The Exorcist Chapter 30: Accident, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 30 Accident

With a ‘pop’ sound, a white light flashed in mid-air. Zhao Jiang took a few steps back. A cloud of white water vapor almost rushed out of his body, and a long mark was dragged out on the muddy ground opposite him, and Bao Datong’s figure also appeared. It appeared, and it was obvious that one person and one ghost had the right move. Although Bao Datong almost let Zhao Jiang’s soul leave that body, Zhao Jiang’s strength gained from the water kept him from leaving, and he continued to control me with his other hand.

“Do you still think I am Zhao Jiang, who was bullied by others before?” Zhao Jiang said with a sneer, “With my current ability, no one can stop me tonight. Just wait and collect his body!”

Bao Datong was so anxious, but he and Zhao Jiang were in a stalemate and couldn’t move at all, while Nana was futilely and desperately touching my face, trying to tear open the wound that was about to kill me. Intangible things. As time went by, my feeling of suffocation became more and more serious. I tried my best to control my reaction and not struggle or roll, for fear that this would aggravate Nana’s sadness, but I couldn’t control my physical reaction.

“Die! Taste what it was like when I was underwater.” Zhao Jiang said with gloating and sadness at the same time, “In order to save her, I suffocated to death like this. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t call for help, and couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t hold it, and the cold water poured into my lungs. It hurt! It felt like countless needles were pricking me!”

He described it in detail as if he was talking about someone else’s affairs, his tone was gentle but extremely cruel, and Nana cried loudly. She cried so sadly that it made me feel that if I died, she would die of heartache too!

“You hold on! I’ll save you!” Bao Datong was so anxious that he took a step back, trying to get rid of the confrontation with Zhao Jiang, but Zhao Jiang had been on guard against him, and his retreat was tantamount to Give the advantage to the other party. I saw Zhao Jiang blowing a breath of Yin Qi in the direction of Bao Datong, and with a strange sound, an ice line hit Bao Datong’s chest.

Bao Datong was too late to take precautions. Not only did he fail to pull away, he staggered and spat out a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that his body had been severely injured!

Seeing that even the draw was no longer possible, Zhao Jiang laughed gloomily, while despair spread uneasily in our hearts.

He led us to this forest that was beneficial to him, just to catch them all, and then leave with Nana. Perhaps, by killing us, he wouldn’t have to take Nana away, because without me and Bao Datong, Azhan wouldn’t be able to deal with him alone, and even Azhan might not be able to know what happened here. It’s not that we don’t understand this, but he has hostages in his hands and we have to come.

We are not reckless. We have designed a strategy and almost succeeded. However, I don’t know whether it is due to luck or strength. Due to a combination of circumstances, we are always one step behind!

Now, suffocation makes me writhe in pain, and I will soon use up the last breath in my body. In addition to the fear and unwillingness to die, I suddenly feel sorry for Nana. This failure not only took away my life, Nana will also be imprisoned in Zhao Jiang’s cage again!

I groaned and said my final farewell to this world, but it was just my last instinctive attempt to breathe. Unexpectedly, a large amount of fresh air suddenly poured into my chest, allowing me to step into the abyss of death. The foot is withdrawn again!

People have never paid attention to the air, but when you lose this thing to breathe, you will understand how precious the air is! I felt like a fish that had been thrown onto the shore and finally returned to the water after flopping in pain for a long time. I spread my limbs on the ground, breathing greedily and rapidly, and heard a familiar voice saying coldly, “I’m sorry, he can’t die. He still hasn’t paid back the money he owes me!”

“Azhan!” Bao Datong almost jumped up with joy.

Azhan didn’t say anything, but pointed at Zhao Jiang, “No matter who you are, get out of here, or I won’t be able to eat your good fruit!”

“He is possessed by Zhao Jiang – ahem – we can’t let him go! He has killed many classmates!” I recovered and stammered.

“Mind your own business and get out of here!” Ruan Zhan was not surprised at all and said to me impatiently, but his eyes never left Zhao Jiang and said to him indifferently, “You kill me I don’t care about others, but not these three!”

“Hmph, do you have the ability to stop me?” He was about to kill my love rival, but unexpectedly Cheng Yaojin came out halfway. Zhao Jiang was angry and hateful, “You can do it It’s just right, let’s die together!”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped into the air. I don’t know how he did this while hiding in the boy’s body. In short, he was like a black kite that was pulled up, and like a The black bat faced us condescendingly, waving its hands constantly. Instantly, a layer of white water vapor poured out from all directions, surrounding us as if we were in a glass box!

