The Exorcist Chapter 27: It’s not over yet, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 27 is not over yet

She was so skinny, just a flat piece when viewed from the side. One could be sure that there was no human body under the gorgeous clothes, just a pile of bones. But even so, it was still scary to see her standing upright like a fallen leaf blown by the wind.

I grabbed Uncle Bao because he was too close to the female ghost!

“It’s okay!” Uncle Bao patted my hand and said softly.

I also just remembered that because the female ghost gave her inner elixir to the strange baby, even if she was not seriously disabled, she at least lost her mana. Now she naturally does not pose a threat in Uncle Bao’s eyes.

She slowly turned around and floated toward us with difficulty. The long hair covered her face, making it difficult for people to see the face under the long hair. She could only feel that there was a white light shining straight through the curtain-like hair, full of hatred, despair and crazy hatred. ! This was even more shocking in the dark tomb where one could only see clearly with a flashlight.

“Give it back to me!” She whispered in a dark voice.

“Take it!” Uncle Bao unexpectedly stretched out his hand, still holding the bead with a warm white light in his palm.

The three of us young people looked at each other, wondering what Uncle Bao was going to do. Do we really want to return it to her?

“Give me back my child!” She yelled through gritted teeth, and the trembling and sharp voice echoed in the tomb!

“Don’t you want it?” Uncle Bao still said in a good temper, “This is a good thing, don’t you want it? Then I will put it away.” He said slowly and retracted his hand.

The female ghost screamed and rushed over to grab the bead, but missed. However, she immediately jumped up and stuck it to the top of the tomb like a painting, facing the coffin below, staring down at us, motionless!

Long hair hangs down from the top of the tomb, swinging back and forth like black waterweed!

Down below, we finally get a good look at her face. In other words, it couldn’t be considered a face, just the front of a skull. But the strange thing is that something in the frame of her right eye is flashing with white light. Although it is weak, it can be seen very clearly in this dark and claustrophobic place!

This white light gives people a very cold feeling. No matter who is swept by it, they will feel uncomfortable as if they have been electrocuted. However, she keeps looking at us!

“Spread out! Hold your position!” Uncle Bao shouted, and I noticed that he had unconsciously lowered his voice since he entered the tomb, as if he was afraid of waking up the undead underground.

We dispersed as instructed, occupying the four corners of the tomb with a tacit understanding, surrounding the enemy, preventing her from going to the outer tomb to hurt our companions, let alone letting her escape!

I stood in the corner to the left of the door, and A-Zhan stood in the corner to the right of the door. The Bao family and his son rushed to the inside, with Bao Datong next to the maid ghost who had been facing the wall. He wasn’t afraid, nor did he mind. He stood as carelessly as if there was nothing around him. Uncle Bao, on the other hand, approached Zhao Jiang. In order to find a good angle, he even pushed Zhao Jiang to the side and nodded as if he was apologizing.

As soon as we stood up, there was a strange sound of three-pointers laughing and seven-pointers crying above our heads——

“My son, my mother is here to avenge you. How about making them into pancakes for you to eat?” In the darkness, we shined our flashlights on the top of the tomb, but the place where she stayed was dark. It seemed as if something had absorbed part of the light, and only the outline of a human figure was revealed, and nothing else, but she could clearly hear her talking to herself. It was as if she was discussing a simple meal with her own children, and the four of us were just a meal on her son’s plate. Her gentle yet sinister tone came from all directions and made me shudder.

“Don’t be afraid, Mom will accompany you! Which one do you want to eat first? The cold one who doesn’t speak, or the biggest one?”

The biggest one? Could it be me?

Before I could figure it out, I felt a strange cold coming over me, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, as if it had suddenly turned from summer to severe cold. This made me shiver involuntarily, and the same thing happened when I looked at Bao Datong. Although Ah Zhan did not shiver uncontrollably like us, we could still hear the sound of his teeth clicking together.

“Without your Yang Eye, what can you do?” Uncle Bao’s voice came steadily in the darkness, giving me reassuring strength.

“With Yang Eyes, what can you do?” She replied bitterly, and then suddenly rushed towards me without any warning, so fast that no one in the tomb could react.

In panic, I subconsciously raised my hand to block it, and the light of the flashlight suddenly shone on her appearance from below. I saw clearly that there was the face of a strange baby attached to her head! The baby’s face, one size smaller than the skull, was green and strange.

