The Exorcist Chapter 35: Hallucination, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Xiaoxia stood there, wondering whether he should go to the basin and take a look.

She felt that the other party must have bad intentions, because they originally wanted to harm people, but the excuse that they could save Wanli was too tempting. Even though I know I might be cheated, I still want to give it a try. At least I have multiple choices and opportunities!

She slowly walked back to the bed, and saw that the bamboo bed was tilted by the white hands, and the gauze curtain was half torn off, but Wan Li still had no reaction, lying there like a wooden man, Although I was mentally prepared, I still couldn’t help but feel sad.

What a warm and gentle person he is. He loves talking to people, is curious about new things, likes to try things, is eager to help others, is chivalrous, and is a popular lover in the eyes of many women. But now he is treated like a vegetable. People don’t know what’s going on here. If he could realize this, he would probably feel that life would be worse than death, and he would feel tortured, right? !

He has done so many things for her and never asked for anything in return. Now it is her turn to repay him, so she can pay any price!

With this decision, she climbed onto the bed first, struggled to help Wan Li lie down more comfortably, tidied the gauze, then held the bloodwood sword tightly, and slowly walked to the basin, a little wary in doubt. Look into the basin.

The water in the basin was still shaking slightly, and because someone was approaching, it was shaking even more violently, as if it was about to splash out. Xiaoxia subconsciously wanted to move away, but she knew that she had to watch, so she forced herself to stand there without moving.

She remembered that the water in the basin was clear. It was the sweet mountain spring brought by Ruan Zhan from a place not far from the Octagon Tower. She changed it into a basin of new water after washing her face. But at this moment, the water turned black for some reason, became as turbid as mud, and exuded a slightly fishy grass smell.


A bubble suddenly appeared in the center of the water surface. Xiao Xia was so frightened that she instinctively took a step back. She watched in surprise as the second, third, and fourth bubbles emerged one after another until the entire water surface was boiling. got up.

This lasted for about two minutes before the water surface became calm, but the water was no longer black, but turned into silvery white that could reflect light like a mirror.

Xiao Xia couldn’t help but move forward and saw a round thing slowly floating up from the bottom in the water mirror. It was just embedded in the middle of the wooden basin with a diameter of about two feet. Take a closer look. It turned out to be a woman’s face!

Perhaps due to being immersed in water, this face is pale and swollen, with the mouth and eyes closed tightly. The long black hair on the head is floating in the water like water plants, dancing softly, as if waving to the viewer.

Xiaoxia didn’t know what the people behind the scenes were doing, but she just felt that the face looked so familiar, so she took a step closer, almost standing on the edge of the basin and looking down.

It has a standard oval face, a full forehead, a pair of thin eyebrows, a small and cute turned nose, delicate and attractive red lips, and a barely visible, sesame seed at the corner of the left eye. Small and large red moles——

Xiao Xia stood there blankly, cold sweat dripping from her forehead, sliding down her neck and into her collar. She had never seen such a terrifying scene, and had never had a more terrifying experience than this, just because the water in the basin This face was so familiar, so familiar that she knew who it was without any brain reaction, so familiar that she saw it many times every day!

The face in the basin is her face!

If it weren’t for the pale and swollen face, it looked like it had been drowned; if it weren’t for the fact that it was just a severed head, and the cut under the neck was still **** and bloody, Xiaoxia even thought she was looking at a mirror submerged in the water!

So similar! They are so similar, even the red mole at the corner of the eye is exactly the same! This must be an illusion, used to attack her psychological defense, but what is the person hiding behind the scenes doing? Was it a prediction that she was about to drown, or was it just to scare her?

As if to answer her doubts, the face in the water suddenly opened its eyes without warning, staring at the astonished Xiaoxia!

“Yue Xiaoxia!” She called, and a string of bubbles appeared on the water, and her voice made a “gurgling” sound, as if there was a real human head talking in the water, not just an illusion.

Xiaoxia shrank and did not answer.

The woman in the water laughed happily, “Yue Xiaoxia, Wan Li is going to die! He is going to die!”

Xiaoxia still didn’t answer, but she felt like there was a thorn piercing into the depths of her soul.

“He will definitely die! He will die very painfully and miserably. His internal organs will be torn to pieces by an invisible hand, and the skin all over his body will be corroded by the seeping black water, but he said If you don’t come out, you will die of pain!”

“Shut up!”

“He will die, very painful – very painful – very painful -” The man in the water was like a damaged tape recorder, repeating this sentence in a weird tone, as if it would not stop, every word seemed like It was like a nail in Xiaoxia’s heart, making her feel pain from the pit of her heart to her whole body. She couldn’t bear to hear it anymore, but she had to listen.

