The Exorcist Chapter 7: Strange eyes, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

“That’s it, Sister Lu.” Bao Datong swallowed, “After death, being unable to let go of your obsession with your loved ones is not only harmful to yourself, but also painful to the deceased. ”

“But he didn’t leave, I could feel it. Every night, he stood in front of my window, but I just couldn’t catch him! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t catch him.” Lu Yan looked at her hands , with a face of annoyance and despair, “He seems to be in pain, but he can’t speak out. I know he must be in trouble! I want to talk to him, but I can’t speak out no matter what!”

“Sister Lu, do you think this is okay? I will perform a religious ceremony for your husband, free of charge. Your husband will definitely reach the other side safely, and you must be stronger, even for the sake of your baby. “Bao Datong sympathized with Lu Yan, but didn’t know how to comfort him.

He has been living in the mountains with his father. Although he has learned a lot of Taoist philosophy and experienced storms, his personality has always been very enthusiastic and he has never been able to take the misery and helplessness of the world in stride. Although he is usually eloquent, he can’t think of anything to say now.

“He must have something to tell me. I also have something to tell him, about our child!”

“Sister Lu, it is not appropriate for the two realms of Yin and Yang to be connected unless there are special circumstances, otherwise the world will be in chaos. You’d better – just look at it.”

Seeing Bao Datong’s refusal to help, Lu Yan’s lips trembled a few times and she looked at him with wide eyes, as if she was going to say something else, but she suddenly lowered her head, holding her face in her hands and started crying. She cried so sadly and tried so hard to suppress herself that she only let out heart-wrenching sobs and her shoulders trembled.

Wan Li has always been soft-hearted, so when he saw this, he looked at Bao Datong. His eyes and Lu Yan’s sadness were like a trap, squeezing Bao Datong’s heart sour and bitter. After a while, he finally sighed, She reached out and patted Lu Yan on the shoulder, “Sister Lu, don’t be sad, I’m just helping you.”

His words were like a spell, causing Lu Yan to immediately stop crying, raise her tearful eyes to look at Bao Datong, and said with surprise and joy, “Really? Mr. Bao, are you willing to help me?”

Bao Datong nodded, “Yes, I will help you. But what I want to say is that I cannot guarantee that I will succeed. Judging from the desolate air around you, your husband may have been dead for a long time. If he has been reincarnated, Then you can only grieve and face the future of your life with strength. If he is really lingering around as you said, I hope you won’t feel unbearable when you see him, and don’t force him to stay. Okay?”

When Lu Yan heard this, she nodded hurriedly and wiped the tears on her face vigorously, as if she was guaranteeing that she would obey the instructions.

“The dead cannot be resurrected. Meeting you and your wife will only increase your sadness. Let me ask again, are you sure you want to see him?”

“Yes, please do it, Mr. Bao.”

“No regrets?”


“Okay, now I’ll send someone to take you home first.” Bao Datong said seriously, “I guess your child is not old, and you mother and son live alone. It’s so late now, so you shouldn’t send your child home.” Leave it alone at home. Tomorrow, whenever is convenient for you, I will take my assistant to your house to have a look, and then we will make the next step. Okay?”

Lv Yan stood up, looking a little excited. It was obvious that Bao Datong’s guess was correct, which made her even more convinced and grateful to Bao Datong, “Thank you, Mr. Bao, I have to go to work tomorrow, but at six o’clock in the evening I’ll go home. If you don’t mind, please let Mr. Bao have a casual dinner at seven o’clock, okay?”

“Absolutely.” Wan Li replied before Bao Datong could speak.

He was afraid that Bao Datong would refuse the invitation to dinner. Although Bao Datong may have good intentions, Lu Yan is currently mentally fragile. If she can do something for Bao Datong, she will be in a much better mood, so going to the appointment is the best way.

“Doctor Wan has the final say.” Bao Datong also stood up, “Then please do Doctor Wan a hard trip and send Sister Lu home.”

“No, no trouble, I can go by myself.” Lu Yan was quite cautious.

Wan Li looked out the window, but there was no sign of a car, not even a bicycle. He smiled kindly and said, “You’re welcome, there are no buses anymore, so I’ll give you a ride.”

Watching Wan Li and Lu Yan walk out, Liu Tiedao, who had been eavesdropping, said, “Brother Wan is such a considerate and good man.”

“Am I not?” Bao Datong glanced at him sideways.

“Bao Bao is a magic stick.” The naughty Ni Yang imitated the tone of the female guests and called Bao Datong, “Don’t hit me, it was Brother Wan who said you are a magic stick. But having said that, Brother Bao seems to be quite good. , how do you know that she lives alone and leaves her child alone at home? Can you tell this from the aura around her?”