A pair of hard and cold ghost hands pinched my neck, making me feel even colder. Waves of coldness spread from my neck to my whole body. I felt that my limbs were stiff, as if they were frozen, and at the same time, I also felt a sense of suffocation. .

But at this moment, a dark shadow flashed to my right, and I saw Ah Zhan holding the bloodwood sword like a dagger, stabbing the female ghost horizontally.

“Get away!” he shouted.

Obviously, the female ghost didn’t expect that someone would break free from the cold she created to save me. She was hit by the invisible exorcism power emitted by the Blood Wood Sword. She hurriedly let go of me and fell back, accurately jumping into her coffin. Ah Zhan didn’t say anything nonsense, and quickly went back to guard the door.

The surroundings fell into dead silence again.

I cleared my throat nervously, feeling that it was extremely inappropriate to make a sound at this time, but I had to say, “The weird baby is not dead.” I said what I saw, “They merged into two For one.”

“Wan Li, don’t panic, that was an illusion she gave you.” Uncle Bao said.

“What happened to her? When I came down in the form of a sword, she wasn’t that fierce!” Bao Datong suddenly said, “Besides, didn’t she see the Blood Wood Sword? Why did she take action so rashly?”

“If it were a human being, he would be in a daze after being hit by the loss of his son, and then take revenge crazily, idiot.” Ah Zhan agreed.

“What should I do now? Dad!” Bao Dayi surprisingly did not argue, but his voice was a little strange.

“Brake with stillness.”

“But it can’t be done! Dad, cough cough – the little maid is here – pinching my neck!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the three light beams shining on the coffin immediately focused on the corner where Bao Datong was. I saw that the ghost of the little maid who had always been looming lay on Bao Datong’s back at some point, and was squeezing his neck with both hands!

Bao Datong pulled the ghost claws around his neck with one hand, and touched the cloth bag on his body with one hand. He looked extremely painful, as if he had nowhere to put any effort, and even his tongue was about to spit out.

“Idiot, you! Get rid of her quickly!” I shouted anxiously!

“I just want to – ask my dad!” In such a difficult situation, he kept talking, “I can only – kill – her, but I have no ability – to suppress her!”

In a hurry, I almost rushed out of the corner I was guarding, but fortunately I stopped in time. I suddenly realized not to be fooled, and turned the light to the coffin in the middle of the tomb. While watching whether the female ghost crawled out, he was distracted to look at Bao Datong.

In addition to my light moving away, there was also a steady light shining on Bao Datong, coming from the direction of A Zhan. Under this light, Bao Datong was still trying hard to get rid of the restraint, but he did not use magic, but relied on his own strength.

The light on Uncle Bao’s side was shaking a little. In the dimness, I could only see Uncle Bao twisting a few times, then reaching out and flicking it, and saw a dark shadow being thrown to On the wall, it turned into a small and motionless projection, and of course there was a talisman paper attached to it.

Apparently when the little maid ghost attacked Bao Datong, Zhao Jiang also attacked Uncle Bao. But what kind of person Uncle Bao is, how can he be easily attacked, so Zhao Jiang is now sealed in the wall.

“Don’t move!” A Zhan shouted, obviously directed at Bao Datong, “I will stab her with the blood wood sword!”

“No, don’t kill her!” After getting rid of Zhao Jiang’s entanglement, Uncle Bao quickly stopped A Zhan, and then said urgently to Bao Datong, “You burn her hands with the talisman fire, and I will suppress her!”

After the vague response, two small fires suddenly broke out on Bao Datong’s neck. As soon as the little maid let go of her hand, the spell thrown by Uncle Bao was also sealed on this wall, and Bao Datong breathed out a sigh of relief.

Looking from a distance, there are two figures on two walls. Although they don’t speak and have no facial features, they look like they are eavesdropping, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

But what caused the two ghosts, who were originally very honest and frightened, to suddenly attack the father and son? Could it be that the female ghost cast a spell to let other helpers come out while we were concentrating on dealing with her?

In this case, will she also take advantage of those who fall into her trap? Those my companions, like what happened in the woods in the middle of the night? There, because the terrain is wide and there are trees, you can still take shelter. What would happen if the same thing happened in this dark and closed tomb?

“Wanli, Wanli, are you there? Why hasn’t Azhan come back yet?” As soon as I thought of this, I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling me.

It’s Nana!

As soon as I heard this, I impulsively forgot about my responsibilities, and the same happened to A Zhan. We both squeezed to the door almost at the same time to take a look.

‘Click’, a footstep sounded, and under the light of the flashlight, a figure appeared in the tomb outside.