At this time, I had recovered a little, and I quickly got up. I suppressed my feeling of powerlessness and protected Nana behind me. I looked up at Zhao Jiang who had no time to speak because he was casting a spell, “Azhan, he wants to suffocate you to death. !”I said.

“Someone was almost suffocated to death!” He didn’t even look at me, he just said to Bao Datong, “Where’s that fire charm of yours?”

“Huh?” Bao Datong was probably too happy to see the reinforcements and didn’t react for a while.

“What are you doing standing there, beat this perverted bastard!” I said as I took out the bag of stones and threw them out one by one! As soon as the stones hit the water wall, small sparks were set off. Some broke through the water wall, leaving small holes in the water wall, and some fell to the ground!

When I threw stones, I didn’t just throw them randomly, but I aimed them in several directions to see where the water vapor was weakest. Of course Ah Zhan understood what I meant and didn’t stop me. He just stared at Zhao Jiang suspended in mid-air with vigilance, frowned and said, “Why is this technique so familiar?”

“This **** absorbed the magic power of Maid Duan Jin! He ran back from the land of reincarnation.” Bao Datong said, finally recovering.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and took out a few talismans from his pocket, “The fire talisman is here, where should I burn it?”

At this time, I have discovered that the white water vapor cover is getting stronger as it goes downwards, but the part closest to Zhao Jiang’s feet is the weakest, so I hit several stones in a row until I ran out of stones with spells written on them.

Seeing this, Ah Zhan stretched out his hand and pointed at the place where I kept hitting. Bao Datong did not hesitate, and stretched out his hand to draw seven or eight talismans. The talisman burned when it hit the water wall, like seven or eight red flowers in full bloom.

“I’m sorry, the fire is a little small.” He scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

“Fire and water cannot be tolerated, so what are you afraid of!” A Zhan said, reaching out and touching his lower back, then he took out something, shook it, and threw it towards me. I quickly grabbed it in my hand. When I looked down, I saw that it turned into a blood-wood sword more than a foot long.

I was overjoyed, knowing that Zhao Jiang would never be able to escape this time. When I looked up at him, I saw that he was still closing his eyes and putting pressure on us desperately, wanting to kill us. He didn’t notice him at all. The reminder has appeared. Ah Zhan thought for a moment, and then drew the talisman in the void awkwardly.

With a ‘whoosh’ sound, as A-Zhan’s hand drawing the talisman fell, a gust of wind came from the ground beneath his feet. When A-Zhan’s hands were raised again, the wind went straight towards the burning fire talisman. Blow away!

“It turns out that the fire borrowed the force of the wind!” Bao Datong sighed happily, seeing how strong the fire was, a few more talismans came out!

Zhao Jiang suddenly opened his eyes in mid-air, obviously not expecting us to break water with fire. Water and fire are in conflict with each other, it just depends on which side is stronger. Water will extinguish the fire, and fire will boil the water dry.

It turned out that Bao Datong and I could only achieve a draw with Zhao Jiang when we joined forces, but he took advantage of the power of the rain and overcame us, but he never expected that A Zhan would suddenly come back, and now he was It’s the weak side. And because of our tacit cooperation, his situation is even more dangerous!


The water wall made a sound like glass breaking, and Zhao Jiang shuddered. Although he gritted his teeth and used more force to stimulate the water vapor, he was already at the end of his strength!

“I’ll add more firewood.” I ran over, picked up the peach wood stick that fell on the ground, and threw it hard at the heart of the fire that had burned into a ball!

It was a peach wood stick, which itself had the effect of warding off evil spirits. In addition, it was thrown into the talisman fire and the spiritual wind, so it immediately burned into a raging fire, quickly breaking through the water wall and attacking Zhao Jiang.

Zhao Jiang screamed and dodged behind a tree, but it was too late. The fireball hit his chest hard, causing him to fly back several meters and hang on a thick tree branch like a hanged ghost. on, and the water wall surrounding us disappeared instantly!

I breathed a sigh of relief. Although I was laughing and yelling during the fight, I was actually very nervous. Now that the pressure was relieved, I immediately felt scared and scared, for fear of being suffocated again.

The fire was a talisman fire and would not burn innocent people, so it did not burn after hitting Zhao Jiang. It just burned the mask to ashes instantly, revealing the dull face of the boy behind the mask. This made me Knowing that the matter was not over yet, Zhao Jiang was still hiding in the boy’s body even though he was severely injured!

