The Exorcist Chapter 5: Dead person? Dead fish?, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

“Is there any problem in this town?” Xiaoxia tentatively asked Wang Wenge, and then looked around in surprise.

Her words echoed!

There should be no echo in a place like this. This will only happen in a completely enclosed and empty space!

Wang Wenge glanced at Xiaoxia, his eyes were indifferent, with a little despair of giving up everything, and after a long time he said, “There is no problem with this new town. This is the place where our whole town is moving, how can there be a problem?” ?The problem is—people!”

“Human? Who has the problem?” Xiao Xia’s heart trembled.

No wonder! She felt that this incident could not be unprovoked. There are indeed people who fall into traps in this world, but they were set up some distance away from the town, so it’s not as simple as being accidentally involved. The figure speeding away in front of the car, the car all ignited, the ghost hitting the wall, the rotating city gate, the dark shadow on the rainy night, and the current siege, everything is not without the atmosphere of conspiracy.

Wang Wenge shook his head, smiled bitterly, but did not answer.

“This matter is very important!” Xiaoxia took two steps closer, “I believe you have seen this matter clearly. If we don’t solve the hidden problem, we won’t be able to get out. Please speak out. ? See if we can solve it.”

Wang Wenge still didn’t speak, as if he couldn’t say what he wanted to say.

Xiao Xia knew that what Wang Wenge knew might be the key to unlocking the mystery of this empty city, so she hurriedly pursued her, “At least please reveal a little bit of the situation. Aren’t you worried about your own life? Even if you can see life and death. , don’t you feel unjust?”

“Unjustly accused? Haha, that’s not necessarily true. No one can wipe the mud off their own feet!” Wang Wenge sneered.

“But what about my life? It’s impossible for everyone to have done something wrong!” Xiaoxia was a little angry.

She has been in doubt and panic, and she doesn’t understand why she has encountered bad luck again! Here she is isolated and helpless, without the protection of Ruan Zhan and Wan Li, she has to rely on herself, and looking at the situation, it is obvious that the longer the time passes, the harder it will be to escape. Now she finally found some clues, but this man hesitated and asked her to escape. I wish I could use force to extract a confession!

“Your life——”

“Yes, my life! I have never been here in my life. What does all this have to do with me? What about Liu Hong and Zuo De?” Xiaoxia suppressed her injustice and asked as calmly as possible , “If you know it but refuse to tell it, and you kill innocent people, isn’t it adding mistake to mistake? So what if you are not afraid of death? You know – death is just the beginning.”

Xiaoxia unknowingly used Ruan Zhan’s words, but she didn’t expect that these words really stimulated Wang Wenge. He stared at Xiaoxia blankly, muttering these six words in his mouth, like a damaged video recorder playing a certain section over and over again.

He said this for several minutes, then slowly raised his eyes to look at Xiaoxia, “I didn’t want to, but – I don’t know what happened, but things were pushed into a corner!”

“What happened?”

Wang Wenge’s throat rolled a few times, as if it was difficult to say this, “Ten – ten years ago, at that time, this place – there was -“

He stammered, but before he got to the point, a burst of chaotic and cautious footsteps interrupted his words.

The sound came from the west side of the square, and it sounded like the footsteps of the ten people trying to escape the town in the thick fog! It’s just that they were walking eastward, but now they were walking back from the west, as if they had walked in a circle and returned to the same place.

The leader was Zuo De, who was the first to penetrate the thick fog and enter the square. The scene in front of him didn’t surprise him too much, because he had known for a long time that there would be such a result, but he was just a little disappointed. However, Liu Hong, who was following him, sat down after being stunned for a moment. On the ground, he cried loudly.

“I can’t get out! I can’t get out! I’m going to die here!”

As soon as she shouted, the people who had not come out of the thick fog rushed into the square at once, as if the fog was a white door panel, and the edge of the square was the door frame. As long as you pushed Open the door and enter another world.

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them. They didn’t expect that they would be back where they were! Moreover, as soon as Liu Hong cried, despair quickly spread among these people, and frightened cries and whispers immediately spread everywhere.