She walked towards us slowly, calling “Wanli” and “Azhan” as she walked, which made us both stunned for a moment. We couldn’t think at all, and of course we didn’t know what to do.

‘Click’, ‘Click’, ‘Click’, ‘Click’—

Footsteps sounded one after another, and more figures emerged from the hiding place of the outer tomb, shadowy and shadowy, walking towards us!

Step by step –

The person leading the way came closer and closer until we saw her face clearly – who is it if it’s not Nana?

She smiled, but her usually most beautiful smile was indescribably weird, just because although her face was smiling, her eyes had no smile or life. Even when light shone on her eyes, there was no A hint of reflection, let alone a reaction.

What kind of smile is the scariest? It’s not sinister, not vicious, not calculating, but there is no emotion in the eyes, there is no expression on the eyebrows, dull, like a stiff smile painted on the face!

“Close the door quickly!” Uncle Bao shouted from behind, “Don’t let anyone in!”

This shout is like a wake-up call, letting us understand that if we let these companions in, not only will we become the target of their attack, but they will also become the target of the evil female ghost, and even be used as a bargaining chip to blackmail us!

We woke up as if from a dream, and quickly pushed open the wooden doors on both sides of the doorway, but the wooden doors had been open since we entered, and we don’t know if they had been closed before. They were also extremely thick and heavy, allowing us to exhaust all the milk. Despite his strength, he didn’t move at all, but he saw that the students headed by Nana were already approaching the door!

“Dad, you can deal with that ruthless character by yourself, I’ll help!” Bao Datong’s voice sounded, and he jumped over at the same time.

He stood in the middle of the door, gesticulating, jumping up and down, as if he was going crazy, and he didn’t know what he was saying. At the same time, he pushed outwards with both hands, which really made the evil companions stop. steps.

Bao Datong let out a sigh of relief, and I secretly wiped away a cold sweat, thinking that I was lucky. But just when he was about to boast about himself, a sinister female laugh came from behind, and the person in front of him who had clearly stopped moving moved again, and then started to move forward as if he had been summoned.

“Oh dad, why don’t you do your job well?” Bao Datong complained and started his ‘ritual’ again, but after just two gestures, he realized that it was too late, because the person at the front was Nana was only two steps away.

“Tough luck!” He sighed, then jumped out of the door, hugged Nana, and pushed hard. Even the other classmates were shocked by his sudden move and backed away. A few steps!

“Close the door quickly! I can still hold it in!” He shouted without looking back.

At this time, I had no time to think. Although I knew it would be more dangerous to leave him outside, I still pushed the wooden door as hard as I was told. My wrists and ribs were in great pain, and the flashlight fell to the ground.

Two crisp sounds of ‘Pap-Pap’ came, and you knew without looking that A-Zhan’s flashlight and Bloodwood Sword had also been temporarily thrown away. He was injured more than me, and it was even more strenuous for him to push such a heavy wooden door!

We pushed hard, but the strange sound of “bang bang” in the tomb outside continued!

Finally, with two muffled sounds of “boom” at hand, the wooden door began to loosen and gradually closed!


The light of the flashlight that rolled to the ground shone on the ground outside. Following the sound just now, I saw Bao Datong fall to the ground, with new wounds on his already injured face. He was seen crawling around on the ground quickly. He was obviously not seriously injured, but there were more and more feet around him, and he was surrounded more and more tightly by those classmates. Moreover, he was running away in a hurry while still pulling and pulling. He looked extremely embarrassed, which made A Zhan and I have a little worry when we were about to completely close the wooden door.

Should you leave him alone outside? He knows that those people are our companions and living beings possessed by evil spirits, so he will never harm them. However, those people have completely lost their self-awareness and are extremely evil, so they will harm him!

“Bao Datong, come in quickly!” I shouted.

“I want it too! Ah – you bastard, you actually slapped my handsome face!” he replied.

I tried hard to figure out his figure, but his feet on the ground were a mess and I couldn’t tell where he was. I could only hear his voice.

“Hurry up!” I shouted again.

“I’m going in – **** it – I’m not going. Close the door quickly! I’ve taken care of that ghost boss earlier – come and help me again!”


“Hurry up! I can’t stop you! Close the door quickly!” He urged desperately.

Azhan and I looked at each other and realized that what Bao Datong said was right. If we move faster, he will be in less danger. This waste of time will not solve any problem!

With a ‘bang’ sound, the door closed!

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