She wanted to overturn the basin, which would be very satisfying, and she would no longer have to listen to those harsh words, but at the same time she would lose the possibility of exploring the other party’s purpose.

“What do you want?” she asked loudly during the tiny pause in her jagged voice.

“I want you to be the bride!”

The bride? !

This answer made Xiaoxia freeze on the spot. She never thought that this answer would make her so surprised and unbelievable, and everything she wanted to say was stuck in her throat. What does it mean? Make her the bride? Whose bride? Why?

“Want to save him?” the man in the water asked, his voice suddenly softened and full of temptation.




“Are you willing to pay any price?”

“Yes.” Xiaoxia couldn’t help but express her inner voice.

“Then be a bride!” The man in the water laughed gloomily, “Be his bride! He has been waiting for forty years!”

“Who is he?”

“As long as you put on your wedding dress before midnight tomorrow, the black cat will come to pick you up.” The man in the water answered the question and murmured, and then stretched out from the side of its ear as the water waves swayed. A pale hand comes.

For a moment, the hand felt like the pair of white hands just now, which shocked Xiaoxia.

Wasn’t the white hand transformed by the evil spirit absorbed by the broken banner? What is this? Could it be that the safety net put in place by Ruan Zhan didn’t work?

While she was hesitating, the hand stretched out from the basin touched her neck, which was wet and cold and made her shiver. She wanted to break away, but she couldn’t. She could only try her best to restrain her teeth from chattering and said, “The poison in Wanli is a death poison. The person who got the poison will not survive until he dies. Besides, I promised your master, what if he doesn’t fulfill his promise?” Well, do you think I’m a fool?”

“It depends on your decision. He is a devil. Therefore, he only talks about conditions and does not force.”

“I don’t – believe it!”

“Don’t believe it?” The man in the water laughed again, “Unfortunately, this is the only thing you can do for your friend, and it is also the only chance. I know you are trying to find my master, but you are Can’t be found. He’s not him, he’s not him!”

“Let me go!” Xiaoxia couldn’t stand the cold and wet feeling on her neck anymore. She struggled again, but still couldn’t break free. Instead, she found that her waist had bent over, facing the basin, as if she was about to be pulled into the water.

“This is your only chance, let’s do it! For the sake of our friends, let’s do it!” it induced, and at the same time, the hand on Xiaoxia’s neck was tightened again, so that her face was almost touching the water.

“Don’t tell the man named Ruan about this! He will do bad things! Remember, remember!” It lowered its voice as if whispering, making it even more weird. And because the distance was getting closer, seeing a face exactly like his own smiling sinisterly, as if he had died, the fear kept rising from the deepest part of his heart.

The man in the water mentioned Ruan Zhan’s name, which suddenly reminded her that she still held the bloodwood sword in her hand. Seeing the water surface getting closer and closer to her, she sensed the sinister intention of the man in the water to drown her, and hurriedly swung it out. The sword was thrown, and the basin rack and basin were swept down horizontally! The water splashed onto the ground all of a sudden, and the basin rolled far away before stopping.

Xiao Xia stood there and breathed heavily for a while, feeling that breathing would be smoother this way. She unconsciously touched her neck and found that her hands were wet with water, and she understood that those hands were transformed from water.

“The wedding dress is under the altar!” A voice came from the ground.

Xiao Xia jumped in surprise and looked to the ground following the sound. I saw with my own eyes that the water spilled on the ground vaguely reflected the water face that was the same as my own. It was deforming and twisting with the flow of the water, and then slowly disappeared. The speaking voice gradually became distorted, until the protracted tail sound also stopped.

“Follow the black cat! The wedding dress is here-“

This reminded her of the night when Wan Li was poisoned. The strange black liquid in the magnetic altar also slowly flowed like this, and then got into the soles of Wan Li’s feet, and then there was a handful hanging on his head. It seemed like the knife could take his life at any time.

And she couldn’t let the knife fall no matter what. If it had to fall, she was willing to block it for him!

But what to do now? Did he follow Ruan Zhan’s plan, firmly believe that he would succeed, and just wait quietly for him to save Wan Li and wake up? Or should he follow the advice of the man behind the scenes and accept the devil’s conditions?

The man in the water warned her not to tell Ruan Zhan, which meant that she had no one to consult with and had to make her own decision. But this was too difficult for her, and she couldn’t make a choice at all. She would not hesitate to risk her life to save Wan Li, but if she were to marry someone who didn’t know what he was, the thought of it would make her skin crawl all over, making her feel so uncomfortable that she wished she could die!

