The Exorcist Chapter 46: Three difficulties, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 46: Three Difficulties

Wan Li couldn’t move or speak, but he squeezed out a muffled cry from his throat and blinked his eyes hard, which meant that he firmly refused Ruan Zhan to do this. Because the poison may be unsolvable, Ruan Zhan’s doing this is tantamount to exchanging his own life for his. They are the best friends in the world, how could he be so selfish!

“It’s a pity that I am selfish.” Ruan Zhan seemed to understand Wan Li’s inner thoughts, “I am a proud person and can’t bear that the promises I made cannot be fulfilled. This seriously hurts my self-esteem. For the sake of my own heart If it’s better, I won’t care about your feelings.” As he said this, he moved Wanli’s foot and made a heavy slash at the place where the death Gu had penetrated.

Although Wanli couldn’t speak or move, he still felt it, and the pain made his forehead sweat.

“Be patient, don’t be such a squeamish person!” Ruan Zhan pretended to mock Wan Li.

This voodoo is very powerful, so it won’t work unless it is cut deeper, and he doesn’t have time to find a way to anesthetize Wan Li. But even so, there was only a little blood seeping out of the wound, and there was no heavy flow of blood like there should be under normal circumstances. This reminded Ruan Zhan of Huang Boheng’s body.

Who is really behind everything? Yang Muyou? It seemed that he was the only one who was suspected, but Ruan Zhan felt otherwise from the other party’s spell-casting methods!

If there is another person in this secret, then this person is amazing! Not only can he use voodoo to control animals and plants at will, but he can also cast death voodoo and ghost voodoo, and he also used Huang Boheng to create traps!

Generally speaking, Huang Boheng is already very powerful, but it is a pity that he is facing off against Ruan Zhan, and it is also because of his cowardice before the battle that he appears so vulnerable.

When they were attacked in the wild store, Ruan Zhan felt completely different. Although he still defused the attack, he felt that the other party was testing it, giving him a feeling of being incompetent and not trying his best.

Huang Boheng admitted that he did everything. It seemed that he was not trying to protect anyone, nor was he instigated by anyone, but he truly believed that everything was done by himself. From this point of view, he must have been used as a gun. The question is who used the gun? Why do you do that? Why did you always secretly help Huang Boheng and then betray him in the end?

This reminded him of a Japanese puppet control technique. A skilled controller would make the puppet do what he wanted to do for him and bear all the damage. He felt that the other party used this kind of technique on Huang Boheng, but the real man behind the scenes had obviously practiced this control technique more refinedly.

Assuming that his guess is correct and Huang Boheng is the puppet of the man behind the scenes, then he is not a fake puppet made of other materials, but a human corpse as raw material, and has a heart made of unknown magic. ‘!

That man not only made Huang Boheng ‘alive’, but also made him believe that he was a thinking and acting person, without even realizing that he was just a controlled puppet. What a superb skill!

He didn’t think there was a Japanese involved this time, because most Japanese techniques felt stiff, but this person’s technique was quite complicated, even gorgeous. Moreover, he is very scheming, unlike Yang Muyou, who is cautious but arrogant. This made him feel that the man behind the scenes had no shortcomings and made him unable to start.

But what is the purpose of that person hiding behind Huang Boheng? What does all this have to do with them?

He gave Huang Boheng a luxurious life. Did he live more luxuriously or did he disdain the wealth? Could it be Zhang Qun? No, it’s impossible. According to his judgment, Zhang Qun has been possessed by Yang Muyou.

This matter has gradually become clear, but this twist and turn has tangled various clues into a mess, and things have gone round and round and returned to where they started.

The only key to solving the mystery is that weirdo Awu. However, she may be an insider of the whole matter, but it is a clue that cannot be counted on, because from Huang Boheng’s words, it can be expected that she will not dare to tell the truth based on fear. Therefore, they must rely on their own strength to peel away the layers of fog about this incident before they can get the answer.

Ruan Zhan was thinking in confusion, but his men did not stop. He first made a deep cut on the palm of his hand, then mixed his own blood with Wan Li’s little blood, then took off all Wan Li’s clothes, leaving only his underwear, and dipped his fingers into the mixed mixture. The blood drew a strange spell from the soles of Wan Li’s feet to the top of his head.

After completing all the preparations, he took a deep breath, held Wan Li’s foot, and let the wounds on his feet and the wounds on his hands stick together.

