The Exorcist Chapter 8: Breaking boundaries, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Ruan Zhan ran to the Internet cafe to plan something with Wan Li.

He was worried that Sima Nan would send some “spies” to spy on him. If he contacted them online, I believe he wouldn’t be able to find out anything in a short time.

There are so many resentful spirits appearing in one place, and it’s not that long ago. Something big must have happened, and clues can be found from the town. As the saying goes, nothing can stop the fire, and nothing can hide the public’s opinions. , so he asked Wan Li to come to the old town to investigate possible injustices that had occurred, while he tried to find a way to enter the new town, and then cooperated internally and externally.

He knew that if he wanted to break through the barrier outside the new town, he would definitely pay a considerable price. He wants to use all his physical strength, spiritual power, mental power, and even magic power, but even so, if the opponent is stronger than him, he may be seriously injured, putting himself at a disadvantage again and facing a crisis again!

But even so, there are some things he must do and cannot back down! In the final analysis, Xiao Xia was implicated by him because it was him who Sima Nan wanted to destroy. From a certain point of view, if it were not for him, Xiao Xia would not have been involved in these weird events again and again. The same goes for the people in the city. Maybe they were implicated in an unjust case, but if there was no external interference, judging from the Feng Shui layout of the city and the flow of aura from all directions, it is very ‘suppressive’ and there should be no resentment. The spirit comes out to take revenge!

This is why he feels that the resentments are not as formed in recent years, but there are new resentments. It is estimated that these resentful spirits must have been suppressed by something, but recently they were released by Sima Nan to form the killing array he needed!

Sima Nan is not trying to redress his grievances, he is just using everything available!

And he must end things with Sima Nan this time!

After discussing the contact method and action plan, Ruan Zhan immediately returned to the south gate. As for accidents, they will encounter them every time they take action. They can only solve them with their tacit cooperation and cannot agree on them one by one in advance.

What he saw on the hillside was the south gate, and what he was thinking about was the south gate. However, after using the time and space distortion technique, he was moved to the north gate last time, but this time it was the west gate.

However, Ruan Zhan had already realized it, so he was not too surprised. Instead, he carefully felt the flow patterns of the barrier and its weaknesses. He stood there for a while, as if he was meditating or listening. When a breeze that was subtle enough for anyone to ignore ruffled the ends of his hair, he suddenly stretched out his hand and drew a strange talisman in the air, with its tail trailing One complex circle after another, seemingly randomly thrown in the direction of the city gate!

Suddenly, the breeze suddenly became stronger and stronger, and in a blink of an eye it became a strong wind in the air. It felt like flying sand and rocks, blowing all the vegetation near the city gate to one direction.

Ruan Zhan stood coldly in the center of the strong wind, waiting patiently for the opportunity. When the gap in the strong wind that ordinary people couldn’t feel came, he resolutely took a step forward in less than a second and squeezed into the crack in the invisible barrier!

He walked forward step by step, pushing forward with his hands. To outsiders, there was nothing around him, but he walked with great effort, as if there was a huge force trying to push him out, and he had to resist the huge external force.

I saw the strong wind getting stronger and stronger, but when it hit Ruan Zhan, it was like a huge wave hitting the coast. Although it was violent, it could not break through. It only stirred up countless splashes, and then shook back, and then the next wave hit. !

At this moment, Ruan Zhan, dressed in all black, was like a rock in the angry sea. He seemed in danger but was extremely determined. The strong wind blew his hair around and his clothes rustled, but he was still moving forward slowly, gradually Approaching the city gate.

Suddenly, he stopped moving because he felt that the center of the barrier was right in front of him, blocking him from taking a step forward. He continued to resist the pushing force with one hand, raised it with one hand, and waved out an invisibility talisman.

With a ‘pop’ sound, a string of blue sparks exploded in the empty air, like the phenomenon caused by a hard and heavy impact, but Ruan Zhan felt that his hard blow was like a handle. The sharp awl drilled a big hole in the boundary wall, and the unique open air of a place without human habitation immediately hit your face!

Behind the barrier is a new town!

This made Ruan Zhan feel a little happy, knowing that he was only one step away from breaking through the boundary, so he chanted a spell and at the same time flicked around with his free hand.

The sound of ‘Ping Ping Ping Pong’ is rising. Although I can’t see it with the naked eye, it can make people feel that there is something around them quickly, so when the sound stops, Ruan Zhan immediately moves forward a few steps, and finally finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally a few steps forward, and finally, finally, finally, finally, finally took a few steps forward and finally finally moved forward. Breaking through this huge barrier that shrouded this town like a glass cover!

But this is only the first step in his journey! The moment the barrier was broken, he had to set up a new barrier to prevent so many resentful spirits from running out to harm others without being surrounded by the barrier.

As soon as the pressure on his body was relieved, Ruan Zhan immediately devoted all his energy to setting up a new barrier, but when he was about to complete it, he felt the sound of piercing the sky all around him. He smiled bitterly in his heart and did not defend himself. He focused on the matter at hand and allowed the invisible spell to attack his body like a hidden weapon and embed it into the positions that were extremely important for exerting his magic and spiritual power.

At the same time, the barrier is set up.