“Why are there only nine people back, and there is one more?” Xiaoxia suddenly realized that the number of people was wrong, and blurted out this sentence.

For a moment, the scene fell silent. Everyone looked at each other and found that one person was missing.

“Xiao Tan is not here!” A person shouted in horror, “He has always been the one who broke up, Lao Zhang, didn’t you notice?”

When the man named Lao Zhang heard this, his long horse-like face turned green, and his lips trembled for a long time before he could speak, “I kept holding his hand and didn’t let go until – ―Until―”

He yelled “Ah” and ran quickly towards the artificial lake in the center of the square as if he had been burned. The others didn’t know what was going on and thought there were ghosts coming to kill people, so they also ran inside and didn’t stop until they reached the lake.

“What’s the matter, Lao Zhang?” Mao Fu asked.

“I – I remember – I heard Miss Liu crying on the edge of the square, so I let go of him!” Lao Zhang said, breathing heavily.

Originally, it was only a hundred meters from the edge of the square to the lake, but the excessive tension and fear consumed his physical strength, leaving him out of breath when speaking, as did everyone else.

And his answer made everyone understand one thing. There was something hidden in the fog that was so thick that it could not be dissolved, and it attacked reporter Tan when no one was prepared. If it wasn’t Xiao Tan, it would be someone else among them!

Xiao Xia was also extremely panicked at this moment.

Although she has seen many things, she has never dealt with such a scene. She used to be at a loss and Ruan Zhan would take care of everything, but now she is the calmest one among the group. But despite this, she didn’t have much confidence that she could escape, let alone save the lives of this large group of people.

This thing happened so strangely, just like the white mist, which seemed to be a layer of glass that separated the square from the entire town. In other words, these people are like fish in a fish tank, waiting to be fished out by others, while ‘he’ is peeping in an invisible place, waiting for opportunities!

“What should I do?” Zhao Jiayuan asked, his voice trembling, and he was not asking Mao Fu, and he didn’t know who he was asking, or he was just talking to himself.

“Calm down.” Zuo De’s steady and loud voice came, “Chaos leads to change, if we-“

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another scream from Liu Hong. Xiaoxia was about to rush up and give this startled polluter of group emotions a slap in the face when she saw everyone looking in the direction of the artificial lake, with their mouths wide open and expressions of shock on their faces!

Xiao Xia thought for a moment, knowing that something had happened again. When I turned around, I saw nothing unusual about the lake or the tower. The only difference was the fountain that sprayed into the air!

Originally the water column was white, but now it changed color and turned red, as red as blood! Subconsciously, Xiaoxia slowly walked to the lake——

In the rippling blue lake, a naked man floated face down on the water. Judging from the body shape, he should be a man, or a fish-shaped person, because his legs are tightly stuck together as if they are tied by invisible things, and his feet are stretched straight, like a pair of flippers; the same is true for his two arms. In this way, it’s just that the elbows are slightly bent outward and arranged like fish fins; the thick hair on the head sways gently like water plants with the ups and downs of the water, giving people a feeling of life, but the skin appears As frighteningly white as death, as if all the blood had been squeezed out!

What’s even more frightening is that he is naked all over, and his back and legs are randomly covered with large and small black handprints, growing like spots all over his body!

Xiaoxia covered her mouth and choked the scream in her throat. She turned her head as if asking for help, and saw other people standing by the lake with her, some far away, some close, forming a semicircle, but everyone was so frightened that their faces were pale and speechless. !

What is this? Reporter Tan? He disappeared outside the square, how could he end up in the lake! And with so many people present, how did he get into the water? Also, why was he made to look like a mermaid? What do those handprints on his back mean?

“Many people have caught him!” Zuo De murmured, “The fingerprints on his back are different, there must be many ‘people’ who have caught him!”

No one answered him, but at this moment a gust of wind suddenly blew in the square.

The wind blew from the ground. It blew from the edge of the square to the lake for no reason. It swirled and swept past everyone’s feet. It felt like it touched everyone’s feet. , it was like a mark, making people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts, and they understood one thing.

