup of Chaos shook hands lightly, then turned into droplets and dropped into the air, turning into a glamorous flash, and the yellow sky became blood red.

The Demon army was stagnant first, then, quickly moved, they blindly rushed to the sand worms, and then …


Burning God’s self-explosion is an indispensable skill for the residents of realm. The blow that is mixed with flesh and blood and the essence of life is at least three times the highest individual strength. But these Demons also know how to hold and explode. Increase the power of the explosion.

The powerful sandworm can’t stand the endless self-detonation, rolling in the silent pain, green blood shed all over the ground, it seems to find that the prey in front of it is not delicious, and a giant sandworm is injured. Another one sneaked into the ground. It seems that Erd Doroken‘s constraints on them are not strong.

At this time, the number of Demon troops was still quite large. They rushed to the Earth Elemental God territory, and suddenly, a blast of Aura appeared behind our heads.

The Purgatory Demon Dragon hastened to turn around and avoided the dragon’s breath, but almost threw us down.

“The distinguished Willpower of my people who dare to distort! The invaders of the different realm, bear the fate of their doom.”

That’s the roar of Great Dragon. Above the sky, already is full of gray Great Dragon wings. As the object of the covenant of Erd Doroken, Sha Dragon Clan has come.

For me, this was expected, so I laughed.

Aemila, the salon is indeed Erd Doroken‘s side. It’s up to you ….. what, don’t agree to dating, grandma, don’t take the fire at this time. Okay, okay, I all agreed! “(To be continued.)

ps: More than two thousand and eight thousand can be done. Continue to ask for tickets with confidence, and one hour double monthly tickets are over. Don’t waste it …

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