Ruan Zhan stumbled forward and swallowed the blood that rushed to his throat. He knew that Sima Nan was watching, maybe he was nearby, maybe he was observing him from a distance using witchcraft like the water basin technique, but no matter what method he used, he was definitely staring at him! So even though he was in extreme pain, he refused to show weakness in front of Sima Nan!

The gloomy and self-satisfied laughter came from the air, it was Sima Nan! The sound is not nearby, which proves that he is far away, but it doesn’t matter much. Anyway, he will use the time and space distortion technique to come here at any time!

“It took you such a short time to break through my barrier. It’s amazing.” He said with a hint of appreciation in his mocking tone, “You are worthy of being the son he trained. Every time I see you, your strength is… It’s all improved a lot.”

“Who are you? Why do you know about my father?!” Ruan Zhan looked straight in the eyes and didn’t bother to find the voice.

“If you can kill me, I will tell you. Unfortunately, you have to die this time, otherwise I won’t be able to suppress you after a while!”

Ruan Zhan sneered, “Come and try it!”

Sima Nan laughed, as if he had heard something funny, “Boy, your bones are very hard. It can be said that you are too hard. I have never been able to restrain myself. But this time, you have to break through the boundaries and have to rearrange them.” You have no energy to protect yourself, so I have used a spell to seal all your abilities. Now what is the difference between you and an ordinary person? I don’t need to say it, you know it in your heart, I don’t need to do it myself, you You will also die in the hands of the evil spirit in the city!”

“Really?” Ruan Zhan waved his hand, and a blue electric light burst out in the distance.

“Wow, not all your spiritual power is sealed, but you can also use palm thunder.” Sima Nan concealed the surprise in his tone and continued to attack Ruan Zhan, “Then what do you think of this?” He said and recited a spell.

Ruan Zhan felt a stream of hot air from the sealed area of ​​his chest rushing towards his eyebrows. Before he could stop it, the hot air condensed in the middle of his hall. He only felt his eyes go dark, and the world instantly closed before his eyes!

He is invisible! Not only the yin and yang eyes, but also the normal eyes can no longer see! He understood that this was not permanent damage, it only temporarily blocked his vision, but it was enough. If he can’t see, he will die at any time in this dangerous city, and even his soul will be swallowed by the evil spirits!

“How’s it going? Do you still like it?” Sima Nan said frivolously, “I’ve suffered enough from underestimating you. The so-called “things are only three things”, so I’m extra careful this time. One of the spirit-sealing talismans I cast on you is It’s alive, and if my attack doesn’t satisfy me, I can always move it to where I want it to be. How do you feel?”

“Very good. But let’s call it one thing at the expense of another. Although I can’t see it, the Fire Hand Seal can be used again!”

“Are you a duck? If your meat is rotten, your mouth will not rot!” Ruan Zhan’s calm attitude made Sima Nan a little angry, “Then you are still going in? How about the killing array I set up? There are live chess pieces in it. Ah. Why are you so proud? You are just a **** of mine.”

Ruan Zhan said nothing and took a step forward.

His eyes were dark, but he remembered that he was facing the city gate before. There is a big word “South” written on the city gate, which is not the west gate he saw before breaking through. This proved that he had indeed arrived at the South Gate, but Sima Nan had transferred a layer of external space, making him mistakenly think that he had arrived at another place. This also proves that although Sima Nan is powerful, he is not powerful enough to distort the entire space.

After observing for a moment after breaking the boundary, due to the strong wind, the fog in the city dispersed for a while, which allowed him to see that the streets in the city were horizontal and vertical. As long as he walked straight, he would not touch objects for the time being. Of course Encounters with people and ghosts are not included in this list. Moreover, how to maintain balance and direction is a problem. It is impossible for anyone to adapt immediately when suddenly plunged into darkness.

He knew that Sima Nan had not left, so he took two steps and then stopped, “As a junior who may have connections, I have an obligation to remind you not to try to break through my barrier, although I am not as strong as you. , but I added a little Taoist magic to the barrier. As long as there is an external force that insists on breaking the barrier, you, me, and the barrier will all turn into ashes.”

“You—” Sima Nan shut up and paused, fearing to reveal the shock and anger in his tone, “Did your father teach you this again? Although he is a Taoist genius, he created this kind of The Taoism of Jade and Stone is here, but he is soft-hearted and never knows how to use it. I never thought that I would accept such a cold-hearted and hard-handed son like you to deal with me!”

“I just want to tell you – small chess pieces will ruin your overall situation!”

“Where am I waiting! Let’s see you in hell! Or you’ll be eaten until your soul is gone, and now we’ll say goodbye forever!”

“No, we’ll see you in town. I will open part of the barrier after subduing the resentful spirit. Let’s have a duel then. What’s the point of always using conspiracy!”

Sima Nan snorted coldly, but before he could speak, he saw Ruan Zhan’s shoulders shaking, as if a talisman was drawn in the void, and then a fire handprint hit the direction he was looking at!

A ‘bang’ sounded, and a hundred miles away in the provincial capital city, in a luxurious suite of a five-star hotel, Sima Nan screamed and fell on the sofa, rubbing his eyes desperately with both hands.

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