“Don’t try to resist, it will put you and me in more danger!” Ruan Zhan ignored several more groans coming from Wan Li’s chest, “If we all die, no one will be with Xiao Xia anymore.”

Wan Li was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop what Ruan Zhan was going to do. When they were together, he was always unable to compete with him, because although Ruan Zhan appeared indifferent, he was more desperate than anyone else for what he believed in!

He saw Ruan Zhan sitting cross-legged, his left hand still holding his injured foot, his eyes slightly closed, his lips moving slightly, the index and middle fingers of his right hand straightened, pointing between his eyebrows, and after being still for a while, he started to do it Pulling back action.

Although there was nothing substantial, Ruan Zhan was pulling hard, and at the same time he felt something like a thread being pulled away from his body. Or, should I say, a snake lurking in his body. But the ‘snake’ kept squirming and refused to be pulled out of his body. Instead, it hid deeper in the body and was in a stalemate with Ruan Zhan.

In this situation, Wan Li suffered a lot. However, although he didn’t want Ruan Zhan to leave the chance of life to himself, he also understood that the matter could no longer be abandoned halfway, otherwise both of them would suffer!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and tried to use his mind to squeeze the snake in his body in the direction of Ruan Zhan. At the same time, he felt that Ruan Zhan also increased his strength.

At this time, if he could get out of his body, he would see a black line under his skin moving from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and due to the pulling force of both sides, the black line would cause the skin to undulate wherever it goes. Not only that, it’s extremely weird!

An unknown amount of time passed like this, and the ‘snake’ that had seeped into his flesh and blood was pulled out from his body, causing him to scream in pain.

After calling, he discovered that he could make a sound!

“I can’t talk for two days. I’m going to choke you to death with your chatter!” Ruan Zhan’s face was pale, but he looked very pleased.

He felt that all the poison in Wanli’s body had been grafted into his body. Finally, he could still save his friend’s life, and finally he could fulfill Xiaoxia’s wish. She didn’t want anything to happen to Wan Li, so he would give her a whole and healthy Wan Li.

Wan Li moved a little and found that his body was a little stiff. He knew that it was due to the temporary impact of the overbearing Gu on his body, so he slowly adjusted himself for a while before he could sit up.

Seeing that he was recovering well, Ruan Zhan felt relieved and spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Stop holding on.” Wan Li saw Ruan Zhan standing up unsteadily and quickly grabbed him, “You should rest for a while, and we will study how unwise it is for you to do this later.”

“Put on your clothes first.” Ruan Zhan reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Are we afraid that people will think that we – that one? If we are really like that, and I am taller than you, I must be Xiao Gong, and you are Xiao Shou!” Wan Li joked, but his face was solemn. He is used to this. The more difficult and dangerous the situation is, the more he wants to laugh. That made him relax, and only when he was mentally relaxed could he come up with good ideas.

“If I had known that you would talk so much once you recovered, I would have let you die.”

“I’m planning to die. Who told you to get in trouble! Are you okay?”

“The grafted Gu will of course be more powerful.” Ruan Zhan did not hide it from Wan Li, “But I have a way to temporarily suppress it for a while, which will buy us time.”

“Time? How long?”

“I don’t know.”

“That means you can die at any time!” Wan Li put on his clothes, “Not even as good as me. At least I know how much time I have.”

“Maybe it won’t hang.”

“I always strive for the best results, but prepare for the worst.” Wan Li frowned in a rare way, “I already knew that sooner or later you **** would frame me, if you do it for me this time Death will never be easy for me in this life, but it is very unwise for you to do so. I have no special abilities, so I am not a decisive force. But your death means that Xiaoxia and I cannot escape the clutches of the enemy. You want me to live, but you may end up ruining the three of us. You are usually the most calm and rational, but why are you so confused this time? This debt cannot be settled.”

“There has never been a rational person in the world. Reason is only relative to things that are not deeply concerned with oneself.” Ruan Zhan said calmly, “If you die, what if I defeat the opponent in the end? I want you to come safely. , and go back safely!”

“What you said really made me furious. We have been friends for many years, what do we think of each other?”

“You don’t understand.” Ruan Zhan said, “Now the enemy is hidden and we are exposed, and the whole thing is like a mess. If you die, my emotions will be affected, and how sad Xiaoxia will be, have you ever thought about it? Is that so? When all of us are in a mess, we will have no chance of winning.”