I turned around and looked at A Zhan, and saw him walking around behind the tree, forming an angle with where Bao Datong was standing. I immediately understood what he meant, so I walked a little further and stood. On the side of the passage intentionally left by A Zhan, one hand protected Nana and the other hand touched her lower back.

I saw Ah Zhan making a gesture towards Bao Datong, and then the two of them took action almost at the same time. One drew a talisman in the void, the other raised a talisman, and together they hit Zhao Jiang who was hanging on the tree.

With a ‘bang’ sound, Zhao Jiang didn’t even scream. The body shook violently as if being blown by a strong wind, and a white thing appeared outside the body with the shaking.

The thing was humanoid, with a clear torso, but blurry limbs. It felt like it was holding on to the body and refusing to come out. But his stubborn resistance was useless. Gradually, he was thrown out and floated in mid-air.

At this time, there was no need for A Zhan to give any more instructions. Bao Datong sacrificed all the last talismans and hit the white shadow fiercely. That white shadow is the soul of Zhao Jiang. Before this moment, he was still full of confidence and tried to kill us all, but he only lost one move, but he lost everything.

Both people and ghosts are like this. Those who do bad things cannot be justified, so they start to panic when they are at a disadvantage.

Bao Datong was chasing him closely. Zhao Jiang subconsciously ran towards Azhan, but the wind picked up by Azhan’s technique almost blew him away. He was so frightened that he immediately retreated, seeing that he could not break through Azhan. and Bao Datong’s defense line rushed towards me quickly.

“Don’t let him return to the lake!” Bao Datong shouted.

But he didn’t know that A-Zhan and I had been prepared, so as soon as the white shadow came in front of me, I immediately took out the blood-wood sword from my waist. At this time, the bloodwood sword was only about a foot long. Zhao Jiang was a little far away from me and I couldn’t reach him, so I threw it like a stone. Zhao Jiang probably thought that I had no magic power and did not notice that I was holding a bloodwood sword, so he was not careful at all and was penetrated by the bloodwood sword in the chest.

The results can be imagined.

At this time, the rain suddenly stopped, as if it stopped specifically for us. The four of us were speechless for a moment, looking at each other in confusion. We were still fighting with great energy, but now that it ended so suddenly, we felt a little disappointed.


Because of Zhao Jiang’s disappearance, the barrier he set also disappeared. Ah Zhan had already destroyed this barrier when he came in, and now he has disappeared without a trace, allowing us all to see the original appearance of the woods after the rain. Only then did I realize that we were on the edge of a small forest, and the small lake could be seen from the sparse trees.

“Let’s go!” A-Zhan said calmly, walking around behind a big tree to pick up his luggage. Only then did I realize that he had arrived directly from the station and had not even had time to return to the dormitory.

“What should I do with the one above?” Bao Datong pointed to the boy who was still hanging on the branch of the tree.

Azhan didn’t say anything. He raised his hand and the wind twisted the branch as thick as his forearm horizontally, and the boy fell down like a rag. Because he made his move without saying anything, Bao Datong was unprepared and was startled. He only had time to push the boy sideways to release the force of his landing, otherwise he would have been stunned by the fall.

“There is no need to be so cruel.” Bao Datong muttered, “But I still want to burn this forest. It is too damaging to the feng shui. If it is not destroyed, trouble will happen in the future.”

“It’s up to you.” Azhan responded, picked up his luggage and left without paying any attention to us.

“The young master is so handsome, so don’t run away!” Bao Datong stopped me, “This boy is so big, he is soaked all over, and he is unconscious. He weighs so much that I can’t move it alone!”

I saw that what he said was true, so I let go of Nana who had been shaking, comforted her, and asked her to follow us. Bao Datong and I lifted the boy and walked out of the woods.

After finally walking outside the woods and seeing A Zhan waiting for us, Bao Datong ran back and lit the trees with the unburned talisman fire. It was a rainy day, and the trees were damp, so they couldn’t be burned, but it was a talisman fire, so the woods burned quickly.

“Let’s leave quickly, otherwise we’ll be involved!” I said.

A Zhan and Bao Datong hadn’t spoken yet, but Nana behind them slowly said, “You can’t leave!”

Her voice was so strange, it seemed to come from deep underground, and it was accompanied by two sounds of ‘bang bang’. I was startled and turned around to see Nana holding the broken thick branch with both hands and swinging it toward my head.

Before I had time to shout, I felt a pain on the side of my head and fell to the ground.

On the ground, Azhan and Bao Datong had their eyes closed tightly, their faces covered with blood, and they fainted a moment earlier than me.

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