“What aura!” Bao Datong scolded, “As long as you are careful, you can see it from your appearance. Miss Lu’s eyes were sad and lonely, and she looked a little frightened. At first glance, it was caused by living alone. Insecurity. She said that her husband passed away and she only has one child. Look at how big her child can be when she is so young. And while she was talking to us, she looked at her watch twice, which showed that she was worried. I I also want to tell you that she is not wearing a ring on her finger. If you guessed correctly, she is probably not officially married to her husband.”

“Brother Bao is Sherlock Holmes.” Ni Yang praised him sincerely, “But Brother Bao, you look so good, can you do it?”

“Sister Xiao Xia said that Brother Bao used illusions to make people up.” Liu Tie said, “But that woman looks so pitiful that I can’t bear to refuse!”

Knowing that Liu Tie and Ni Yang did not understand Ruan Zhan and his inner story, and knowing that it was not appropriate for the two older boys to understand, Bao Datong walked down the donkey path and said, “So deception must be viewed with a dialectical scientific perspective. Sometimes well-intentioned deception is necessary. If it can bring her spiritual comfort, there is nothing wrong with deception.” Bao Datong said as he walked to the stairs, “But you two must remember to never face your own weaknesses. It’s better to solve the problem yourself.”

After saying that, he quickly walked upstairs.

He had to recite Taoist scriptures several times because he violated his father’s teachings and should not have agreed to help people communicate yin and yang. Taoism emphasizes letting nature take its course, and there is nothing more natural in this world than life and death! What he did could not make Lu Yan forget better.


The next night, Bao Datong, Xiaoxia and Wan Li came to Lu Yan’s home together.

“Which floor does she live on?” Bao Datong stumbled.

“She said she lives on the third floor.”

“She said?”

“She didn’t let me go upstairs yesterday.” Wan Li replied, his head almost hitting the protruding debris on the wall.

This is the urban-rural fringe, not too close to the city. Except for bungalows, most of them are three-story old-fashioned tube buildings. It was already midnight when he sent Lu Yan home last night, and there were no street lights here. Lu Yan carried a flashlight with her, so she didn’t let him send her to the door.

“Of course, an innocent woman with a child will not offend someone like you for no reason, even if she is walking in the dark corridor, Forget about attacking Wanli at any time.

When I walked into the building, I realized that there were very few residents in this building. On both sides of the dark and long corridor, there was only a little light coming from under the door cracks of a few households, and the rest was completely dark. Although it stopped raining tonight, the weather was very gloomy and there were no lights in the corridor, so the three of them almost groped their way upstairs. I don’t know if it was the psychological effect of being in a strange dark environment, but Xiaoxia always felt like something was breathing slightly around her.

“It’s better than falling into the hands of a bar pet like you.” Wan Li retorted.

I finally made it to the third floor in the dark, and saw that there were fewer residents here, and there were only three doors with lights on. According to Lu Yan’s previous explanation, they found the innermost house and found that this building had stairs on one side, which meant that Lu Yan’s house was the dead end of this long, dark corridor.

When the door opened, Lu Yan opened it shyly.

“Welcome, please come in.”

Xiao Xia nodded and hurried through the door before Bao Datong and Wan Liqian. She felt a little uneasy and felt a chill on her back. When she entered the bright room and the door was closed tightly behind her, she felt relieved.

This is a small inner and outer room, clean and simple in decoration. The table is already filled with sumptuous meals, but there is no bed. Obviously the back room is the bedroom.

“Sit wherever you want. Dinner will be served soon. I’ll call the child out for you to see.” Lu Yan smiled ingratiatingly, then opened the door and took the child out.

“This is my son. He is five years old. His name is Xiaotong.” She caressed the child’s head lovingly, “Little child, please call me uncle and auntie.”

The child didn’t say a word, but just stretched out his hand to pull the corner of his mother’s clothes. The moment Xiaoxia saw the child, she felt her heart was breaking.

This child is as thin and pale as his mother, but his facial features are very beautiful. On his delicate face, the thin black eyebrows, the straight bridge of the nose, the perfectly curved mouth, and the big twinkling eyes. The fearful childishness and innocence in her eyes are both so beautiful that it makes people love and care for them. It also makes people unable to tell whether the person in front of them is a boy or a girl. They just feel like a little person in a cartoon.

It’s just that this child is in a wheelchair!

At this moment, Xiaoxia felt that the Creator was very cruel. How could he destroy something so beautiful and harmless?

“This child doesn’t want to be called, I’m sorry, he is a little afraid of strangers.” Lu Yan explained apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter, it will be fine once you get familiar with it.” Xiaoxia quickly walked to the child with a smile and squatted down, “Is it a child? Auntie brought you chocolate!”