He is not him!

The man in the water once said this. So who is he? Why are you interested in yourself? Assuming that he is really Huang Boheng, does he have such a good impression of himself? Big enough to harm Wan Li’s life, just because Wan Li is her ‘boyfriend’? So, if he knew that she lived in Ruan Zhan’s house and that she was thinking of Ruan Zhan, would he still kill him?

Even if she makes a sacrifice, will the other party keep his promise?

However, what the man in the water said is right: she is not qualified to make conditions, she can only win! They are in the open and the other is in the dark. If Ruan Zhan really can’t find the person behind the scenes and kill him within the limited time, Wan Li will be dead.

She can’t let him die, let alone Ruan Zhan! If there was really no other way, she should take a chance, but when she thought of Huang Boheng, this perverted thing, she was so sick that she almost vomited.

She was in a dilemma and struggled, feeling that no matter what decision she made, she would regret it. After standing there for an unknown amount of time, she finally made up her mind – wait and see, if Ruan Zhan cannot find a rescuer before midnight tomorrow Thousands of miles away, she would have to win once. As for whether the pervert keeps his promise – there is a saying that goes well: But do your best in human affairs and let everyone accept their destiny!

It’s amazing that she gave that perverted **** a common death!

Xiaoxia is a cheerful and a bit stubborn person. Now that she has made a decision, she simply doesn’t think about it anymore. So, first he limped to the bedside to check if there was anything strange about Wanli. Although he was still unconscious, fortunately, he did not become more serious. I thought that the other party’s goal may have been achieved and there should be no more tricks, so I decided to go to the altar on the second floor to see if what happened just now was a ghost playing tricks on people, or if they were hallucinating, or if they had already entered Fallen into your opponent’s trap!

She found the candlestick that had rolled to the side with the help of the lighter’s light, lit it again, and stayed silent for a while. She saw that although the flame was moving slightly, it was burning normally, and then she went to the second floor with confidence.

The second floor is very empty. One side is filled with porcelain altars, and the other side is the empty altar. Ruan Zhan had checked this place before bringing them here. With his calm and cautious personality, if there was anything strange, he would not fail to discover it.

But when Xiaoxia lifted the bamboo curtain under the altar, she found a big red cloth package inside!

She stretched out her hand, tested it, and finally pulled out the package. Then she slowly sat on the ground and opened it gently. Under the light of the candle, the wedding dress in the package was completely displayed in front of her.

The top is a set of silver jewelry. Xiaoxia doesn’t know anything about ethnic minority costumes and can’t tell what ethnic group they belong to. She just thinks that the silver jewelry is quite complicated but the workmanship is extremely exquisite. Underneath the silver jewelry is a wedding dress from an ethnic minority, which is fully embroidered with colorful silk threads. It is so gorgeous that the original color of the fabric can no longer be seen. There are many kinds of embroidered things, including flowers, birds, fish and insects, but everything is lifelike.

Xiao Xia stretched out her hand and touched it. It felt very good. The natural and innocent feeling was conveyed from her hand to her heart, making her almost unable to put it down. If it weren’t for the fact that these were given by that pervert, and he was extremely disgusted with his purpose, if these were given by Ruan Zhan, she would have wanted to try them on immediately.

Open the wedding dress and underneath are the shoes. Holding it in her hand, Xiaoxia discovered that she had seen these shoes twice before, once on the feet of the devil in caper clothes, and once on the feet of that strange woman – it turned out that these were really shoes only worn by brides!

This pair of shoes was so beautiful that Xiaoxia couldn’t help but hold it in her hands. As soon as the shoes came into her hands, she felt dizzy and put one of the shoes on her feet as if she had no control over her hands.

In fact, she hadn’t put it on yet, she just gestured to her feet, and the shoes automatically wrapped her feet as if consciously – the size was just right!

As soon as she put on these shoes, a picture immediately appeared in her mind——

A slender young woman stood by the altar with her back to her, holding a magic weapon she had never seen before, dancing a dance she had never seen before, and then knelt in front of the altar and said, “Master, I don’t want the drug ghost to be my man. He will eat a baby every other season. I can’t bear it. I thought of other ways, Anan!” She shouted, her voice delicate and crisp, especially Beautiful and gentle.

A man’s voice responded, and then a black shadow appeared in front of the altar.

“He took the initiative to take my poison. From now on, he is my ghost husband!” the woman said.

Xiaoxia tried her best to see the man’s face clearly, but he was always a shadow!

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