“I don’t see how we can win if you die?”

“I may not die. Even if I die, I believe that I am not an ordinary person when I am alive. I will be able to protect you even after I die. I will not be like ordinary people. After death, the light goes out and there is no more.” As. Therefore, my life and death have little impact on the whole matter.”

“Have you ever thought that if you die, it might be helpful to solve the problem?” Wan Li stared at Ruan Zhan suspiciously, “I don’t know what happened in the past two days when I was comatose. The enemy is so Is it strong?”

“Shut up. Am I a pustule?” Ruan Zhan raised his eyebrows arrogantly, “No matter how strong he is, I will not do such a useless thing as suicide! I’m just saying that if I die, right? You and Xiaoxia have no influence, I can protect you as well.”

“Is there no impact?” Wan Li asked back, “Wouldn’t you be sad to be Xiaoxia?”

When Ruan Zhan heard Xiao Xia’s name, he felt a trace of reluctance in his heart, but he immediately suppressed this emotion. In this matter, he doesn’t have much choice, nor does he have the qualification to be weak. All he can choose is to face death directly. This is the best allocation of resources, because even if he dies, he will be the strongest against the enemy. One ring, he still has this little bit of confidence!

“If someone has to die this time, then let her be sad once.” Ruan Zhan looked at Wan Li calmly, “Do you believe what my father said?”

“Of course I believe it.”

“He said you would be in trouble because of your curiosity, but he also said you would live a long life. You see, it all came true. You would get into trouble first, then you would find a way to save yourself, and finally you would live a long life.”

“What do you mean?” Wan Li was a little doubtful, always feeling that Ruan Zhan was leaving a last message.

“I also believe what my father said. His predictions have never been inaccurate. He said that I will have ‘three difficulties’.” Seeing Wan Li’s confused face, Ruan Zhan continued to explain, “You know, I It’s my birthday on the third day of March. ‘Three disasters’ means that there will be a catastrophe before my thirty-third birthday. He said that there is a nine-tenth chance that I will not be able to escape unless——”

“Unless what?” Wan Li asked urgently. He believed Ruan Zhan’s father extremely. If the old man said that, Ruan Zhan might really be in big trouble!

“It’s okay, now is not the time to talk about this.” Ruan Zhan stood up, “I’m going to see how Xiaoxia is doing, and then we’ll discuss what to do next?”

Wan Li opened his mouth, but what he wanted to ask did not come out. He watched Ruan Zhan go downstairs. Although he knew they were still in danger, he was completely shocked by this ‘three difficulties’.

He understood what Ruan Zhan meant. He meant: Since he won’t live long, at least one person must be by Xiaoxia’s side to prevent her from being sad for losing two important men in her life.

He and Ruan Zhan are the same age, so isn’t his thirty-third birthday next year? Ruan Zhan’s father passed away when he was in high school. He kept this secret for so many years! It turns out that there is such a big mountain weighing on his heart! It turns out that the one with the sword of death hanging above his head is Ruan Zhan! He also claims to be his best friend, how incompetent he is!

No wonder he never gets close to others, no wonder he doesn’t accept Xiaoxia, it turns out he doesn’t want to get involved emotionally with others! He doesn’t want to cause pain to the people left in this world when he can’t escape that disaster!

The reason why he said it today was to prepare him mentally! I want him to treat Xiaoxia well, and he can make the greatest sacrifice for their happiness.

“There is no need to be so great!” He murmured, although his tone was relaxed, his expression was serious.

At this moment, he understood in his heart that Ruan Zhan not only melted his heart for Xiaoxia, he also loved her! It’s just that he keeps everything in his heart and never says it out loud!

And when he thought about it, just as Ruan Zhan desperately wanted to save his life, he also had to help him, otherwise why would people in this world have friends!

Help him! We must help him!

However, the current crisis should be resolved first. After all, Ruan Zhan’s ‘three difficulties’ will happen more than a year later. There is still time, so the current problem is urgent. But he always felt that he should know who the person behind the scenes was, because he seemed to have seen the face of the person behind the scenes before he fell into coma.

I just don’t know why, but he can’t remember it. Whenever he thinks hard, he gets a splitting headache, as if there is an eggbeater stirring in his head. Is it the negative impact of the death Gu on his thinking?

He held his head and thought hard, but still found nothing!

It was already midnight, Wan Li finally survived, but Xiaoxia was in another hallucination.

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