This city will not let anyone go! The next person’s turn may be you!

The wind blew onto the lake, causing small waves. The body in the lake also moved with the waves, and was washed to the shore in three or two waves, shocking the people standing around. Screaming and scattering around!


There were regular knocking sounds in the lake, as if the mermaid corpse was hitting the door, trying to get out of the water. Every hit seemed to knock on the human heart, making the besieged despair spread from the bottom of the heart to the whole body. And with the sound of water, the corpse actually jumped out of the water and fell to the ground, flopping like a newly caught fish, shaking water droplets around, and jumping on the marble floor. Struggling and sliding! While tumbling, he turned around and let everyone see his face!

That’s right, Reporter Tan!

Looking at his body from the back, you can still distinguish the limbs, but from the front, you can only see the pale torso, as if the whole body was tightly wrapped in a human skin bag, still full of black marks. handprints!

But his face has not changed at all, it is still the same as before, and there are no water stains. It is just a pair of dark eyes that do not reflect any light, but everyone feels that they are looking behind them!

“Debt! Pay the debt! The debt you owe must always be repaid!” He suddenly spoke, and then continued to ‘jump’!

With screams, everyone ran away without thinking or planning. They were only influenced by the word ‘escape’, not wanting to be caught by ‘Reporter Tan’!

A loud cough-like laughter came from behind, “Run away! Run away! You will come back anyway!”

No one dared to look back, but Xiaoxia did. She saw that the column of blood did not come down, but was still gushing high into the air. Reporter Tan’s body was motionless, lying in the center of the square like a dead fish, and she didn’t know who made the laughter. of!

The next second, she couldn’t see anything because she had already stepped into the fog.

She forced herself to calm down and stop running around. Although she couldn’t tell the direction at the moment, she still took about 20 steps forward based on her feeling, staying away from the edge of the square. She would be on guard against the thing that only heard her smile but could not see her shadow when it came out to harm her, so that she would have a A relative buffer and give yourself some time to think.

This situation is the worst! Originally, they should have thought of a countermeasure before taking action, but the sudden ‘dead fish’ scared everyone, including her and Zuo De, who seemed to be calm. In just a few seconds, animal instinct caused everyone to run to places they thought were far away from danger, severing contact with each other!

In fact, she knew from the beginning that the square was not a good hiding place, because it felt more uneasy there, making people feel like they were trapped prey, and everyone might be the next target! But that’s the only place where everyone can gather, so basic countermeasures should be worked out there.

If the square is like a blind spot that can only be passively defended but cannot escape, then this unknown fog is more like a trap full of dangers; if spreading out can bring more opportunities for escape, then uniting together will Have greater resistance!

Uniting all forces will not only make people feel safer psychologically, but they can also collaborate with each other, giving them greater hope of survival. But at present, the manipulators of the mist have obviously taken advantage of the first death and successfully caused their panic, confusion and dispersion, and everyone has to rely on their own strength!

In the white mist, Xiaoxia could only see a place no more than one meter away from her. She took out her phone and looked at it. There was still no signal, and it was still twenty-three seventeen. She felt that it wasn’t the phone that had a problem, but that in this weird empty city, time and space were different from what people were used to, or that time had stopped, because dead things don’t need to calculate time!

She gritted her teeth and reminded herself to be brave. She, Ruan Zhan and Wan Li have gone through so many things, how could she be so useless! Even if she couldn’t escape in the end, she couldn’t surrender so easily!

She hesitated for a moment, then returned according to the direction she had calculated in advance. She wants to go back to the square to see it again!

One step—two steps—three steps—

She tried to walk as gently and slowly as possible, but she still heard a loud noise, as if she was walking on a drum and the sound was doubled. This made her so nervous that she sweated, but she still insisted on walking step by step until she counted more than thirty steps. She finally realized that she was still in the fog and couldn’t even see the shadow of the square.

Did you make a mistake? It is not easy to judge the direction in this fog without any coordinates! However, this may also be the will of this town, it just wants everyone to be lost!

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