Because she knew in advance that Lu Yan had a child and that the child had no father, Xiaoxia sympathized with the mother and child very much and prepared candies in advance. But she never thought that the mother and child were even more miserable than she imagined, and that such a cute child was actually disabled.

The child looked at the candy and then at his mother. After receiving the confirmation, he timidly took the candy and smiled at Xiaoxia. In an instant, that childlike smile made Xiaoxia’s heart melt, and she decided to help the mother and son.

The meal was just finished. Although Lu Yan and her son were both shy, fortunately Bao Datong was very thick-skinned and Wan Li was very good at talking, so the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Maybe this happy atmosphere also infected the child. The child seemed very happy and even picked up some food for Xiaoxia. Wan Li, on the other hand, would take care of Lu Yan every time he took care of Xiao Xia, trying his best to avoid making this woman who lost her husband sad.

After the meal, Xiao Xia insisted on helping Lu Yan wash the dishes and asked about the child’s leg.

“It was fine before he was four years old, and he passed away so quickly!” Lu Yan concealed the tears in her eyes, “One day he suddenly died. In order to treat his leg, I sold the whole house. I have been to all the major hospitals across the country for a year, but I have not been able to find out what the disease is. The doctor said it may be neurological, or it may be psychological reasons caused by emergencies. In short, he just can’t walk now. I think maybe one day , his leg will suddenly get better just like it suddenly broke down. It’s silly, isn’t it? But I really don’t know what to do!”

“Children – don’t you go to kindergarten or preschool?”

“He can’t take care of himself, and no school is willing to accept him.” Lu Yan lowered her head.

“It will be fine, I will find a way to help you.” Xiao Xia didn’t know what to say for a moment, so she could only comfort Lu Yan and quickly put the dishes away, “I’ll go play with the children, and you can talk to them about business.”

Due to the child’s illness, Lu Yan must have been in great financial difficulty. The house was also sold, so she had to rent here. The environment here is quite bad, remote, dark, and particularly unsafe. But she was a woman with a child, and her education was not high. She only found a job as a supermarket tally clerk, and of course she had no money to live in a better place.

Particularly, this child cannot go to school and cannot walk. He can only be left in an empty home every day. He cannot enjoy the sunshine and childishness. He is locked up day by day and has problems eating and going to the toilet. This is too pitiful. !

Although she is not a psychiatrist, she can still tell that the child has a tendency to be autistic. It’s no wonder for him, he must be very timid and painful to face loneliness and neglect when he is still so young. This reminded Xiaoxia of Ruan Zhan. He must have been even sadder when he was a child. Not only was he rejected by both the adult world and the children’s world, but he also had to face hatred and malice.

It’s a pity that she didn’t meet him earlier, couldn’t give him warmth and love. So, now let her help the poor mother and son, and the child first!

“Little boy, can auntie tell you a story?” She walked over and held the little boy in her arms. The soft body and the unique sweet smell of the baby inspired all Xiaoxia’s motherly qualities. She hugged the child patiently and tenderly, and told fairy tales she knew one after another. She told them as long as Wan Li and the others talked outside.

“The little boy must be the third little pig. The house he builds must be strong and sturdy so that bad guys can’t get in.” She said softly, stroking the soft hair on the little boy’s forehead.


A voice sounded in Xiaoxia’s ears. The voice was very childish, but the tone was weird. Xiaoxia subconsciously turned her head and saw the little boy smiling at her.

That glance was like an ice pick piercing Xiaoxia’s head all the way to the soles of her feet, making her heart suddenly tighten!

The child is no longer a child!

The face is still that of a child, but the eyes have changed. I can’t tell what has changed, I just feel that the eyes are so incompatible with the cute little face of the child. They are cold, malicious, calculating, cunning, and worldly. They are the eyes of adults, and they are very scheming adults. It also carries the excitement and bloodlust of a beast after seeing its prey.


She let out a soft cry and instinctively pushed the child out of her arms, throwing him to the ground with a ‘snap’.

At the same time, there was a “squeak” and the door behind him opened.

Xiao Xia took a breath and saw Lu Yan rushing over from behind, “Little boy, why did you fall from the bed? Did you fall to where?” She hurriedly picked up her son and checked him up and down, with a look on her face. of panic.

“What’s wrong?” Wan Li and Bao Datong also poked their heads in from the door.

Xiao Xia stared at all this blankly, the shock in her heart not yet over. And under Lu Yan’s hug, Xiao Xia saw the child’s face again!

The child was still the same child, but instead of having the adult look in his eyes, he was aggrieved, panicked, and tearful, as if he didn’t understand why such a gentle aunt suddenly abandoned him, which made Xiaoxia feel guilty and self-blame!

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